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Lord Mel
Sejo bih
s i m e
Queen Dee
ervisboy ownyou




Player ID: 91981
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 97
Energetic immunity : 123
Trade sense : 66
Briskness : 111
Initiative : 87
Defence : 271
Attack : 380
Power : 79
Luck : 54
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Transposition Principle = 151
Element Principle = 109
Principle of Balance = 73
Principle of Imagination = 96
Time Principle = 61
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Battle stats
Won: 820 | Lost: 1052
Honor: 4914
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance

After roaming through endless realms filled with monsters and people long forgotten by all archivists and historians, I finally stumbled on a portal which led me to a land unknown. Trained by countless battles with ogres, dragons, and beasts unnamed, I was nevertheless unprepared for the strain that passage has put on me, and found myself waking up weaker than ever before. My eyes opened and the first thing I saw were wooden planks of a ruinous old shack. Where am I? my mind wondered. I looked around and saw that it was not merely a shack, but a storage of sorts, with shelves full of strange old scrolls containing who knows which secrets. I reached for one of those so I could try to get a sense of where I was, but when I saw my arm and actually saw through it, my heart stopped... Was I strained so hard that my life has left me? Am I a Ghost now? My Heart raced, but now i wasn't even sure that it was a heart beating in my chest, since it could be just my imagination fueled by old habits of living and breathing. One thing was certain, I WAS, and it was only a matter of finding out what was I. My gaze shifted to the table positioned against the Northern wall of the shack, and to the opened blank scroll laying on top of it. I touched the scroll and was surprised when letters started appearing, revealing to me where I was brought, and what I was turned into. The scroll promised to help me find my way in this strange old land, so I took a copy and boldly stepped outside thinking Let's see where this adventure will lead me...

Some of my creatures
Fire Within Crimson King Pennywise Sorrowbringer Red Devil Sparrow Grasan Huvourer Yellow Death Walking Tree Hawky UltraBeast SnakeGirl

Why waste time on stupid things like hatred :)

hmmmm, let me think...

Page 473 - The Traveler
The egg becomes darker and darker and also heavier or at least looks so because its closer to the ground than before. With a strange feeling of admiration Liberty kneels in front of the Egg. Chewett consideres the scene a bit disgusting as the slime on the egg starts to drop on the ground, but slowly a powerfull respect feeling floods his heart and makes him see the egg with different eyes. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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