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Player ID: 116626
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Regeneration : 13
Energetic immunity : 13
Trade sense : 7
Briskness : 7
Initiative : 6
Defence : 31
Attack : 53
Power : 16
Luck : 6
Principle of Syntropy = 130
Principle of Balance = 81
Transposition Principle = 96
Time Principle = 96
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 189 | Lost: 299
Honor: 4336
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance



Leucretia is not an ordinary "vampire".  She is a  DayWalker, standing at 6 ft 3 inches tall.  She is quite ravishing to behold with mesmerizing blue eyes and long black hair that falls to her knees. 

Leu is usually even tempered, but can get nasty very quickly. She will only warn you once, with a very scary snarl, baring her fangs and hissing..then...watch out!   

Her saliva has special properties that can numb skin and heal wounds...especially the wound she makes when she feeds from "willing" donors.

When in defense mode, her eyes turn red and her hands  become claw-like.  Her teeth will elongate; looking deadlier than usual.

Has the magic ability to heal through her hands. She did this once for Necromancer Mortis, much to the amazement of others.  See what happens when you assume?

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Unlike "legendary" vampires, "DayWalkers" do not stalk people to feed.  Nor do they shapeshift into mist, smoke, a bat or a hell hound. The sun does not affect them nor does water weaken or hurt them.  They do not glitter either as in a certain Twilight movie!

Some of my creatures

What Leucretia Hates

1. Not reading her papers first before making a snap judgement of her.

2. Head Contest

3. Boredom

4. People who role play ineffectively

5. People who create problems

6. Whiners

7. People who think they know everything about vampires.

8. People who rant and rave continuously about things that has nothing to do with them.


Page 252 - The Shade Ballance - Others
After the victorious campaign against the Necros, the victors decided to go to the Path of Loneliness with the tree and celebrate. In all the cheer, the tree seemed to blossom with good fortune as well. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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