baned for multiple account abuse. Multiple accounts are allowed as multiple characters, not to support one main account or cheat head contest. Because high active days count, your main account was only tagged and will be permanently banned next time you do the smallest mistake. If you stop doing stupid things your tag will be removed. If you gave the pass to anyone else and thats why you appear as multiple accounts, bad luck, next time learn to keep things private --Mur MRTrain - Online Profile

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Player ID: 132523
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 3
Energetic immunity : 0
Trade sense : -1
Briskness : 3
Initiative : 3
Defence : 1
Attack : 2
Power : 2
Luck : 0
Principle of Enthropy = 20
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 97 | Lost: 46
Honor: -411
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Some of my creatures

Page 434 - Tales of The Cube
Everybody looks shocked at the old man that prepares to walk away. "But but ... you wanted to know about all this; you started the story.." Junior looks confused. "And, I have heard all I wanted to know." The image gets blurry, and everybody looks at each other confused, trying to remember why they stood gathered there in circle. After a while, they all split up, still trying to remember what it was. Some mumble about an old man, but none can recall what happened exactly. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the could become part of it

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