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Player ID: 135188
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Regeneration : 47
Energetic immunity : 42
Trade sense : 25
Briskness : 37
Initiative : 20
Defence : 99
Attack : 285
Luck : 17
Power : 71
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Royal Guard
Sun God Armour
Principle of Balance = 690
Principle of Cyclicity = 131
Principle of Syntropy = 774
Time Principle = 453
Principle of Light = 385
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Battle stats
Won: 588 | Lost: 661
Honor: 1270
MindPower: 5
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Macnia - Knight of the Halfmoon and Fisherman
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      Image may be subject to copyright
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      HE island dreams under the dawn
      And great boughs drop tranquillity;
      The peahens dance on a smooth lawn,
      A parrot sways upon a tree,
      Raging at his own image in the enamelled sea.
      Here we will moor our lonely ship
      And wander ever with woven hands,
      Murmuring softly lip to lip,
      Along the grass, along the sands,
      Murmuring how far away are the unquiet lands:
      How we alone of mortals are
      Hid under quiet boughs apart,
      While our love grows an Indian star,
      A meteor of the burning heart,
      One with the tide that gleams, the wings that gleam and dart,
      The heavy boughs, the burnished dove
      That moans and sighs a hundred days:
      How when we die our shades will rove,
      When eve has hushed the feathered ways,
      With vapoury footsole by the water's drowsy blaze.(W.B.Yeats)


,  tall, lean, agile and having Fun at 20..... ....and is interesting in the ladies and of course the art of War. Having worked on the land he became a strong lad. He loves the county side for its raw energy but likes to go to town sometimes for its diversity of people.

He ventured from his village at 16.   He needed adventure and to meet legends. He came across a land of fables and lore.

One day sitting by a small river trying to catch a bite and old man came to him, he looked weak and depressed, he carried a great burden but in his voice there was strength and wisdom. Another odd thing was that this man didn't look quite there as though in between worlds like a mist. The encounter was at dusk and Macnia thought it to be the bad light. The old man gave him a pocket knife, he said that he must keep it and on his 18 birthday at dawn he should go to a massive oak tree in a place called Loreroot and the pocket knife will transform and Macnia's life will change considerable. The old man also said that he would come across a woman named Sagewoman and that he will feel connected to her.

So he walked the land never really thinking about the crazy old, meeting young girls to dance with and drinking the fine wine. He was always interested in acrobatics and combat and decided to self study the arts of hand to hand and weaponry . Perhaps he can find a suitable tutor. He helped local farmers with their crops and animals to earn some cash and slept in random barns provided and of course occasionally a beautiful maidens bed.

He came across a stunning winged being called Jazira. He felt attached to her and talked to her often. He met her in a dream and discussed many a thing one night but by the morning his mind was wiped clean of the conversations they had. It felt strange seeing her again as though they had know each other longer

One day he came across a lady called Peace and somehow Macnia felt that he should stay close to her for a time. He followed her about and eventually had a word in private. She is a Sentinel of Necrovion.  He would prove to her that he was worthy of her training and perhaps be accepted into the Necrovion ranks.

Both Necrovion and Loreroot look interesting to him....has been feeling funny recently, having weird dreams of Peace a lady called Dark Mystic and his already good friend Jazira  He has beaten the Willows guards twice...good practice for him, killed one Loreroot guard at Mp3 and one at Mp4....he still needs to get the other.
Has been to the Stormy cliffs at Mp3 and now at Mp4 and feels strange, it is though something is watching him, he always rushes past up the ledges.  One day up on those cliffs he came across an ancient Weapon smith...not much there really, but a relaxing spot all the same.  He feel asleep there once and he woke up beside a vast bridge to some gigantic island over the bay. Macnia is worried that this place is only for the Gods and doesn't want to anger them so he ran from there quickly.

Two days before his 18 birthday he finally got into Loreroot, the answer was staring at him all that time!

He strolled along the lush paths and wandered up to an Inn, the smell of fresh baked scones and bread floated to him.  With a deep breath he enters the Inn.

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Prosperous days past and merry nights in the land of Loreroot. He meets many a bard and warrior, exotic creatures and brute creatures. But any shape or size he begins to respect there presence, it is there forest after all.
On the other hand his dream get stronger, more vivid, although he still can't make head or tail of them.
He starts mumbling things he has no idea of.....songs come and go, whispers of Mother Nature and past adventures....what does it all mean?....on top of that his pocket knife slightly glows under the light of a full moon. He knows he should keep it even though he feels uncomfortable with it.

His dreams kept getting stronger and one day he came across Peace on his way to archives. He felt it was time to share his dreams with her. Peace sat and listened. It turned out that she had a lot to say. Things that Macnia was shocked by. Peace told him of a King who had come to Magic Duel some time ago.

He went by the name of Sliane the High King.
She told him of a ritual that she and another called Dark Mystic took part in. It was hard for Peace to tell the tale and a tear came to her eye. She said that Slaine wished to depart and enter the spirit world and asked them to help him commit suicide. One day on the edges of the cliffs of Storm the ritual took place. She told the story as though it were yesterday. Slaine naked and on his knees had them strike his Signet Ring with his mighty axe Aongus, on the impact there was an explosion of powerful white light and that exact moment Sliane threw him self into the hungry waves below.
This led Peace telling Macnia of the foretelling that Slaine had. He said that his soul would be reincarnated into that of a young man and on this mans 18 birthday would the truth be told. Macnia did not know what to say. Was all the knowledge of fighting and the stories he told of late due the memories of Sliane.
Peace gave Macnia a ring, it was Slaine the High Kings Signet ring. She said it was now back to its rightful owner. Macnia had to think and on this.  He ran to the hills, he needed to think.

New Beginnings

Well He forgot soon enough and he felt the same...Sliane or no Sliane he would still be Macnia......looks at the ring..."too big for me anyway", he ponders

Recently joined the good Ship Crimson as Ship Bard and Fisherman. Captian Cryxus is looking to find a way to give Macnia a title.


Now a Knight of the Halfmoon, he promises to defent Loreroot and prove himself to its followers. (more later)

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Some of my creatures
Water Daimon II Animated Tree III Majestic Winderwild

Page 409 - The Inner Sun - Am., Kal.
Kalamanira looks into Amoran’s eyes and smiles sadly. “You know that is no longer true. We each sought healing. You found it in the Oak Fort of Loreroot and I took it from the Accursed Growth in Necrovion. We were connected, yes, but we have each been healed by the land to which we bound ourselves.” Amoran stands, considering her words. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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