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Jumpy Tomato




Player ID: 178623
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 7263
Energetic immunity : 8306
Trade sense : 5994
Briskness : 6339
Initiative : 4921
Defence : 1102833
Attack : 1633832
Luck : 1351
Power : 7595
Experimentalism : 314
Filtering : 309
Volition : 1821
Finesse : 385
Cartography : 303
Herbalism : 269
Gardening : 272
Dowsing : 269
*excavation : 269
Waterhandling : 283
Mining : 493
Woodcutting : 257
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Enthropy = 4000
Principle of Cyclicity = 4000
Principle of Balance = 4000
Principle of Syntropy = 4000
Darkness Principle = 4000
After gaining the respect and approval from his fellow citizens Miq rose to become the Golemus King
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 12640 | Lost: 12640
Honor: 1704
MindPower: 5

Guerrilla Golemicarum
(Golemus Golemicarum)
The oneness of your housing is at 2 %

 Slow as a golem, relentless as a golem.





"And then not so wise men fill the pantheon of heaven with hierarchies of angels and set the plagues of man on horseback and write down the dimensions of Heaven in which to imprison the lord of infinite space. The stories begin to choke the system ..."




remove all spells from me and in exchange make no spells castable on me.

Some of my creatures
Elemental V Vogue Madhorn GQ Tainted Angien II Vogue Unholy Pope Resplendent Winderwild BloodPact Dark Archer

Book Of Terrific Bans

Article 24612/3
Word Twizzle
Hide and Seek
Attacking Aethon with lifesteal.
Stuffing Miq to Nadrolski's crack
Article 29241//986
One shall not smash pumbkins unless asked by an Unicorn.
Article 24312/4
Stealing Miq's Trout.
Article 24912/1
Cheating MD with others
Hidden cameras
Not knowing what TBB or BTB means 
Article 1/1
Obsidian boobs
Trout roasting
Star Wars
Article 503/23
dst shall receive troutslaps!
Gifts to newborns
Article 404/4
Getting more than 1k stats a day
Being smart
Article 4023/325
Gateway Island
Naughty Lists
Eara's finger.
Article 943/2451

Smashing things between book pages.

Silver hair on young people

Article 405/234
Not being aware
Nep cleans the gasebo

Page 427 - Tales of The Cube
"I would like to tell a story of my own, old man. Maybe you can advise me in my quest." Junior steps in front and sits down next to the man. "I once met a powerful being that taught me about respect and loyalty. The Commander lost its soldiers for a similar cube, and my mission is to find them. I did a lot of research since the quest for the Book of Principles, but some things simply don't fit together." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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