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Seductive Dominatrix
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god of war aioria
death king
The Celestial Reaper
Father of the Moons




Player ID: 65427
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Regeneration : 120
Energetic immunity : 120
Trade sense : 35
Briskness : 118
Initiative : 122
Defence : 351
Attack : 430
Power : 80
Luck : 55
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Element Principle = 48
Darkness Principle = 37
Principle of Syntropy = 570
Principle of Enthropy = 29
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Battle stats
Won: 288 | Lost: 933
Honor: 4955
MindPower: 5
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The Guardian of the Nine


The Guardian of the Nine

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I carry a great burden, and speak with care. I see many enemies and too few allies.


I come from a race, long forgotten and destroyed. I do not know how and why ive come to these lands, but i feel that the answer is within reach if only i knew where to look.

What i do know is that i must protect the Nine.

Chapter 1

When i apeared within these relms by The Gates of Age I had nothing on me other than my cape,  robes, and my wings which i tend to hide within my cape. Although after a quick search of the area i discovered a sword. I do not know where it came from. I did know it held some powers as it glowed under my touch and it had letters carved into its hilt (DK - GGG).

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- Days and months passed and i heard of a contest. A head hunting contest, which i am still not sure where the tradition originated from but i saw it as a great oportunity to test my sword out.

-Surprisingly i smashed through the contest and won a golden medal that looked like a dragon of some sort. I also won a passage to join an alliance "The MR's Fraternity". The the MRs i was able to explore the lands of my ancestors Golemus  Golemicarum. I found out much about the landscape and geographical history of the place.

-Three places within Golemus Golemicarum interested me greatly, these were places where i felt a bond.

  • The Pillars
  • The Alter deep within the island
  • The Wizards study

- The pillars

 I was studying this odd collection of pillars which seemed to sing to me as i helf my hand up to them. After several attempts to figure out its purpose i was able to hear more than beautifull sounds but voices. The voices told me of the purpose of the pillars, and much more. It seemed to me that i did not yet hold enough powers to wield the powers of the pillars for my own use.

- The Alter deep within the island

I saw at once this place of power as i stood by The Alter my sword i have named DK after the carvings flashed white before a red light struck out from within the Alter into the sword. I felt great powers flow into me through DK from the Alter. I am still confused of what knowledge and power i had gained from the Alter but i felt more...free.

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-The Wizards study

This is where i found a scroll  has mentioned DK, The Pillars, The Alter, and The Gates of Age. The writing on the scrolls are written in signs i am not yet familiar with. I am still working on decoding the signs, but so far i believe this scroll hides more than the naked eye can see.

Latest discoveries/progress to be edited into my scrolls:

- I found a way into Golemus Golemicarum

-I found something in the Drachorns lair i am not yet sure of. Looks like a purple scale.

-I have been succesfull in contacting the 8th and 9th of the Nine.

Some of my creatures
Kyra GISH Timmy Master Hawk I Lord Pelican Pumba Cherry Wika Timba Elemental IV

Personal Hate List

I dont have anyone i dont like... People that dont like me...heres a cheat: Press ALT+F4 and it does wonders to your account. (Also works durring head hunt when your chasing me!) Then go: 

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 Thank you for cooperating:)

Although i do have things i dont like...this i picked up on the road while i tried to dig up some information on my research...like this is annoying! 

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Stop moving you stupid thing!! I have found a solution, i can stop one at a time, but once i look away, it starts moving again! It mocks me!

You dont like me..?

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Best quote ive heard so far:

"When I'm done with you it will make the battle of Normandy look like game of fucking paintball"

"When a man stares at a rock, he either has a lot on his mind or nothing"

Page 443 - The Traveler
Smelling the air looking for traces, a Sentinel follows invisible footsteps. Whispers in the air blend with the sound of wind "IIII willl finnd youu". ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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