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Kireek Godspeaker
Apocrypha Aquila
Aross Ssora




Player ID: 202298
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 5067
Energetic immunity : 7128
Trade sense : 3513
Briskness : 3877
Initiative : 2637
Defence : 14193
Attack : 19654
Power : 1175
Luck : 885
Herbalism : 133
Waterhandling : 466
Filtering : 27
Finesse : 339
Experimentalism : 20
Gardening : 26
Volition : 2655
Cartography : 22
Mining : 59
*excavation : 3
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Light = 4000
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Principle of Balance = 4000
Time Principle = 4000
Element Principle = 4000
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Battle stats
Won: 14710 | Lost: 14710
Honor: 372
MindPower: 5

MR's Fraternity
(Golemus Golemicarum)
The oneness of your housing is at 10 %

The First Appearance


Attracted by nature, forced to find behind sealed barriers … driven on by an unusual form of energy – this is what I am.

Sometimes a lone wanderer and thus not present in the history of the lands but without doubt deeply interested in the strange unforeseen presence of others – this is who I am.

Always expect the unexpected, open to the constant change we call life and being in a loving connection with the universe – this is the never ending aim I work on.

Accepting the darkness and light as part of myself was the first step of understanding the picture behind the invisible curtain.  

To understand you need to listen to every single piece of music I ever listened, to talk with me you need to let go your fears and inner barriers. If you contact me without an open heart you might be surprised by my response and trying to trick me with twisting words will gain you nothing.

We reap what we sow …

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Some of my creatures
Thehedras Tehom Karak Abysmal Giskard Argoth Sarangreal Meraxes Dominion

There is no hate

Hate is nothing for myself, never was never will be.

I always try to understand and if I finally understood then there is only wholeness left.

So I cannot really make a hate list of my own. 

There is only one War going on and its called:


Everything changes always without pause

no stopping at all

there is always movement in existence

Life is constant change


We do not realise, we just think

Even if thinking is movement and constant change too


We are affraid of change


Change is something we do not control

It is somehow unknown to our wanted security


We cannot control the unknown we are in fear

And with fear comes everything else


Don`t be afraid of the change

Because you cannot change the vibration of life

Even if you are afraid of the constant change

It will not stop life so everything will still move


To move with this flow of energy

Because you are a part of it


If you feel nothing don´t be afraid again

Just be aware that there is nothing else than that


Page 500 - Seeds Of The East
"I shall take THIS one" Lib jumps on one of the shades and starts slicing the air but all he hits is smoke. "Lib NO! stop, don't provoke them! please!!" Handy hides frightened behind some rocks. "Do not worry! I am here to protect you!" Lib his sword back with a big evil grin on his face. Red sparks start to spin around him shaping into a huge Rustgold Drachorn. The ground shakes violently as he steps on it. A few fancy looking fat guys come out of nowhere roaring in a very unfriendly manner. Floating drops of color follow and stick to them as they materialise . "Here, smoky shade, meet my colored friends! Chaaaaargee!" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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