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Evil Herd
Beast Lord
MRHoly One




Player ID: 135726
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 22014
Energetic immunity : 27846
Trade sense : 18738
Briskness : 18968
Initiative : 14781
Defence : 38855360
Attack : 40129755
Power : 5250
Luck : 3942
Experimentalism : 282
Finesse : 456
Dowsing : 247
Herbalism : 283
Woodcutting : 247
Waterhandling : 248
*fusioning : 247
Filtering : 247
*excavation : 247
Gardening : 249
Volition : 1569
Cartography : 234
Mining : 294
*taming : 204
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Syntropy = 4000
Principle of Balance = 4000
Time Principle = 4000
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Learns to cut wood and collect it as a resources by using basic tools. This young apprentice might grow into a skilled woodcutter one day.
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 25000 | Lost: 25000
Honor: 2252
MindPower: 5

MR's Fraternity
(Golemus Golemicarum)
The oneness of your housing is at 10 %


(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

Title:                                                                    MR's Commander

MR Items:

·     MR Knight’s Sword 

An intricately crafted sword forged from the powerful adamant alloy. Forged in a drachorn's flames, this sword symbolizes the MR Fraternity's military power. On the hilt is crafted the symbol of the MRs with a sun and a moon on its sides. 

·     MR Knight’s Crown 

A beautiful crown made of gold and silver, decorated with amethyst. It symbolizes the MR Fraternity's wise rulership. Adorned with the symbol of MRs and the carvings of a sun on the outer layer and a moon on the inner layer. 

·     MR Knight’s Ring
A ring made of gold and silver that symbolizes the MR Fraternity's true strength. The ring represents the MR Fraternity's bond, with every MRs fighting for the same goal. Inside it is etched the symbol of the MRs with a sun and a moon. 

Land of Fraternity:                                   Golemus Golemicarum (GG)

Personal Achievements:

·        Solved berserkers puzzle MP3, MP4, MP5;

·        Gained access to Loreroot MP4, MP5;

·        Beat willows shop at MP3, MP4, MP5;

·        Explored Necrovion MP3, MP4, MP5;

·        Won Labyrinth Competition and made my personal map for going into GG by Labryinth MP3;

·        Explored Golemus Golemicarum MP3, MP4, MP5;

·        Collected entire Royal Guard, Medusa Ceremonial Armor and Sun God Armor MP4;  

·        Joined the MR’s Fraternity MP3;

·        Got 4 spell document MP3, MP4;

·        1th place in Trophy Head contest August 2009 MP4;

·        Gained 1 wishpoint from Broken Pattern Puzzle MP5;

·        Gained 3 wishpoints for active days (60 / 120 / 365) MP5;

·        Gained MR's Knight tag MP5;

·        Became a LHO MP5;

·        Gained MR's Fraternity leadership with MR's Commander tag and a spell for give MR's Flag;

·        Won Champion Fighter 2012;

·        Won Mark Of The Beast;


      ·        Access to all secret places;

      ·        Unreleased creatures (Minotaur);
      ·        Skilldamage;
      ·        Revival item;
      ·        Kill item;
      ·        Summon spells;
      ·        Indipendent items;
      ·        Illusions;
      ·        Send to GoE;
      ·        Send to Lighthouse;
      ·        Send to GoC;
      ·        Open Necro;
      ·        Teleport into East Land;

Some of my creatures
MRReindrach MRMadhorn MRDark Dracula MRElemental V MRLorerootianArcher MRSharptear MRWinderwild MRRusty MRWraith

Golden Globe Gazeebo

MR Training Grounds

Located at the Golden Globe Gazebo in MDA Gardens
GGG Staff
MRHoly One  

Please do not attack without prior knowledge of how we train. For information on how to attack ask one of our Staff members. We use ONLY non damaging rituals

Example of Defense: Single Grassan set on Weaken Defense

Example of Attack: 4 Heretic Archers set on Weaken Defense and 2 Winderwilds

We hope that everyone enjoys what we have created and please do not ruin it for other players by breaking the rules.

If you enter the Golden Globe Gazebo for any purpose, please set a single creature NON damage ritual, even if you do not wish to train

Violators WILL BE Prosectuted by GGG staff

Special thanks to these people for helping create the MR's Training Grounds

MRHoly One

Without their support and countless hours of testing this could not have been possible

MR Training Grounds

Golden Globe Gazebo

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

Basic Training Rules in Golden Globe Gazeebo interior

- all players are protected by these rules regardless of mp level or if they are idle or active;

- defence must be a single fully healed non damaging creature with at least 301VE. If you plan to go idle set 3-5 defenses total please;

example: elemental I set on weaken;

- attacking rituals must deal no damage or lifesteal to single creatures or all creatures, or heal/regen your own creatures;

example: 4 elemental I set to weaken 2 grassan lvl 1 (they target multiple creatures and can't damage single creature);


- if you enter the Golden Globe Gazebo for ANY PURPOSE, please set a single creature NON damage ritual for defense, even if you do not wish to train;

- if your defense or anyone else defense isn't set properly TYPE IT IN CHAT SO EVERYONE CAN SEE. Whether you broke it or not;

- try to keep chat and roleplaying to a minimum or if not possible at least repeat who's defense rits are broken once its off the screen.

The purpose is to gain wins for your creatures without gaining experience

Any questions comments or concerns about GGG staff

if necessary GGG staff will enforce these rules
repeated violaters will be prosectuted by GGG staff

Abilities that can be used AND how to use them properly

 Ability   Target   Ritual Status 
 Weaken Defense   Any    
 Damage   Multiple or Dying   
 Haotic Strikes 
Multiple or Dying
 Energy Burn  Multiple or Dying
 Lifesteal   Multiple or Dying   
 Heal   Any   Fully Healed 
 Regen   Any   Fully Healed 
 Martyr   Dying   Fully Healed 
 Defend   Dying   Fully Healed 

GGG staff: MRAlyon, MRWander and MRHoly One  

Special thanks to these people for helping create the MR's Training Grounds MRD, Shoeps, Akasha, MRWander, MRV, MRHoly One, MRWarrior. Without their support and countless hours of testing this could not have been possible

Page 282 - The Shade Ballance - Ren.
After much debate, Renavoid is quite sure the alliances will not be able to agree with each other. They are too set in their ways to ever truly accept such a thing. Until they have learned to work together properly, no such treaty will be able to exist between them all. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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