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Lord Kharl
Player ID: 87872
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Regeneration : 3
Energetic immunity : 2
Trade sense : 4
Briskness : 2
Initiative : 2
Defence : 0
Attack : 1
Power : 2
Luck : 0
Principle of Imagination = 6
Principle of Enthropy = 7
Principle of Light = 11
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Battle stats
Won: 0 | Lost: 0
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
6 Paths of Pain
I lived in a happy and wondrous clan, we are known and feared!! I do not know the real meaning of pain and suffering. But years had passed the feared clan had some war with the other clan and were betrayed by our own soldiers. I am very helpless, can\'t even help my grandma. My father and mother were away in a journey to the lands of our clans. I have seen so much suffering and pain. And yet i am helpless!! then the fall of our clan and kingdom had begun.. The cold war hasn\'t ended. It was then I realized it is time to stand again, the only light of hope seems to be with me. I struggle to become stronger carrying with me the memories of my childhood life. The only hope of our kingdom. No matter how many pain and downfall..I will not give up!! I want everyone to recognize my existence. I don\'t care if it will take long.. I will fight until the last of my strength!!! Another long way to a new hero. Defeated again by the powerful warriors walking in the plains of mortals. \"I SWEAR I WILL BE MORE POWERFUL UNTIL OUR PATHS WILL CROSS AGAIN!!\"
Some of my creatures

Like a God
There are strong men out there that act like they\'re immortal.

Page 312 - The Inner Sun - Bo., Pen.
Bootes and Penelope are quietly studying the ancient documents when without warning Penelope slams her first on the desk in frustration, "We must be missing something! This can't be all of them, can it?" Bootes stands, "I'll check the pub. You try and figure out what you can." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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