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Player ID: 88063
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 41
Energetic immunity : 61
Trade sense : 45
Briskness : 46
Initiative : 28
Defence : 106
Attack : 183
Luck : 42
Power : 41
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Royal Guard
Sun God Armour
Principle of Syntropy = 185
Time Principle = 122
Principle of Enthropy = 155
Element Principle = 153
Principle of Light = 156
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 279 | Lost: 420
Honor: 336
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
..... the awakening
I've finally awoken from deep sleep... 
Everything seems so familiar yet so vague...
I am lost...

I wonder if my Sisterhood still exists...


The following are not to be taken seriously.

1. Ye must be able to wear a dress without tripping.
2. Thy hair must touch thy waist or lower. (Does that make sense, Lucius?)
3. Ye must be able to sword fight with one hand and hold your dress up with the other.
4. Ye must be able to tell when a man is lying.
5. Ye must be able to smell a bargain a mile away.
6. Ye must conduct yourself in a courtly manner...when needed.
7. Ye must be able to fight 10 times in a row...and still smell like a rose.
8. Ye must be able to fight and not smudge thy lipstick.
9. Ye must bea hellion behind closed doors and a conduct thyself as a Lady in public.
10. Must be able to drink thy tea...without slurping. (Whenever we are together, someone slurp (loudly) so the others can follow suit. XD)


1. Sister Calyx of Isis
2. Sister Lady Isolda
3. Sister Ailith
4. Sister LunarGoddess
5. Sister Amoran
6. Sister SageWoman
7. Sister DarkPriestess
8. Sister Nelya Setesh
9. Sister Kittiness
10. Sister Kalaminira Kol
11. Sister Siala Lone Wolf
12. Sister Dark Mystic
13. Sister Falen Angel
14. Sister Aia, Priestess of Mana
15. Sister Keida
16. Sister StrongWilled Legna
17. Sister Lunar priestess
18. Sister Mainnelle D Ashke
19. Sister Arianna de Montreve
20. Sister Esmerelda
21. Sister SunPriestess
22. Sister Lady Renata
23. Sister Merewen
24. Sister LilMsPiggy
25. Sister Rubyribeena
16. Sister StrongWilled Legna
17. Sister Lunar priestess
18. Sister Mainnelle D Ashke
19. Sister Arianna de Montreve
20. Sister Esmerelda
21. Sister SunPriestess
22. Sister Lady Renata
23. Sister Merewen
24. Sister LilMsPiggy
25. Sister Rubyribeena
  You Know You've Been Role Playing Too Long When...

1. You start speaking chat language in real life.
2. You forget which alt you are playing.
3. You use archaic language in real life.
4. You give your real friends odd nicknames.
5. When you can't wait to get home and play MagicDuel.
6. When you start talking about playing a computer game on a normal schedule...

Some of my creatures
Elemental V Chaos Archer BloodPact Dark Archer II Grasan Huvourer Water Daimon II

HATE is such a strong word.

Make LOVE not War.

Page 28 - SmartAlekRJ's Lost Dragon
Wow, well trained Drakhorns can actualy do 300 or more base damage to all enemy creatures ... SmartAlekRJ keeps reading and starts to have a slightly different image of his little cute baby dragon. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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