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Lord Jaguar
Player ID: 213498
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Regeneration : 34
Energetic immunity : 64
Trade sense : 22
Briskness : 60
Initiative : 47
Defence : 194
Attack : 294
Power : 69
Luck : 59
Waterhandling : 0
Finesse : 0
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Transposition Principle = 3179
Principle of Balance = 3122
Time Principle = 29
Principle of Imagination = 2502
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Battle stats
Won: 431 | Lost: 1410
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Lord Jaguar

-A black jaguar, with spots visible only up close, watches with two piercing golden eyes. A faint scar runs the length of his left shoulder, on the other shoulder he bears a strange and unnatural looking white symbol that stands out against his dark fur.-

Strength, power, fortitude, loyalty, agility, stealth, speed, and intelligence...just some of the characteristics of a Jaguar. I am Lord Jaguar. I was born in a beautiful untamed wilderness as a black jaguar cub. As I grew I gained special powers and abilities separating me from the rest of my species. I have the ability to shift into human form for periods of time, though I only do so rarely. I live to protect those I care for.

Random Facts

  1. I kind of have a drinking problem....
  2. I train A LOT (Thank Nadrolski)
  3. I juggle hamsters.... (I let my hamsters go free for awhile. Hamsters, like love, will come back to you when you let them go if it is meant to be. THEY CAME BACK TO ME!! Yay!)
  4. I was betrayed by the scone god and am now out for vengence....
  5. If I call you sir/ma'am/milady/ext. it is a term of respect. It means I value you. If I walk up to you, slap/hug-tackle you and call you buddy/ext. It means you are one of the those people I care about dearly.

-Need a poem/story/other literature written? PM me a request and I'll do my best to help you out. I also do song parodies on occasion.-

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I also wear a sticker that says, "Keida was here!".
Keida is amazing (Just saying :) )


Some of my friends: (If you aren't in here don't take it personally- I probably just couldn't spell your name)

  • Keida (Owned my soul....remind me to give her a refund for damaged goods... XD)
  • Cherubim (My beloved sister IRL...so be nice or I'll find you...and yes I am an EXTREMELY protective older brother)
  • Raine Castaway (Master of the Scones)
  • Falsh Nubrigar (I'll grab the defibrillator)
  • Nukerextreme (Carries lipstick with him and still can't get smooched lol)
  • Alexandria Maplewood (ALEX! *hug-tackles her*)
  • Redmyth (My poetic inspiration and training partner)
  • Adiomino (Amazing Person)
  • Handy Pockets (Still a Queen in my eyes, for whom I hold the highest regards)
  • Guillak (I'm his other fuzzy plushy)
  • Quas (Spelling Nazi/EMT/Slapfest buddy)
  • ZenTao (A fellow music lover)
  • Jolla (ZenTao's man...he is rockin' that pink dress)
  • cudoviste majstor (imposter log! lol)
  • Gremlin (A loyal and caring friend and a very cool guy)
  • sound (stole my stuff, poked me in the eyes, and pulled my tail=friend)
  • Samon (aka. Salmon or Mr. Fishy. Great friend and drinking partner)
  • Dragual Monarth (married Katt - Obviously an awesome guy)
  • Princess Katt (My awesome and wonderfully caring friend)
  • Windy (What can I say about her that could possible express how incredible she is?)
  • *Shemhazaj* (My protector and friend)
  • Pentdragon (has completed the first part of the noob hazing process- getting drunk! Awesome nooby so far)
  • Samonus (A total noob with absolutely no experience....lol)
  • Krioni (We are family...even though you aren't as furry as me :D )
  • Euraana Fitdo (Buddy :)  )


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^ Keida and I in Loreroot ^

You Are

You are the darkness of the night, but yet you shine so bright.

You are as the dusk is to the dawn, the solace for which I long.

You are of the moonlit night, a star just on the edge of sight.

You are the wind brushing against my skin, oh how I wish to drink you in.

You are the shadow cast by light, you are everything for which I fight.

You are the owner of my very life, your words sink into my heart like the blade of a knife.

You are the reason my heart beats strong and true, and if you only really knew, the way that I so love you.

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My (approximate) human form

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Some of my creatures
Hestia Azazel Shrine to Keida(lol) Full-grown Winderwild Torquemada Armageddon Agape Farting Pimp

This Love, This Hate
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My sword, used in both forms, given to me by Raine Castaway.
And it is so. We are linked to the physical, grounded in what is real.
We hold an unstable desire to be united as one, to move as one.
 Movement is on the horizon..
 Listen with your heart, when the time comes.
Lord Jaguar: I like Randal better *chuckles*
Athena Ferox: Who the h*ll is Randal?
duxie: you talk too much, i drink too much... how we will handle this...
infernoslicer: sorry <_<
Lord Jaguar: *pours another round* Consider the problem solved XD
I have some questions.....and if you can find the answer or have an interesting perspective on the matter that you would like to disscuss, feel free to send me a pm :)
1. Why are snowflakes flat?
2. Does dark matter have a charge?
3. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
------app. 368 licks, self tested XD

Page 285 - A Freezing Firestarter
Phrog's spirit is starting to look a little dreary when the clouds give way and sunshine pours down upon his freezing soul, and gives him a little strength to move once more. Looking to see his temporary savior, he sees only the passing of a silent figure holding an umbrella. "It would seem I have enough energy to move once more..I should act quickly with this breath of life." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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