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Player ID: 163988
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Regeneration : 229
Energetic immunity : 181
Trade sense : 86
Briskness : 186
Initiative : 111
Defence : 775
Attack : 1249
Power : 348
Luck : 58
Woodcutting : 304
Herbalism : 0
Waterhandling : 1
Finesse : 20
Volition : 21
Cartography : 4
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 2190
Time Principle = 4000
Principle of Balance = 1855
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
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Battle stats
Won: 711 | Lost: 1125
Honor: 2565
MindPower: 5
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Chapter 1  (What has gone before)

Laphers hurried down the path from the crystal mine where he apprenticed to his father as a crystal miner.  His father watched him hurry home early with disapointment clearly showing on his face.  Laphers knew that the disapointment was not for the quality or quantity of work he had performed that day but because of his dream to create art.  Art was generally reserved for women who were connected to the power of creation and men who attempted art were shunned, by men certainly and also usually by women.  The burden of his desire to create was significatly heavier than the burden tucked inside his shirt.  Clutched to his belly, he held a clouded rose crystal that he hoped to create a beautiful crystal flower for his mother.  His birthing day was still two moons away but he wanted this year's birthgift to be perfect.  He hoped to ask his mother to approach their neighbor, Ari, for permission to be lifebound to her daughter,Illia.

Illia was beautiful, a talented artisan and far above his station.  He had admired her since they were children but recently, after publicly rejecting the courtship of the village's blacksmith, she privately encouraged Laphers to press his suit.  He could hardly believe that she looked fondly upon him.  Certainly, as children they played together but that was before either of them knew that they were of different stations.  Lifebonds outside one's station were certainly more common in the smaller villages than they were in the cities but the village priest still frowned on them when there were possible suitors available.  She was an artisan, creating wonderful wall hangings that were sought after down in the cities and had even received a commision from a noblewoman for a robe to would be worn at Midwinter's Eve.  It was said that she wove a single strand of her golden hair in every piece she created but she would not say to anyone if that was true or not.

His mother was silently supportive of his artistic desire.  A couple of years ago she broke with tradition and gave him a gift on his birthing day; a set of fine jeweller's tools.  Since then he had spent every spare moment practising.  He had dozens of small carvings made of sandstone, granite and recently he had allowed himself to practise on the crystal chips and dross that came from the mine.  But today was different.  He had convinced his father to allow him to leave early and to give him a small crystal in lieu of his week's wages.  He had chosen the crystal with care.  Though it was not clear and pure, he could detect no flaws within the crystal.  When struck, the crystal emitted a pure tone with no distortion, indicating that it was pure enough to store an enchantment.  If he carved the crystal properly and could save enough silver coins, he might even be able to buy an enchantment so that it would seem to bloom every morning.

For days he spent his evenings gently removing small chips from the crystal, gently forming a crystal blossom.  When the light began to fail, he would go to the local inn where, under the careful eye of the innkeeper, the young people would gather.  Laphers spent many evenings there with Illia, though always carefully scrutinized to ensure that neither's honour would be compromised.  During their time together, they spoke of many things, his work in the mines, her current progects, how many children each wanted, where they would live if her mother gave permission for them to be bound to one another.  But Laphers kept his art to himself until one night as the crystal neared completion.  He shared with her his desire to create and even brought one of his later stone carvings to give to her as a token.  He feared his confession would cause her to reject him and if she was badly offended by it, he may find himself shunned by many within the village.  To his delight, she loved the small carving and wanted to know more about his art.  When he shared with her about the birthgift he was crafting for his mother and why she grew excited.

"Mother doesn't really believe in people staying it the station they are born in.  She thinks that people should strive to be more than what everyone expects of them.  I'm sure she'll look very favourably on your request if she knows that you want to be more than a miner."

He hurried home that night with those words ringing in his head.  He worked even harder in the coming days, carefully shaping each petal and leaf until he thought it was perfect... or at least as perfect as it could be without being an affront to the goddess.  He carefully modified his sense of pride so that it was in line with the priestess' teachings.

The day of his birth arrived and he woke with the sun.  He carefully examined the rose for any missed flaws, gave it one last polish and brought it to the common room so that his mother would see it when she entered.  He pulled back the the window tapestry so that the sun would hit it and cause the facets to sparkle.  He waited anxiously for his parents to stir.  As a child he couldn't wait and would run into their room to wake them but that would not show to his parents that he was an adult and ready for betrothal.  Finally he heard striring in the other room and his anxiety increased sevenfold.  Was that a flaw on the left inside petal?  Was it balanced artisticlly?  So many thoughts ran through his mind and he almost went to the rose to remove it from the table.  But at that moment his parents came out to the common room.  His father came first and stopped as he saw the rose on the table.  A slight smile crossed his face as he took in Lapher's work.  Then he stepped aside so his wife would have an unobstructed view of her birthgift.  She entered the room and saw the rose sparkling in the sunlight.  Laphers heard her breath catch as she saw it.  Her mouth opened to say something but she remained silent.  She circled the table, looking at it from all sides.

"It's beautiful!  You did this yourself?  I have not seen anything better in the city, ever."

His father looked surprised but not angry or disappointed and he even smiled and examined the rose carefully himself with the odd nod of approval when he saw something he liked.

After breaking their fast together, his mother turned to him and said, "I can see that there is something bubbling inside you that you wish to let out and it is more than this wondrous piece of art that you have crafted.  What is it, my son?"

So with an anxious but hopeful heart, he conveyed his wish to his mother, that she would approach Ari.

With a bright smile she said she would speak to Ari on the morrow and would bring with her the crystal rose so that she could see what he could achieve.

Chapter 2  (How Laphers came to this strange land)

To be continued
Some of my creatures
Medusa Rustgold Madhorn Rudolph Nosferatu Elemental V Doppelganger BloodPact Chaos Archer Majestic Winderwild Gabriel Madhorn Walking Tree Alex

Joined MD Jul 2009
Joined Woodcutters Aug 2010
Created Missing Cards quest  Sep 2010
Assisted *Mya Celestia* for her Yule Ceremony by harvesting a Yule Log Dec 2010 (and following years)
Received Gold Veteran Stamp from Mur during one of the anniversary celebrations (2011 I think)
Loyalty Leader of Woodcutters Dec 2010 to Oct 2012
Requested creation of Ceremonial Log  Sep 2012

Exploring MD

Plan: To explore the physical and magical connections between locations within MagicDuel.

Method: The physical connections between locations that appear close together on the map, seem to be connected in some physical manner will be examined. Theories based on those connections will be put forward especially if the areas are not able to be travelled between directly. (Some OOC ideas may be brought up in regards to game mechanics.) Items that will be used in this investigation are: image within the area, name of location, co-ordinates and the verse stirred up in each area (if any).

Phase 1: Underground and it's relationship to Overground (Marind's Bell and No Man's Land)

Who/What formed the Underground?
It is my belief that portions of the underground were once an underground river or aquifer possibly fed from the Storm Coast. Reasons for this belief include: a tunnel that leads from The Storm Coast to just underneath Marind's Bell, and the dry well at Fortune's Well. It appears that Fortune's Well (1_-1x1_1)leads directly down to Underway Crosspaths(2_-1x1_1). The co-ordinates appear to show that there is a relationship between them. There is also a shaft of sunlight that shines from Fortune's Well down into Underway Crosspaths. It should be noted that Bells Nymph Archway appears to be located at the top of the stairs in Underway Crosspaths. (GameMech: It would be interesting if conversations that happened in Fortune's Well also appeared in Underway Crosspaths, perhaps as a "character" named ~~echo~~)

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(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

It should be noted that there is no sign of occasional water within the caverns at this time. This could indicate a major geological shift (perhaps something that also separated this land from the Lands of the East)that caused the passages to be drained or it could be that the water source was dammed or diverted by someone for their own purposes.

Of course this is not the only connection of the world above to the world below. There is also a grate that spills light down from the Champion's Dome Exterior into the Fateless Doors. It is possible that this grate was added to ensure fresh air in the lower chambers in this area as we can see there is development(in the form of manufactured doors) in the lower chamber here.  At a future date I hope to explore more about the Fateless Doors.

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(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

There is also a location that claims to be the foundation of the Marind Bell Gates. The co-ordinates indicate that this may be true and the Underground must travel under the walls of Marind Bell at some point so there is no reason to not believe that it is in fact the foundation wall.

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(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

The Gazebo of Chaos may be located directly beneath the Gazebo of Equilibrium. The co-ordinates seem to suggest this. It does raise a question as to whether the five pillars of each gazebo are actually the same pillars. Also, since Chaos is usually the oposite of Order or Symmetry and not Equilibrium or Balance. Does this mean that there is a Gazebo of Order (or the like) that is yet undiscovered? Since I have not gained the ability to fly I am unable to search the skies above the Gazebo of Equilibrium for another gazebo there. (After reading my research Awiiya suggested that equilibrium is a form of order which, in my opinion, is true but only so far that equilibrium is made up of order and chaos.  I maintain that there is a distinct possibility that there exists a location dedicated to the idea of perfect order)

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(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

Why is there a connection between The Underground and Marind Bell/No Man's Land?
A few theories present themselves in answer to this question. The first is that there was a reason to create an exit from Marind Bell; perhaps an escape route for people in the time of war. Another option is that it was originally a route created to allow an invasion force access within the walls of Marind Bell. This theory does not seem likely mostly due to the amount of finished stonework done on Marind Bell side. A third theory would be to allow access to the doors located at the Fateless Doors. At this location, we can see three passages, a door in good shape though locked through some unknown method, a door that seems to have been destroyed by some amount of force, and a rough hewn hole that leads to a bridge and beyond to the Gazebo of Chaos.


Do you agree or disagree? If you have any comments on my research please feel free to contact me.

Sagewoman has informed me that Bootes had researched this area prior to my own research.

Page 51 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
She moves away as far as she can so that she can see what is causing that light above the huge floating piramid. Amazed by the view, Akasha realises that the light is caused but something that could described as a "slow fire" , a fire that burnes but its flames are moving realy realy slow. "This must be the fire of Mount Kelle'tha .. i heard about it, i was hoping is something more metaphorical hmmm.." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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