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Ludwig Skeleton
Player ID: 163149
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Regeneration : 11
Energetic immunity : 20
Trade sense : 10
Briskness : 10
Initiative : 5
Defence : 38
Attack : 51
Power : 13
Luck : 4
Volition : 5
Cartography : 7
Royal Guard
Element Principle = 68
Principle of Enthropy = 73
Principle of Imagination = 12
Principle of Light = 19
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Battle stats
Won: 273 | Lost: 359
Honor: 1717
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

I see darnkess.

I hear nothing, i fell nothing - where am I? I move my head and I realized something with my head is unfamiliar to me. Yet my whole body feels so. My body? I try raising my hands and touch my chest but my fingers touch only a rib of bone. My finger? I try looking at them but all i black around me. I try to feel with them but I have no feeling in my fingertips anymore. Hard phalanges instead of soft skin protecting warm tissue. I get scared. What happend to me? I can´t remember anything, who am I? Where is this? Why am I laying on my back, face up? Is this maybe, a coffin? Am, am I...dead? No can't be, I wouldn't move then. Think...what was my name? I can't recall! Fear grabs my soul, I am close to a panic attack! I take a deep breath...what? I can't take breath? No lungs or what? Somethings moves in here, and it is not me. Maggots creep over my chest, bugs are battling themself for my meat.No, I am not dead! Panic...now...breath...screamm...no ...now...I ...ARRRGGHH!!!WHAT? No sound from my mouth? I touch and fell only a jawbone, teeth where lips should be. I move, turn quickly and hit around myself!

Panic grabs my soul now. ARRGGGHHHHH!"

Outside this scenery, you see a grave which already passed a few years. A full and bright moon shines down and
his rays are slightly touching the overgrown earth. The tombstone letters reflect a few rays back into the dirt,
and the mandrake growing there. A mystical mist is swamping the scenery. Wait, what is this? The earth on the
grave moves? Small bricks are falling off. BAM! A bone fist is breaking trough with an insane strenght. BAM! The
other one is following, grapping the tombstone for a good grip. The whole grave is opening slightly, wooden
planks from the coffin are showing through while a plain white skull is raising slowing from the deep grave,
earth and small maggots are falling of from him. He realized the tombstone and hold still.

"I am free at last, yes, I am freeeeeeeee! But where am I? Is this my grave? I take a look and read the insign on the tombstone.

Someone harmed the stone, i can't read all letters anymore. Seems like someone really want for me to be forgotten by the world. Have I done something bad?´I can recall, damn it! I need to find out...

You see the skeleton wandering outside his grave, approaching the cemetery gate. A caretaker is realizing it, but
just noding and showing some bad looking teeth and a nasty smile. "Finally, you took some time, others where

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faster!" But the skeleton has no ears for him, it walkes just further one, while still some bricks of earth are falling of his ribs, held by some rests of rotten meat. A area of death surrounds his skelet.
This was the re-birth of Ludwig.
Some of my creatures
Elemental V Grasan Huvourer Elite Knator Master Lorerootian Archer Dark Archer III Majestic Winderwild Chaos Archer Two

I don´t know why I am dead, but still undead. Why is this so? Who burried me, and why?

Page 474 - The Traveler
The white orb starts to shrink and vibrate. A powerful vibrating noise shakes the whole of Necrovion, vibrating all the rocks. The sound makes all the people awaken from their trance. The orb lowers closer to the ground while its size becomes almost the same as the hole. Everybody in a large area around the sphere senses a powerful feeling of fear combined with a uncertain feeling of excitement and curiosity. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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