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Shadow Ark
MRDs Wife
Silver Renard
Unknown Entity
The Legend Killer
Shadow Hound
Jude Noir
The Holy One
Rotting Carcass




Player ID: 38385
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 250
Energetic immunity : 374
Trade sense : 226
Initiative : 162
Defence : 2304
Briskness : 228
Attack : 2885
Luck : 134
Power : 129
Volition : 16
Mining : 0
*excavation : 0
Herbalism : 0
Woodcutting : 1
Waterhandling : 0
Finesse : 0
Cartography : 7
Sun God Armour
Silver Set
Principle of Syntropy = 258
Principle of Imagination = 443
Darkness Principle = 304
Principle of Cyclicity = 87
Time Principle = 289
A true leader, bound by honor to unite all those that have the MR name, Protector of his homeland Golemus Golemicarum.
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 1179 | Lost: 1614
Honor: 669
MindPower: 5

MR's Fraternity
(Golemus Golemicarum)
The oneness of your housing is at 10 %

MRD - Master of the MR's
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(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).


(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Some of my creatures
Buddy Medusa *<=D Chuckles MR of Flight Jack Willow AzzKikker Sucka MRPAMPLE MR OF DOOM MRWander Hmmmm

Starting right now any player who gives me more then -250 honor is
DISQUALIFIED from any of my
quests and will not receive any form of reward from me unless they fix their balance and meet the honor 


My Quest for the Whole Kit-n-Kabootle

Start date - July 20th, 2010   
End date - August 3rd, 2010

It seems i have not been in MD much lately, and have not fought in many a month. I have decided to host one final quest. This quest will award the winner with all my creatures. I will not say what i have now and do not have anymore, but if i have it now it will be yours. The people who finish 2nd -5th will receive 1 WP each. All entrants will be judged by me and one other player (no i will not give their name out, and no its probably not a MR.) Since i think the fighting system is horrible, and i hate the MD script things, it will be a universal quest for all. MP level wont matter, MD knowledge wont matter. Something all humans can do.

Step 1 - Write down your overall thoughts on Magic Duel as a whole. The forum, the game, the newspaper, the ideas, and how it all flows together. 1000 words minimum, do not repeat topics or ramble on

Step 2 - Write down your overall thoughts on the type of people who you have met in Magic Duel. Do conflicting personalities make the game fun or make it a disaster. 1500 word minimum

Step 3 - What was your goal beginning Magic duel, and has it changed since beginning. If it has changed, what is it today  500 word minimum.

Step 4 - Who is your "Nemisis" in Magic duel and why? Did you start the rivalry or did they? No minimum.

Step 5 - Who is your "Best friend" in Magic duel and why? No minimum

Step 6 - If you could change ONE thing in Magic Duel, what would it be and why. 1000 word minimum.

Step 7 - Who do you think the all around strongest player in Magic Duel is. Role, fighting strength, popularity, activity. Not just the best fighter but who is best all around.  Why do you think they are strongest? No minimum

Step 8 - Put all the parts together, organized in order, and send to me in one mail in game with title name as QUEST. One complete empty line must seperate each step.

Me and the other judge will read each entry then post 5 winners on the MD forums. Those 5 entries will be there for the public to read. The winner will be contacted privately and they will decide to tell the public they won or did not win.

I will be hosting a seperate quest just for the land Kings. The winner of the land quest i will donate all my silver (347 at the time of writing this) and all my gold (13 at time of writing this) to be used as the King of that land see's fit.

Just because i am giving my creatures away does not mean i am leaving Magic Duel all-together. I will still log in, check PM's and randomly walk around talking to people. I just wont be fighting or looking at my valued creaures not being used. All contestants must understand that all entries will be very long, and it will take quite a bit of time to read them all. Expect a long delay after the quest ends before the top entries are posted. Good luck to all and remember the most important thing in a game is to have fun. It has been a honor to spend time with all of you.

Sincerely, MRD

My quest #6

Reward -
4 of my shop credits


Start date - November 11 2009
End date - November 25 2009

The Hunt


1. Come find me ONLINE (not idle) and message me to begin your task

2. Enter Golemus by way of the maze (Being teleported there will automaticvally DISQUALIFY you and i will be checking)

3. Once in Golemus find the items i request and mail me their sceme locations. You may mail either the coordinates or the name of the scene, either way.

4. You must not leave Golemus until i confirm you have successfully completed the quest. Leaving Golemus will disqualify you from this quest and possiably future quests.


1. No asking others for hints, wont help.

2. Keep a list of where you find the items for proof at the end.

3. Do not get teleported in or out of Golemus at any time once you begin the quest, i will know and will punish you

4. If you leave Golemus, at any time after beginning my quest, you WILL be disqualified. Only leave when i tell you you may leave.

cunyarro -  8 points
sage  4 points
*MasterB* 4 points
Red Tooth 4 points
I Am Bored 4 points
Gorshtak 2 points
Elthen Airis 4 points
Pipstickz 4 points
stavaroiu 4 points
dst 4 points
Anubarak 4 points
Neno Veliki 4 points


lone wolf pup



The quests below will be available to do again at a later date

Redeem your earned quest points for items in my points shop at the bottom of this page

My quest #5

Reward - 1st person to complete : 8 Quest Points
                Following to complete : 4 Quest Points

Start date - May 15
End date - May 29

Find the missing items for the MR's Knights of the Round Table. I believe MRHoly One might hold the first clue. Seek him out


1. Search the RPC clickable items to find the lost item.

2. Follow the instructions in the open RPC box


1. No asking others for hints, wont help.

2. Keep a list of where you find the items for proof at the end

MasterB - 8 points
Neno Veliki - 4 points
Gauge - 4 points
*Clock Master*- 4 points

My quest #4

Reward - 5 credits (possible Wishpoint to the first player to complete this)


Start date - May 4
End date - May 11

Quest is simple

BREAK my defense ritual. I must completely lose the ritual from my rituals page.


1. No using ANY bugs.

2. All rituals made can be used, just no bugs like ghosts.

3. Take a screenshot of all of my creatures completely dead, and a screenshot of where it states i have no surviving creatures as proof if needed.


- 4 points

My Quest #3

Reward : 3 of my shop credits

Start date - November 11 2009

End date - November 25 2009

My quest will involve a series of questions. These questions are about MRWander

Rules are simple.

1. All answers must come directly to my inbox

2. Any means are allowed to gain the answers. However askign other RPC's for quest info is not allowed. 

3. As each question is answered correctly, i will PM the next question

4. All players who answer the starting question correct will receive different questions following that. So do not both rasking previous winners the answers

First question -  When did MRWander first meet the MR's?


dst - 4 points

MRAlyon - 2 points

My Quest #2

Reward : 3 of my shop credits

Start date : November 11 2009

End date : November 25 2009

My quest will involve a series of questions. These questions are about Magic Duel and it's history

Rules are simple.

1. All answers must come directly to my inbox

2. Any means are allowed to gain the answers. However askign other RPC's for quest info is not allowed. 

3. As each question is answered correctly, i will PM the next question

4. All players who answer the starting question correct will receive different questions following that. So do not both rasking previous winners the answers

First question.

What was .Muratus del Mur.'s first character name?

Good luck you have until the finish date to complete this

- 4 points
- 2 points
Ilias - 2 points
eigger - 2 points
quendalon - 2 points
Sparrhawk - 2 points
*Awiiya* - 2 points
- 2 points
MRHoly One - 2 points

My Quest #1

Reward : 3 of my shop credits

Start date :  November 11 2009

End date : November 25  2009

My quest will involve a series of questions. These questions are about me and my men, the MR's and MS's.

Rules are simple.

1. All answers must come directly to my inbox

2. Any means are allowed to gain the answers.

3. As each question is answered, i will PM the next question

4. You get one guess at each question.

5. You must get a 80% score to pass and get the shop points

First question.

Who was the first MR in Magic Duel?

Good luck you have until the finish date to complete this


Burns - 4 points

*jazira* - 2 points

Raygon Vandark - 2 points


Quest Points Shop

10 points

1 silver coin

1 trip to Golemus and back out

My spell document

20 points

5 silver coins

5 trips to Golemus and back

1 Wishpoint

1 Tormented Soul

30 points

1 Angien Egg

1 Wishpoint, and my spell document

25 silver coins

1 gold coin

1 entry form to enter my quest with a secret award

(Quest for secret reward will only be open to those who have earned 30 points and wish to enter it)

My quests give each winner points. The points you earn by doing my quests can be redeemed here any time you have enough points and wish to have something. You may only choose ONE thing for each category. If you have 20 points and want to trade them in for something you pick one item from that category. Once you buy something your points are erased. It is important to watch for new quests often as they usually only last one week. 


 zeTsu grass



MR's Training Grounds

Located at the Golden Globe Gazebo in MDA Gardens

.MRD. -Leader
MRHoly One

Death Ray
zeTsu grass



Teachers Assistants

Please do not attack without prior knowledge of how we train. For information on how to attack ask one of our Staff members. We use ONLY non damaging rituals

Example of a Defense : Single Grassan set to Weaken Defense

Example of Attack : 4 Heretic Archers set to Weaken Defense, and 2 Winderwelds

We hope that everyone enjoys what we have created and please do not ruin it for other players by breaking the rules.

If you enter the Golden Globe Gazebo for any purpose, please set a single creature NON damage ritual, even if you do not wish to train

Violators WILL BE Prosectuted by .MRD.

Special thanks to these people for helping create the MR's Training Grounds

MRHoly One

Without their support and countless hours of testing this could not have been possible

MRD's Shop of trade's and quest points

Transportation Charges

Out of Golemus
5 silver

Into Golemus
3 silver

Into Necrovion
5 silver

Into Berseker's Charge
15 silver

Other Locations
Rates Differ

Silver to Gold Exchange

15 Silver = 1 Gold

Trade prices

Aged Tormented Soul
10 silver

Young Tormented Soul
5 silver

Aged Angien Egg
20 silver

Young Agien Egg
5 silver

Aged Joker
10 silver

Young Joker
5 Silver

Aged Unholy Priest
12 silver

Unaged Unholy Priest
5 silver

Page 472 - The Traveler
Apparently without any relation to what happened in Necrovion, Liberty and Chewett gather in a secret meeting at Angien's Shrine. Something is going on with the Egg, or maybe new plans start to be made, few know. Some with a wilder imagination already see the similarities between a floating egg that has been there since the beginning of time and a mysterious floating orb in Necrovion, but is it just foggy thoughts, or is it really something related... ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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