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Lord Azkika




Player ID: 129643
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 12
Energetic immunity : 22
Trade sense : 10
Briskness : 14
Initiative : 7
Defence : 47
Attack : 108
Power : 28
Luck : 7
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Imagination = 60
Element Principle = 90
Darkness Principle = 42
Principle of Enthropy = 108
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 367 | Lost: 497
Honor: 2498
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

She has short black hair and green highlights. Midori has green eyes. She is Five foot three inches. The things she wears is generally lolita in which she makes herself. Her build is a bit on the skinny side, but that's okay, because no one can see it. (For her lolita is frilly and the sleeves are long.) She has a small chest size, but she is young. Her ears are a little longer than a humans, but pointy.

(Note: Those pictures of her with wings is her in the future. She will grow a pair eventually. When she comes of age. She isn't just a woodland elf as she thought. She is a Zephyr elf as well. Zephyr is another word for air.) 

Midori is about seventeen, twenty three in elf years.

 She is shy most of the time. The girl is very kind, though, but angers easily. Midori is also an easy blusher. She can be very gentle, too.

 People Miidorii has made friends with:

 Jazira - A very friendly being whom Miidorii befriended first.
 Celestial Ice king - He took her first kiss. She is his fiance. They are to be wedded.
 Stormrunner - Another friend who is quite funny.
 Je Suis Oeufs F. - A friend and an RPC whom hasn't forgotten me. :D 

People Miidorii has helped:

 Lord Azkika - An MP2 whom is also her adept. He had a few questions, but seems to be learning quickly.
 Moonstorm - Helped her a little at MP2 , but I helped her a little more at MP3.


The following are not to be taken seriously. We are not an alliance nor do we seek to become one...unless asked by HIM.

  1. You must be willing to go skinny dipping and not be ashamed of looking at the others or yourself. XD
  2. Your hair must have been another color at one time.
  3. You must be able to fight like a man but still look like a woman doing it.
  4. You must be willing to share your shoes and weapons with your Sisters.
  5. You must be able to smell a bargain a mile away.
  6. You must enter all slurping contests.
  7. You must be able to fight and smooch your enemy at the same time.
  8. You must know and have smooched all our Guardians.
  9. You must be hell-on-wheels a least 40% of the time.
  10. You must get a massage by Gremlin at least every two weeks.
  11. Ask the MRs before smooching, MRWander doesn't like it.
  12. Must change all SMOOCHES on public logs to read, "Walk in lipstick free health" unless they really deserved it. XD


  1. Sister Calyx of Isis
  2. Sister Lady Isolda - MIA
  3. Sister Ailith
  4. Sister LunarGoddess
  5. Sister Amoran
  6. Sister SageWoman
  7. Sister Peace
  8. Sister Nelya Setesh - MIA
  9. Sister Kittiness
  10. Sister Kalaminira Kol
  11. Sister Siala Lone Wolf
  12. Sister Dark Mystic
  13. Sister Falen Angel
  14. Sister Aia, Priestess of Mana - MIA
  15. Sister Keida
  16. Sister StrongWilled Legna
  17. Sister Lunar Priestess
  18. Sister Mainnelle D Ashke
  19. Sister Arianna de Montreve - MIA
  20. Sister Esmerelda
  21. Sister SunPriestess
  22. Sister Lady Renata
  23. Sister Merewen
  24. Sister LilMsPiggy - MIA
  25. Sister Rubyribeena - MIA
  26. Sister Lady Amethyst - MIA
  27. Sister Jazira
  28. Sister Dark Trial
  29. Sister Kriskah Arcanu
  30. Sister Mya Celestia
  31. Sister Adiallinda
  32. Sister XinHun
  33. Sister Dream Elf - MIA
  34. Sister Black Rose - MIA
  35. Sister Makichama - MIA
  36. Sister Phantom Orchid
  37. Sister Grid Althea
  38. Sister Lady Tygara
  39. Sister Handy Pockets
  40. Sister sasha lilias
  41. Sister Sharazhad
  42. Sister Lady Esmeralda - MIA
  43. Sister Icedragon
  44. Sister Ladytwin
  45. Sister momma
  46. Sister Nimrodel
  47. Sister Nacirema Asu
  48. Sister Tarie
  49. Sister Mysteria Blue
  50. Sister Assira The Black
  51. Sister Miidorii
  52. Sister Mystic Siren
  53. Sister Madalina Fitzroy
  54. Sister Wildfires

&& Sister Innocence.





  • Mp3
  • Loreroot (twice)
  •  Mp4
  • Joined an Alliance
  • Maxed barren soul
  •  Maxed aramor
  •  Maxed heretic archer
  • Explored Necrovion 


Things wanted:

  • To have the dojo come bac.
  • Become Mp5
  • Get a permanent way into & out of Necrovion.

 One Free heal token - Gargant

Endless cookie tin - Gargant

Some of my creatures
Elemental V Chaos Archer Unholy Priest II

Page 44 - SmartAlekRJ's Lost Dragon
"Listen to me people!, I am the Ancient Dragon Master returned from the beginning of time to rule my dragon kingdom once again! As you can see i am a God for i am bigger than you and i have divine powers..don't make me show them to you or you will be sorry!" .. SmartAlekRJ is holding his breath waiting for a reaction and tries to look dangerous.. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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