Wolf of Dracula is my name.  (Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Anyone who has ever known me probually knows by now I that I am randomly around and when I am it usely is only for a short amount of time before I disapear. I would like to beg all of you for patience. My life is very busy and takes me to alot of places. I'll be somewhere whenever I can. If I am not around don't get annoyed. I care for you all so just be patient and care for me when I am arround. I know that sounds werid but I like to be cared for and if I am cared for I could probually stay arround in one place longer.
Lupus's Life
Origionally when she first came to this land it was because she had been forced to flee from the murderous opinions of her fellow Transavanians back home when she turned into something more abismal than her mother and father. For on her 16th birthday out of the middle of nowhere she recieved her parents curses along with a strangers kiss who dissapeared immediately after. Her parents being none othe then Vald the Impalor a.k.a Dracula and his beautiful werewolve wife were shocked by this strange twist and knowing their nieghbors as well as they did sent her away for her own safety.
Smuggled out of Transavania by means of a land caravan Lupus eventually made it to the Paper Cabin and started her life all over again,Like anyone else in this land her frist few years were werid and filled with both comedy and tragidy. Untill one day she recieved a letter from her father telling her that their family homesteed had been siezed by the government due to centurys worth of unpaid taxes and that they were now homeless and coming to live with her. Upon their arrival they set up a secrect camp and had their minions make them a manson. After the work on the manson was completed they hired a local magican to bewitch the place so that no mortal or immortal with out promission from the manson master could see or enter the place. When the spell was complete the magican was killed, his blood enjoy and his body eaten by a pack of loyal wolves brought over from Transavania.
Since the arrival of her parents to the land Lupus has been kept quite busy trying to civilize them a bit. However they never seem to listen to her and instead her main activity has been cleaning up after their messes. Still life must go on. So when ever she can she escapes from their sight and tries to live. Though it is kinda hard to enjoy life when you can hear your father pageing you in your thoughts.
Her Posessions
1. -a pink backpack full of stuff
2. -a purple silk scarf she wears around her neck or at times uses for a headband.
Lupus's Quiz Results
Angel Of Darkness
You are the Angel Of Darkness. You live among the deep shadows of the night. Your soul is also hidden in the shadows. You are dark, not quiet evil, just dark. No one knows the real you, you might not even know your true self!

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