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Player ID: 109489
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Regeneration : 58
Energetic immunity : 20
Trade sense : 13
Briskness : 100
Initiative : 89
Defence : 368
Attack : 474
Power : 84
Luck : 33
Demon Set
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Element Principle = 21
Darkness Principle = 20
Time Principle = 82
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 2504 | Lost: 2692
Honor: 4997
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
The clouded past
    • Hm i think i would want to play as some one evil
      then again off course people tend to dislike people who would act like that

      But just my rpc would be that way its not like am like that in real life :P ,i think there needs to be some darkness in MD
      therefor were there is dark there´s always light .

      Tags i would like would be 'The deciever' cant really think of anything else
      certainly if some other options were laid before me i mgiht choose those not really my only choice.

      The land i would be affiliated with ,you might say, could be Necro.

      powers would be to be able to freeze an opponent
      also being able to be on a different page when i cast a spell
      and realy would be nice to be able to send someone away to a place were he would not be able to move for as long as i wanted

      And having sacrifice powers,  for example giving up all my ve vp to then lower the opponents ve to zero as well as his creatures, hm perhaps all of my ve and vp , because of the massive effect of the spell as well as heath.

      Then being able to steal someones ve or vp
      by giving up heath and one of my things such as vp or ve, for example if i wanted someone vp i would be able to give up all of my ve to be able to absorb someones vp and so on .

      To teleport, since am a magician.
      Cast a shield spell wich, when an opponent attacks
      will cause him to face creatures taken from his creature slot
      creating a random ritual, meaning he faces himself :P

      Perhaps more spells for the share fun of that am a magician :)

      these are off course thoughts and am willing to talk them over ,if there ok or not .

      -'¨Lament of destruction¨'-

      ::a white light hits Mirdred, he flies through the wall as if his weight did not matter::

       ''several hours later''

      Mirdred: huh where, where am I ...
      Mirdred: ::slowly rises:: what is this place..I .. I dont remember anything....

      ''Mirdred has lost all memories of what had happend, of whom he is and was,
      all he feels is as if something he had lost had been given back to him ,but not completly anyway..

      all he knew was his name ,how you may ask, it was written on his pouch (small bag)
      he persumed that was his name

      he also fellt an anger ,seems torwards evryone and evrything dark or light it made no difference...
      as hes confused, he seeks to find out who he is and how he came to be at this place

      he yearns for power, as well as companion ship although evrytime
      he wants to be kind, it feels like a dagger driving through his hearth
      then pulled out and then jammed right back in repeating the act

      heh feels hes not worthy of any kindness therefor whenever someone approaches him
      he denies that kindness and friendship and in return pay´s it back with cruelness
      but not attentionly only that he feels he doesnt deserve there attention or time

       ::tears fall::
      can someone spare me from this pain
      i cant say why i feel this way, what things have i done in my past , who was i, have i been granted a second chance

      i need to find out so i can unfold these wrapings that blind me
      then i might be able to see clearly

       so that i may be able to forgive my self

      and hopefully so evryone may forgive me...

      'the thought that floorished threw Mirdreds mind,before he set out to begin his journey'

      (Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
      Kamate: hehe
      Mirdred: ::smiles gladly::
      Mirdred: hm
      Mirdred: i could have made a kitsune fox chariot ,that be a uniqe sight to lay eyes on
      Mirdred: ::grins::
      Mirdred: but it might have been to harsh
      Pipstickz: Hello
      Mirdred: ::places a halo on top of his head::
      Silver Renard: bring it on mirdred..... show me what you've got
      Kamate: hola pip sir :)
      Mirdred: ::grins::
      Mirdred: in do time Silver ,in do time
      Mirdred: patience is a virtue
      Mirdred: ::grows a wicked smile::
      Mirdred: ill let you be for now
      Mirdred: oh just one thing
      Mirdred: dont get your self killed
      Mirdred: i wouldnt want that pleasure to go to someone else
      Mirdred: ::grins::
      Silver Renard: heheheh..... i'm not going anywhere soon
      Mirdred: :: aquires a fine grin::
      Mirdred: that makes me very happy to hear
      Silver Renard: i'll await you w/ open claws my dear rival......
      Silver Renard: *grins somewhat evily*
      Mirdred: heh
      Mirdred: i wouldnt want it any other way

      Mirdred: placed a nice reminder there just for you
      Mirdred: :)
      Mirdred: wouldnt want anyone else to dare  claim rival ship over you
      Mirdred: when am done with Zleiphneir
      Mirdred: ill deal with you..though dont feel left out
      Mirdred: i save the best for last
      Mirdred: ::grins::
Some of my creatures
Grasan Huvourer Unholy Priest II Full-grown Winderwild Fhalie the light


'Mirdreds studies are intense

So intense that he does not want to be disturbed or even eat..'

'When you do battle with Mirdred, you loose more than your life'

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
Mirdred: ginger bread army: die gummy bears
Mirdred: gummy bears: no you die
Mirdred: nom nom
Mirdred: ::chop , crunh::
Mirdred: ginger breads: omg, its horrible
Sandra Klien: *giggles*
Mirdred: gummy bears: haha , O.o oh no its headed our way
Mirdred: nom nom
Mirdred: wanna join in Sandra
Pipstickz: Have fun here Sandra...don't get mauled by a gummi bear
Pipstickz: *Runs off*
Sandra Klien: *laughs*
Mirdred: ginger breads: oh crud now there are two off them..
Mirdred: gummy bears: evry gummy for themselfes
Sandra Klien: *grabs a handful of both and noms* ^^
Mirdred: ::looks at the bloodshed::
Mirdred: poor poor gummy bears and ginger breads
Mirdred: oh well
Mirdred: ::chop ,crunch::
Mirdred: ginger bread army:aaaah the horror
Zleiphneir: ::laughs::
Mirdred: gummy bears: nooo mister gummy, why oh why
Mirdred: :.chop::
Mirdred: what
Mirdred: he was gonna be all alone
Mirdred: ::grins::


¨'A breath to remember'¨

                                                            A silent Whisper From Mirdred

A tounge made noir by gold or silver
but quite sharp
Sharp enough to have
the ability to tell a man or woman to go to hell in such a way
that he/she actually  looks forward to making the trip.

                                                            SHOP OF DARKNESS
In my shop
I have elemental eggs with a fair amount of age 
as well as bird eggs     
Packed and ready
and i also have remains (trees)

These creatures of mine come with a good amount of age so you wont have to wait
a lot before you can uppgrade them

But the more age they have the more expensive they will be
Though if i get it  for you right away
they will be mildly, cheaper though you will have to wait longer before you can uppgrade them
And who wants to do that

These creatures can be yours
if you have  some silver coins or an item to trade with
I also take orders
If it also happens that you have a creature i dont have or want we could do a creature
trade , but that rarely happens
I can also get you unholy priests
and 'angiens'
But dont think ill just hand those over,there expensive
So if your pockets are hollow and empty
Dont even bother wasting your breath
 fighter count: MB 15 LR 9

Mirdred: cool :) Score: MB -1 LR 1
Mirdred: cool :)
Mirdred: hm , well it will be intresting to see how it all ends when the smoke clears ;)
 : fights between holders of the same torch type are possible but not recomanded!

 :Mirdred is great ,hes even more amazing than i could have ever thought possible
i shall reward him ten fold when i get the chance to
.Muratus del Mur.: just so you know its me ;)

Mirdred:really O.o , why thank you Mur  ,i..  i ... dont know what to say
 :heh, no need for modesty :))))  

( P.S the green text is Mur, for real , but i think thats pretty obvious :p )

A day out With Mur *
ending with both me and him getting a case of brain freeze *

Mirdred: Mur i have a question
.Muratus del Mur.: what is it Mirdred
Mirdred: dont you think Zlei smells
.Muratus del Mur.: i agree he does :))))
Mirdred: that makes me happy ,i thought i was just imagining it
.Muratus del Mur.: well he is a goat boy after all ;)
Mirdred: dont forget a treehugger as well ;)
.Muratus del Mur.: haha yes that too :D
Mirdred: you know what
.Muratus del Mur.: tell me :)
Mirdred: lets get some icecream
.Muratus del Mur.: thats the best thing i have heard all day :))))
.Muratus del Mur.: your really clever Mirdred you know that :)
Mirdred: oh, heh , geeze *turns all red*
.Muratus del Mur.: come now , lets go get some icecream : p
Mirdred: :)
.Muratus del Mur.: My treat :))))
Mirdred: i couldnt allow that :p
.Muratus del Mur.: i insist :)
Mirdred: thanks :)
.Muratus del Mur.: my pleasure :))))

Page 268 - The Shade Ballance - Sh.
WHAATTT?? ... "Yes Dark Master ... they all died, the alliances are disbanded". "No, NOOOOO! If they don't restore their power, our power will be forgotten, the shades ...will be forgotten .. if we do not have a counterballence outside necrovion, our purpose is lost" The Sentinel turns towards its smaller minions "Go to inner necro, announce all shades to stop the experiments, we need to reconsider our plans... it seems humans are indeed unpredictable." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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