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Player ID: 120239
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 4
Energetic immunity : 3
Trade sense : 2
Briskness : 8
Initiative : 1
Defence : 7
Attack : 16
Power : 1
Luck : 1
Principle of Imagination = 20
Principle of Enthropy = 22
Time Principle = 17
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 163 | Lost: 165
Honor: 3533
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Wandered through Life...

I became a prisoner once.. 
Then a servant.. 
Afterwards a fugitive.. 
And now a traveler..

And now that I am free of my bonds, all I can hear is Life!
Life... Is it real? Or just a hallucination ? 
I need to find out before it is too late..

You do NOT need to know more about me..
Not now at least..

Random Notes

Hmmm... Berserker's Way puzzle...
Not as hard as it seems in the beggining...
Try to see its simple way..
Not the berserked one...

Some of my creatures
Priest of Abyss Death Giver Grasan of the Will

Some... "EXTRA" things about me..
Player Names that I HATE:
  • Chasm - For attacking in the Dojo of Marind Bell
  • Bikevonbike - For attacking in the Dojo of Marind Bell
  • Der Zauberer - For attacking in the Dojo of Marind Bell
On the contrary...

Player Names that I LIKE:
  • Shin Velleheim - Helped me understand some issues out of nowhere ;)
  • Stormrunner - The man who adopted me in order to guide me in this world.
  • DarkPriestess - A fellow Greek traveller..
Many people seem to act strange.
You can't blame them for that, but you can't blame anyone else either.
It is only Nature that made everyone different.

If their actions tend to become strangely irritating..
Instead of strangely caring and worthy..
I banish them from my life.
Once and forever.

SO... Beware of what you are and what you may become..
Not only for what I might see you are.. But for what others might see as well...
As for me though, think well before avoiding me or pushing me away.
You might lose a lot.. Even if you can't see that option in the first place..
Open your eyes..


Your decision...

Page 395 - The Inner Sun - Ren. END
The Archivist watches the woman leave and sighs. "It would seem it has begun. It is a shame we can't get personal directions...but our paths are much too unique.." Renavoid's path has led him to his next task, and he rises now as the Master Archivist: overseer of the Archivists and Archives, as well as many other things that pertain to them. His Inner Sun is unlocked. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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