One of the original Bringers of Light, and among the Angien Shrine keepers, he now leads Marind Bell onward towards more Adventures as its Monarch.
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Battle stats
Won: 1562 | Lost: 1562
Honor: 1925
MindPower: 5
The Seekers of Enlightenment (Marind Bell)
The oneness of your housing is at 10 %
Maebius (or Msbaeui! if Darigan)
I have gotten far more than I wished for already, there is no need for more, beyond the inspiration to create something worthy, and gift out the WPC I already have... but if I must choose something: MP4 again, or the ability to share my Moebius scroll, then Recall it to my hand whenever... :)
A strip of paper, flat, with width and height alone. Twist it, and join the ends together. Some say it now has one dimension only. I say it now curved through height as well, grown. Both one dimensional, and yet also lifting through three. We start simply, a mind in the darkness, unformed, dimensionless. As the Story unfolds, we find ourselves here, inside the box. Then the carnival surrounds us, and we may be hungry, our forms solidify, and can affect the world. I curved into more dimensions Yet am still flat, focused, And more real. A mind. Man. Me. ?
No matter where you go, there you are.
"There was this fence where we pressed our faces and felt the wind turn warm and held to the
fence and forgot who we were or where we came from but dreamed of who we
might be and where we might go..."
Viscosity, and Apathy, related things in this realm!
Temporary Hates
Combat mechanics
Keep your enemies guessing
As far as offending my friends with duels, I use those opportunities to chance upon their defenses with uncertainty. It may be less effective overall, but is more interesting a pattern, by far.
Achievements: English is such a limited language for the 'idea' I have in my head.
Defeated Loreroot Guards - 88 Days active, as MP4. Saw, and heard, Bob bloom - ~ Day: 173 Year: 6 ~ Achieved 1441 Balance! ~ Day: 181 Year: 6 ~ Achieved 1509 Balance! ~ Day: 181 Year: 6 ~ Full membership into the SoE alliance! ~ Day: 228 Year: 6 ~ Ok, thank you Eon. -THAT- is a new record for me now. (-307592 attack, woohoo!) ~ Day: 257 Year: 6 ~ Gained my first 'real' item: Moebius Scroll via WP crafted Day: 258 Year: 6 DIED, February 10th, 2012. Ann. 2204 - [2012-02-17 04:53:54 - Stage 11]Summon by tag - Marind Bell - Bringers of Light Ann. 2205 - [2012-02-17 22:13:36 - Stage 11]Revived by Mur himself. :) - Upgraded myself to MP6, thanks to 30 adepts! ~Day 60, Year 7~
Ann. 2407 - [2012-10-13 18:14:20 ]Chewett and Maebius have been granted access to Angiens Shrine for their constant work for the Seekers of Enlightenment and in the interest of Marind Bell. ~ Day: 363 Year: 10 ~ voted KING of Marind Bell!! Huzzah!
A poem in Four lines
The year sat idle, at it's start, as I attended matters of the heart. So in the MD realm I strayed, in "Story mode" i was afaid.
However in the years more past, I was more active than this last. Yet
do not think this counts for you, since echoes task, more recent, true.
So I must shorten up this verse, to only infrequently rehearse, my MD actions at years end, but welcomed now by you, my friend.
I've quested, and made quests for groups, and watched them jump
through clickie hoops. Now reaching for the crowns we vote, and that's
four line, and all I've wrote.
Page 7 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak. ST.
Akasha and STF reach the Golemus wizard.... ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the could become part of it
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