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Madame LaBam
Player ID: 102208
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 4
Energetic immunity : 2
Trade sense : 1
Briskness : 6
Initiative : -3
Defence : 5
Attack : 10
Power : 0
Luck : 0
Principle of Balance = 4
Principle of Syntropy = 38
Principle of Light = 28
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Battle stats
Won: 126 | Lost: 68
Honor: 2762
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance

Walking this world with my thoughts on a shelf

To see anything, you have to first see yourself

The balance is all, for all to exist

Yet somehow something seems amiss

Your eyes sparkle as you dance

You look so beautiful in your trance

Still I can\'t help but wonder

What next will tear you asunder

Can\'t you clear your head of fog\'ged might release it\'s grip, no matter how slight

Enthouse your words with clean duress

Show a little...tenderness?

I\'m quietly sitting in a corner

You glance at me, you stop to wonder

The thought it passes clean like a knife

You still haven\'t learned to live this life

I know it\'s hard, but take that leap

Release your body, free from sleep and see your soul for what it is

A shimmer in the autumn mist

A kiss

Some of my creatures
Hollow Warrior Elite Knator Elite Lorerootian Archer Luke

Can you see through me? Could I change one thing? Could I change your mind? Shall we burn it just like the last time? Raise a glass and toast the flame Swallow, but be careful, don\'t drown

Flesh and bone I lay alone A slice of pain That\'s fully grown I\'m whole, I\'m part I\'m wholly fragmented The bitter part, that\'s truely cemented Believe in fear that lives life lamented Think of tears that take time to dissapate For what emotion drives more devotion Than the sentient being that exists in hate

Page 284 - The Shade Ballance - Yr., Wod.
Yrthilian stands before Wodin, dagger in hand, poised to strike. Wodin knows that his strings of fate only stretched as far as battle with the shades. With them more or less gone, he stands only with his personal whims to face. Yrthilian hesitates, not wanting to lose the Master. "What would you do?" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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