Well there is not much to tell. I am basically the same as you, although I spend most of my time at the Golden Gazebo Training Ground. If you need wins for that upgrade without fear of damage and want to do it in a mandated no damage area. Just PM me or any of the characters with MR at the front of their name. We will steer you in the right direction.
Golden Globe Gazebo training rules
-All players are protected by these rules regardless of mp level or if they are idle or active
-Defense must be a single fully healed creature with at least 301ve.If you plan to go idle set 3 defenses total please.
example:heretic archer set to weaken.
-Attacking rituals must deal no damage or lifesteal to single creatures or all creatures, or *heal/regen your own creatures.
example:4 heretic archers set to weaken 2 grassan lvl 1 (they target multiple creatures and cannot damage single creatures)
-If you enter the Golden Globe Gazebo for ANY PURPOSE, please set a single creature NON damage ritual for defense, even if you do not wish to train
-If your defense or anyone elses defense is not set properly TYPE IT IN CHAT SO EVERYONE CAN SEE. Whether you broke it or not.
-Try to keep chat and roleplaying to a minimum or if not possible at least repeat who's defense rits are broken once its off the screen.
The purpose is to gain wins for your creatures without gaining experience.
Any questions comments or concerns about staff members send to MRWander first or if about him to MRD
Violators WILL BE Prosectuted by .MRD.
Abilities that can be used AND how to use them properly:
Abilities. target other
weaken defense------------any-------------none
damage------------mutiple or dying---------none
lifesteal-------------mutiple or dying--------none
Any player with the prefix MR or MS is training grounds staff.
Heads of staff in order. .MRD., MRWander, MRV, MRHoly one, MRWarrior, MRalyon, MRInquisitor.
Special thanks to these people for helping create the MR's Training Grounds .MRD. .Shoeps. .Akasha. MRWander MRV MRHoly One MRWarrior Without their support and countless hours of testing this could not have been possible.
Anyone who wishes to contribute and translate rules into another language please do so. A thanks so for to Burns and Beril for translating.
Regeln fürs Training im Golden Globe Gazebo: - Möglichst wenig Chatten (vor allem keine RP-Gespräche) außer um einem Neuling die Regeln zu erklären -Als Verteidungsritual sind NUR eine einzelne, komplett geheilte Kreatur auf einer Option, die keinen Schaden verursacht [Weaken Defence, Heal] zugelassen -Angriffe erfolgen OHNE SCHADEN, also nur Weaken Defence und ähnliches -Keine Heilungs-Rituale, außer auf MP5, wenn beide Kämpfer online sind und einwilligen -Chat beachten, dort gibts aktuelle Informationen über gebrochene Verteidigungen damit ihr eure Rituale nicht so leicht verliert -Falls euch ein Unfall passiert und ihr eine Verteidigung brecht, gebt das im Chat bekannt ['just killed xxx's def', 'xxx is broken', so was in der Art]
GGG rules (Lithuanian| Lietuvu) GGG taisykles -Standartinis ginybos ritualas turetu buti 1 padaras pilnomis gyvybemis (ir kurio gyvybes taškai viršytu 301ve) kuris nedarytu jokios žalos priešininkiui -Laimima NEDARANT JOKIOS ŽALOS PRIEŠININKUI -Jokio gydimosi kovos metu nebent tu esi perejes i MP5. -Stebekite susirašinejimo langa, nes jame galite sužinoti kieno ginybos ritualas yra sunaikintas ir taip apsisaugoti savo paties padarus -Jeigu tavo ginybos ritualas bus sunaikintas, pranešk tai visiem iškarto kai tik suprasi jog taip atsitiko