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Makain Cristof
Player ID: 200723
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Regeneration : 25
Energetic immunity : 42
Trade sense : 28
Briskness : 33
Initiative : 7
Defence : 70
Attack : 108
Power : 18
Luck : 8
Volition : 0
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Time Principle = 36
Principle of Syntropy = 84
Principle of Balance = 195
Principle of Imagination = 165
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Battle stats
Won: 358 | Lost: 397
Honor: 2260
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Who am I?
That's a very interesting question.
To begin with i am a masked man.Why wear a mask?
I grew up wearing it.I learned in my life that this is the correct way,so..
I just don't want to be wrong?
No,is the answer.
In all my life I thought the mask was my face,I knew that it wasn't the right one
but everyone told me that that's how the things are supposed to be.
I have heard of people who had thrown away their masks but since they did it they were rejected by everyone.
I couldn't understand why?
As time passed the thought of seeing my self grew stronger and stronger inside my head,
so one day I decided that I should see my face and then keep on with the mask or not.
So one  week later I went to my favorite spot,determined to finally see.
I had just bought a mirror,it was illegal but I made it.
The time to see my face finally came,
As I removed my mask,my hands were shaking.
I gently placed the mask next to the mirror,without looking into it.
I asked myself for the last time"Do I really want to do this?"
No anwser,I just raised the mirror infront of me and looked.

Some of my creatures
Elemental V Grasan Huvourer Charcher Dirb Knator War Master Water Daimon I Animated Tree III Skill Vampire Elite Knator Angien Full-grown Winderwild Elite Lorerootian Archer

Page 124 - The Shade Ballance - Kh.
A commander aprouches Khalazdad, "Your Dark Majesty , we have a problem, our records are not big enough to keep track of all our new soldiers Not all of them are counted in the Necrovion millitary logs.." Turning his sight away, Khal speaks more for himself, "Who cares, they will die in battle anyway, no one will remember them...", "excuse me Sir what did you say?", "Nothing, nevermind the records, gather me new forces, we need to build a strong army for Necrovion". Under Khalazdad Leadership and his commanders, swarms of new recruits join the Necrovion army. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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