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Blue Banana




Player ID: 103641
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 268
Energetic immunity : 173
Trade sense : 147
Briskness : 306
Initiative : 271
Defence : 3209
Attack : 2499
Luck : 67
Power : 312
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Time Principle = 4000
Principle of Balance = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Principle of Light = 4000
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 7152 | Lost: 7507
Honor: 3485
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
MR's Lieutenant General

 achievements at mp3:

1st place at head contest feb 2009

got appointed Lieutenant General of the MRs by MRD

access to Loreroot

entered Necrovion
 granted by Khalazdad for sharing a story

received "military ways and believes" page

entered Golemus to receive a drachorn egg

received both necrovion creatures
(by courtesy of MRD, jonn and Khalazdad)

got the complete sungod and medusa sets
(with friendly assistance of Cless for the last parts of sungod set)

defeated various mp4/mp5/mp6 in a serious duel of 100% influence
 amongst them such remarkable warriors as Metal Bunny and Shoeps

-solved quests-
khalazdad's military strategies quest
akasha's help for a friend quest
metal bunny's multiple mini-quests
tarquinus' knightly and priestly quests
rex umbrae killer's quest
smartalekrj's quest
glordamar's riddle
grido's quest
Some of my creatures
Soul Eater Ananta -War- Affection Chiron -Death- Broad Sky Courage Ambition Anguish Doomsayer -Pestilence-

MR Training: Golden Globe Gazebo

for studying the arts of warfare and governance, i found these to be some noteworthy advisors:

sun tsu
zhuge liang
niccolò machiavelli
baltasar gracián
karl von clausewitz


CHALLENGE: Old School Battle

for tacticians, veterans and purists:
 a battle with tokenless creatures, with or without voluntary setup restrictions

possible restrictions could be:

- certain creature level (only level I and II creatures, etc)
- certain praypower (0 %, 20%, etc)
- no creature-type more than once
- no maxed creatures
- a certain number of creatures
- certain creatures can't be chosen (no life stealers, etc)
- lady luck / russian roulette *
(both players chose the "random ritual" option or a creature with less than 301 VE.
 can have some really amusing results)

as alternative to tokenless creatures:
- restricted number of tokens / of creatures with tokens
- certain tokens can't be used (no claw III, etc)

* idea by MRWander

for roleplayers and story-tellers:
roleplaying an actual battle in the fashion of neil gaimans "the oldest game"
this game of wit should include some key events of the actual battle (for example: important aura-effects, when / how creatures were defeated, how the planned strategy worked out, etc)

it may be of interest to note that the person winning the battle does not have to be the person winning our "match",
for there are many ways how one can benefit from a lost fight, more than from an empty win:
a lesson, a test of new ideas, a show of pride in challenging the mightiest

the "match" is all about how you present your actions, your intentions,
 how you improvise to turn a seemingly devastating loss into a triumph
it is a duel of wit and a duel of story-telling
(and first and foremost it's for the fun of it)

this is, of course, an experiment and open to suggestions and intersting ideas.

Page 37 - Gjinja the Chronicler
At the warm candle light Gjinja starts to write the legend of the current events ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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