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Player ID: 176326
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Regeneration : 3
Energetic immunity : 2
Trade sense : -1
Briskness : 6
Initiative : 3
Defence : 3
Attack : 6
Power : 3
Luck : 1
Transposition Principle = 21
Principle of Imagination = 16
Darkness Principle = 18
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Won: 46 | Lost: 42
Honor: 793
MindPower: 3
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I am the Wind in your hair

Meg Trudov, called Meg by those who know her and those few friends she has, is one of those people it can be dangerous to get close to. Run out of towns and dubbed "The Barmaid Assassin," she has an affinity for poisons in food, drink, and blade. Standing barely 5' tall and slender as a waif, she seems unassuming and sweet, showing no weapon. Never let that fool you, though.

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

A little deception, a little magic, and a cold heart can get a girl far, but there is something few know about her: She is loyal to the end to her friends, and perhaps, to one special person, she might even be obediant to a fault...

Menu for the Wind and Rain pub is below. Personal services and products to be discussed privately.


Barmaid's outfit

Sash with minor magic aura

Bag with various poisons and alchemical substances


Wind & Rain Pub


GUARDIANS - Willem RedBeard & Gremlin

Chefs: zalabar aka Salad Bar

Spirits Available at the Pub


Bloody Billy 

Blue Ale


Purple Strawberry Liquor

Fire Shine (Moonshine) ***Caution*** Will burn your soul.  Drink carefully!

Sake - for Mourn & Susan The Silent




German Weiss Bier

Samual Adams Winter Lager

Samual Adams October Fest

*Others upon request*


Firebrand Whiskey

2000 year-old Whiskey - Courtesy of Old Wolf




Raspberry Cider Brandy

Jamaican Rum

Captain Morgan


Hornbeam Bitter





Blood Wine


Apple Cider

Peach Hard Cider

Rose Red Wine

Mysti's Merlot

Warm Beverages

Taster's Choice -  {Drinker Beware! This beverage will make the drinker have the urgent need to go pee when they reach the bottom of their cup!}

Other top of the line coffees

Several types and brands of teas


Apple Juice

Orange Juice


Carrot Juice - For Metal Bunny if he ever visits my pub

Pomegranite Juice

Tomato Juice


Chef: zalabar, aka saladbar. XD

NEW ITEM!!! COFFEECREME! A delightfully coffee flavored icecream invented by Zalabar aka Saladbar.


THE BOOTH is a special booth for the owners and friends to sit and chat/gossip.  This sitting area is always in caps because Windy loves a good joke and everytime we use it that way, an imaginary sound like the "who done it" sound, (Dun Dun dun dun!) is heard. (Everyone should look around and say, "What is that sound?")  This is also where most of THE SISTERHOOD sit.

THE BOOTH is carved from cherry wood and was carved by Farty the Dwarf who use to be Windy's bartender and protector.  It seats 10 people.  WOE TO THE PERSON SITTING IN THE MIDDLE!  It is shaped in a huge arc.

TASTER'S CHOICE "Taster's Choice" coffee is Windy's own special brew. It is made from the finest coffee beans that only the White Elves grow. The only trouble is that she fiddled around with it so it gives the "taster" the urgent {desperate} need to pee when their cup is empty. Windy's idea of a great joke. Woe to those who think they can drink it unaffected. She will give those who think they can hold their water a very large cup!

MUR'S BOOTH - Birthday gift to Mur.  Hand carved out of oak. MUR carved into the back board with decorative tree limbs and leaves encircling his name.  A special candle is the booth's only adornment.

Left-Handed Weed

Windy loves a good drink but can't get drunk unless she adds left-handed weed to her drink.  **THIS WEED WILL MAKE ANY DRINKER OF SAID CONCOCTION, DRUNKER THAN A SKUNK AFTER ONE TANKARD.**  She likes to sneak it into unsuspecting new customers drinks as a prank, unless, of course, they were smart enough to read this document first.  **ALSO CALLED "THE SPECIAL"**

Chaser Weed

The pub stocks chaser weed, which is sprinkled into one's drink to prevent hangovers.


Whenever anyone says this phrase, someone must say another chocolate bar name.  It is loads of fun when everyone in the room plays this game!  This game continues until the names run out.


1. Wait your turn.

2. Do not use Snicker.

3. No repeats.

4. Do not make up names!!!

Some of my creatures

Chronicals of an Assassin

Meg Trudov I am, and I was a barmaid. And an assassin. When I was hired to kill a magistrate, the choice seemed logical. After all, one thousand gold peices is not something to scoff at. A simple thing. Nightshade in his ale. He went to sleep and never woke.

When the king caught on to what had happened, he sent his guards to find me, hunt me down and imprison me for my crimes, possibly hundreds of men across the country had died near me (though of course, I know exactly how many), and I would spend the rest of my natural life in prison. So I ran.

I ran until I fell. I doesn't remember what happened, only that I awoke in the Paper Cabin with a splitting headache and little else, save my pouch of poisons, remedies, and alchemical potions.

Seeking my place, I have found friends in this forsaken world. Tara, Cassiana, and Lucious lead me to Peace, Queen of Necrovion. Now, I seeks to find my place beside such a majesty, and become a royal assassin.

Page 474 - The Traveler
The white orb starts to shrink and vibrate. A powerful vibrating noise shakes the whole of Necrovion, vibrating all the rocks. The sound makes all the people awaken from their trance. The orb lowers closer to the ground while its size becomes almost the same as the hole. Everybody in a large area around the sphere senses a powerful feeling of fear combined with a uncertain feeling of excitement and curiosity. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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