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Player ID: 104785
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 153
Energetic immunity : 191
Trade sense : 88
Briskness : 173
Initiative : 112
Defence : 612
Attack : 1510
Luck : 43
Power : 249
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Element Principle = 3470
Darkness Principle = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 1212
Principle of Balance = 1212
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
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Battle stats
Won: 2148 | Lost: 2424
Honor: 4768
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance

i wondered around fighting enemies when i was new to this land something about it had made me forget my past but i had no inclination to remember , this new land was very interesting it holds my curiosity it has an hair if mystery about it i can't explain and i slowly got stronger until i found guardians barring my way into a shop i defeated them when i entered the shop i stood in a small room full of weapons and armor i saw a man sitting behind a desk with a small instruments i didn't recognise out of curiosity i picked it up but i didn't understand it. however when i crossed the lore guardians i found i was to learn more before i could defeat then and after a while i met a traveler his name was.Je Suis Oeufs Fous. as he taught me how to pass threw them .we became good friends , after i got into loreroot i joined the guardians of the root i met a few people , king bull taught me most of what i know now battle wise with some exceptions i met some people i consider friends now to many to name all .now I'm planning to join the savelites another loreroot alliance i look forward to the future in this alliance

I am the one true master over the fire element. I can control the flame without harm to myself. I can also summon beings from and of fire.and I can create beings solely of fire.and I have now  learned  to manipulate the elements water, wind and, earth.

this is my favorite sword

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Some of my creatures
BloodPact Chaos Archer Majestic Winderwild Elemental V Pimped Grasan Walking Tree

Page 47 - SmartAlekRJ's Lost Dragon
After a long moment of silance, the tiny ant people all scream with their little voices 'Hail The Dragon Master!!' and like nothing happened they turn back to whatever they were doing. SmartAlekRJ looks confused by this odd moment. The tiny people continue their work and ignore him like they just forget what he said. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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