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May of the Light
Player ID: 151147
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Regeneration : 3
Luck : 0
Energetic immunity : 0
Trade sense : -1
Briskness : 3
Initiative : 3
Defence : 1
Attack : 2
Power : 2
Principle of Light = 12
Time Principle = 6
Principle of Imagination = 6
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Battle stats
Won: 7 | Lost: 3
Honor: 72
MindPower: 3
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"May Rosenfelt was once the princess of the City of Vermillion, the Divine City of Angels. She is a kind, generous yet passionate young girl who strongly believes in the power of light. Being a young light bearer, she naturally despises the Darkness, which has plagued her land for as long as history books have recorded.

Vermillion City's princes and princesses were gallant crusaders and virtuous mages who protected their land from the corrupted beings whose souls have been consumed by the Darkness. Princess May was also to assume this prestigious duty, and began to practice light magic at the young age of seven.

Three years later, the Darkness had begun to spread farther and farther throughout the land. It had corrupted and absorbed everything into its abyss of evil, draining the life out of every plant and creature that was unfortunate enough to be caught in its mighty grasp. Because of the criticality of such circumstances, May was called by the High Priest, Riev, who was also her father and ruler of the city, to travel outside of the city and vanquish the source of the shadowy force.

Of course, May, being the hero-to-be, readily accepted her mission. On the same day, the "Holy Guidance Ceremony" was conducted, signifying that she would be the next to receive her role as the "Protector of the Divine" and will set out on the next day to begin her mission of revelation. Everyone cheered and congratulated her and gave her their support. Her father, Riev, burst out in tears of joy during the ceremony (Much to May's embarrassment).

But not one of them knew what was to happen next. Not a soul could predict the one unfortunate event that would change the fate of the sacred city...... Forever.

During the same night, when Princess May and all the citizens had retired to bed, the dark beings came and attacked the castle, unbeknownst to the guards before it was too late. They shifted stealthily through the corridors of the castle, searching hungrily for the one who was to dare try to extinguish their shadowy flame of evil. It was growing bigger, hotter and more fearsome each day, and there was no way that they would let a petty and naive half-bird (angel) destroy their hard earned steps to victory.

They entered May's room quietly, being sure not to make any unnecessary sounds that might wake the girl or anybody else up. They captured the princess and brought her back to their dark lair and tortured the poor thing by feeding her body to the undead. They threw her down into a hole where the abominations resided, and watched with wicked grins and evil laughter as the young light bearer was ripped apart, slowly and excruciatingly painfully by the blood thirsty monsters as the poor girl cried out in agony, asking the dark beings what she had done wrong to deserve such a punishment....

Tragic, isn't it? Well, because of the extreme torture done to May, her brain reacted by blocking out her memories of that last paragraph. Simpyl put, she does not remember anything of her slow, painful death. Whether that may a good thing or not, I can't say for sure.

Honestly, I pity the girl, still believing that she's actually still alive. As much as I'd like to, I can't tell her the truth; I couldn't possibly predict what her reaction might be as those gruesome memories come flowing back into her mind. So please, anyone who reads this, please don't tell May that she is is not alive. Have pity on this poor girl who has done nothing wrong to deserve her fate. Talk to her, play with her, laugh with her, just don't make her any more miserable than she already actually is. Do her this favor, because if you need her help, she'll gladly give it to you wholeheartedly with a smile. So please.... Don't break that smile."

- excerpt from the compilation of short stories written by Riev Rosenfelt from his book, "Martyrs of Light"

*A small paragraph of letters is seen in the lower right hand corner of the page. With a maginfying glass, you read the message*:

Because of her amnesia, (if that's what you'd like to call it), May travels the land of MagicDuel, believing she is on a mission to purge the land of its Darkness and evil. She is constantly learning from her teachers, GrandMaster HolyPaladin Deba and Mya Celestia on how to focus and control her magic better, and is making new friends in her stay in MD.

Some of my creatures

As of yet, I have not hated anybody.

Page 98 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
"Lets see..the element principle .." As she writes the principles she can remember, the papers she has seem not enough so she tries to make it all as short as possible. Akasha continues writing as the storm sets in. She hides under a tree trying not to get wet by the incomming rain but the storm gets stronger. She remembers a cave nearby , with a strange looking monster shaped entrance, maybe she can find there a quite place to finish her writing. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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