Regeneration : |
47 |
Energetic immunity : |
103 |
Trade sense : |
44 |
Briskness : |
62 |
Initiative : |
33 |
Defence : |
238 |
Attack : |
438 |
Power : |
48 |
Luck : |
23 |
Volition : |
0 |
Element Principle |
= 259 |
Darkness Principle |
= 292 |
Principle of Light |
= 382 |
Principle of Imagination |
= 253 |
Time Principle |
= 331 |
Former RPC, holder of keys and different activators. |
Loading human character...
You are not yet a member of any alliance |
As and RPC i wish to have similar spells according to my title and Role such spells or abilities that would allow me to grant acess to certain places in the game such as Necrovian Golemnus Golecarium and other places hard to reach such as passage of war and things via using a Key for solving my quests I donot wish them for my own personal use but to help others by unlocking the door so that they may enter just once and once they leave they must further meet the requirements Having the ability to help the Dojo of Marble Dale Park with the policing of the rule breakers Spells that can temporarily Freeze an opponents creatures making them unable to fight for a few minutes would help other such things to be determined by the Gods of our fair Magic Duel I am ambitious but there is a time when more you just donot need and this may be one of those times I feel that my abilities would only help others further in future with these abilities Thank You .Morgana Le Fey. The Keeper Of Keys Truly a tale of passion, deception, and secrecy in the search for knowledge and power. Our story begins as all do with me, a young lass far from home in a wilderness of amazing stories and beginnings. Here we follow me, one of these interesting individuals along the complex journey to become one of the legendary Role Playing Characters whose life and tales would go on to influence the very world I come to live in. In the beginning I was stuck all alone in a world far from my own, brought here by the mere whim of a power beyond my own. Stuck in a land to which I have no idea nor possibility of grasping all by myself, I set out from this cabin I happened to be set in. Alas I saw it would not let me leave, what magic is this that could possibly keep me here, I wondered. Then looking around for the source of this magic I happened upon a scroll on a desk that clearly, based upon the golden writing upon it flashing at me, was magical in its own way. Upon finding the scroll it told me what I must do in order to get out of this treacherous paper cabin. Following the orders written upon this scroll was easier than I could have imagined, it led me to a new place different paths she tried but the scroll\'s magic was far to great to allow me to wander from my path. I happened upon the Armory where I found it to be inhabited by such wonderful things that beckoned me to bind with. One such creature called itself the Aramor a magical attacking beast that would protect me with all of its might and prowess. Having stayed there long enough to recruit six of these creatures I found the scroll compelling me to fight off any threats along my way back to the cabin to which I first arrived. What must I do, I said the whose new found power dazzled my imaginations. The scroll replied not in words but in a vision of great struggles to come. Stepping forth I encountered mysterious creatures blocking my way, shades they called themselves and would not let me pass. Using my new found creatures the Aramors I managed to beat them back one after the other until something amazing happened. The shades are combining and offering me a gift, a strange box to which I takes even against my deepest seeded wishes, my thirst for power and knowledge of this place pushed me on. Alone in the darkness once more I struggles to find a way out. What light shows through the darkness, that is what I has to find, I tell myself. Looking around I find a little girl, Marind she calls herself, sitting all alone in a corner with three candles lit around her. Curiosity again grabs hold of me when that little girl shows a mean and menacing look. Never backing down I press on toward a peace with Marind and it seems that she can help me out of this treacherous dark box that we are in. With Marind\'s help I escape with only bumps and bruises into what a strange world of a carnival. Realizing what Marind says is true I flee with her only footsteps ahead as the carnival slowly disappears and with it I find myself in a city all alone. With Marind gone I find the will to press on and find out what exactly the little girl meant by what killed her. Entering Marind Bell was probably not the best of ideas once I found it inhabited by all sorts of people, some with creatures not unlike the Aramors sworn to protect me and some with beasts from places I cannot hope to find with out help. Seeking help she happens upon a sanctuary where she hides among many people stronger and even weaker than herself, asking all sorts of questions from what is that creature, to how do I get one. Upon hearing their answers to those questions they say they have heard many times over she finds herself looking at new creatures with new abilities, eggs and archers and strange large eggs that will not obey her and combine their power with hers. These eggs tell her that she is not strong enough yet and must persevere in order to master their power. Venturing out into the gathering point for many battles and help she finds a group of people around a man with seemingly unstoppable power and creatures no one has even seen before. This man came to be known as SmartAlekRJ the drachorn master. Gathering around them all I found out that he was indeed a person of much awe and inspiration. He announced himself as a Role Playing Character for this land and if anyone needed his help only to send a courier to him whilst he was away and he would inform them of the greatness of him and his army. Upon hearing such words another with similar following named Metal Bunny approached and corrected him saying I am the best and most noble of RPC\'s in this world follow me and be truly great as I am great and so are those who follow my way, the way of the bunny lord. Torn between two worlds most of the crowd were but each had their followers and locked into a monumental battle of which I could only watch in awe and fear. Seeing the following each had I wanted that for myself and set out in the lands to get known and admired for all that I would seek and know. Sending questions via couriers as they requested I learned where such powerful creatures were hiding and some of what I needed to do in order to get them for myself. Again knowing what path I must go I found new courage to keep going even in the face of greatness and power I knew I could attain. With each new puzzle I came upon my knowledge of these lands brought me closer to the dark skies of the place called Necrovion. Such a place I was told is where those first monstrous beings I fought were from and that I should not venture into there carelessly. Even with my new found strength from my Aramor\'s growing stronger and my eggs hatching into powerful elementals I still could not get into those gates. My archers were the next to grow stronger into beings referring to themselves as Dark Archers. Now with my powerful strength I happened upon a land spoken of in truly great words, the land of Loreroot. Guarded by very powerful beings of which I knew couldn\'t be trees walking around I sought out the means to see them properly and used that knowledge to enter into battle with them. They were so powerful I didn\'t think I would ever beat them but I knew I had to try. I found that my strength was returning as I found shelter at a strange place of which others spoke the name of Fenth\'s Press. A place where you could sacrifice the powerful beings that protect you in order to grow stronger and thus I did. My trusty Aramors had ascended into their most powerful form, the assassin, but they left me wanting more so I sacrificed them for the good of the others. Feeling this new power I, myself ascended to a higher mental state known to others as Mind Power Four. Upon entering this new stage of my existence I realized that my creatures once again grew stronger and more powerful with every fight but I found also that it was harder to call each fight a victory. With every fight I found myself reaching higher levels of knowledge about this place, this world called by one name. Magic Duel, a place to which dreams and nightmares reigned supreme and where one could live in complete harmony with his fellow man or woman or in darkness vieing for a chance to destroy all that I have come to know as good and pure. All paths I found so far led me to that magical wilderness called Loreroot and those guards once more I could see. This time I was more prepared with the knowledge of how to defeat them I rose to the challenge and took them both out in two monumental battles. I won was shouted everywhere I went and to everyone I met. Crawling into Loreroot now full of power again from the days rest I met with new creatures and gained even more knowledge and power from them as I struggled through times and trials to get them as powerful as I could. Mean while I had found that my knowledge of the lands had taken an interest in people as they started sending me couriers asking how to do certain things. This evoked the watching of the gods themselves and upon hearing of this they came to me. All on one evening alone I had been recognized for my efforts and charity in helping others along from even the depths of the underworld back into the light, and thus henceforth I became known as Morgana Le Fey the keeper of keys and puzzles. My new title came with great regard and a trust of knowledge and power amongst all those followers of others. Soon I had my own powers to speak of and was challenging any and all to my riddles to which knowledge was shared and power for all those deemed worthy and mentally fit. Among those were Metal Bunny appearing again with seemingly unwavering faith in his abilities as Lord of the Bunnies, to which he continually recruited and announced to all who would listen. Slowly and surely I gained a following and friends along the way who helped me over come obstacles I could never have hoped to cross by myself. MRD and Renavoid among others became my close companions and later I heard word that Renavoid had became the same as I, an RPC for all that would need his help becoming the keeper of the archivists, an alliance of Magic Duels finest minds set on writing and organizing the events and logs of all things going on in this world. With the finding out of these new alliances I happen upon an alliance bent on following the shades way of life and dreams. This alliance set out to become shades themselves with their leader Khalazdad, a person to whom I have met with and shared ideas with. Now watching closer this alliance of men and women I begin to decide to see just what they are up to. Joining them in hopes to discover their weakness seemed a smart thing to do at the time but the closer and closer I get to the inner circle leads me to believe strange things about Khalazdad, their leader. Every new member is watched closely and must pledge fealty to him and him alone soon granting him godlike status among some members. I also happened upon other alliances sworn to protect other vast regions they call home, Marind bell had her own alliance called The Seekers of Enlightenment and also Golemnus Golecarium had its own as well called the Guerrilla Golecarium. Loreroot was the last to reveal themselves to me with their alliance of Loreroot Landguardians protected by a powerful creature known as the Knator Commander to which my friend MRD had sworn allegiance to. Now torn between friends Khal, Ren, and MRD it was very hard to choose a side having joined the Necrovion Sentinels and pledged fealty to Khalazdad. All was slowly becoming so clear for me though with every passing day the Sentinels became more and more like a cult giving power only to its leader Khal. Now I was approached by the Seekers and asked to what side do I belong and do I truly follow the ways of darkness and death. I truly pondered their questions along with others that could not believe that I would follow the darkness. Now it seemed I was so confused but at last I found what to do. I would take it upon myself to make myself the best spy for the light and truly not let Mariand down. She was there for me when I needed her so I vowed to be there for the light in the upcoming battle. Now with my head on straight I proceeded to find out all I could about this warmongering shade alliance and find out what they were planning and hope to accomplish. To thwart them I made myself believe and thwart them I will do. First it was hard at first to convince Khal of where my loyalties lie as being approached by members of the guilds and alliances of the light made him wonder along with others that felt me to be untrustworthy. I knew I had to do something drastic to make them change their mind and believe in me or their secrets and plans they would withhold from me. Along came something I had witnessed before but did not partake in and I found my way to make them believe in me. A contest of brute strength called simply The Heads Contest where the rules were simple enough and passed down from the gods themselves. Get heads from your fellow warriors and maintain that head count for points to be given in intervals. But my goal was not to win but to keep Necrovia from winning so giving my heads away entailed that I made it to the top but fell just short to the guilds of light. Giving them the advantage of power from the gods they might be strong enough to stop this army of shade allies. Now armed with the power of the highest achievable Mind Power level, Mind Power Five, and armed with an assortment of powerful creatures at my command and also spells granted from the gods themselves I decided it was time to sow my discord amongst them by learning of all the spy\'s amongst the guild and dispersing the names to all other guilds. Thus allowing them to keep information out of the power hungry hands of Khal and his band of followers and strengthening my position with those outlaws who follow him. This was not an easy task spying on them but one worth it I assure you for the information I found out led to the assassination party that will be sent to stop Khal before he can ascend into a more powerful follower of the shades themselves. Spying was not only against Khal as to keep and maintain his trust I also had to feed him correct information mixed with lies and covered up truths. When it was all said and done I had not only gained their trust but was promoted in that alliance to the rank of Knight-Lieutenant giving me more access to their secrets and plans so that I may share with their enemies. One such Enemy was Metal Bunny himself hailing from the alliance of Golemnus and another being my friend MRD still in that alliance himself. Helping my friends showed me what true loyalty was about and I persisted even in the face of mortal danger passed information from the alliance of the Sentinels to the alliances of the light. The Gazebo of Chaos was a focal point of many debates amongst that alliance of power hungry men. They seemed to think that the shades were some how linked to it and when someone joined the alliance it would start to glow and crumble, other such theories were that they might be able to posses a land weapon to use against Maraind Bell and the other towns and colonies. This I could not allow even if it were true, I promptly alerted all alliances to the cause and helped each and everyone get a grasp of what Khal and his band of misfits were up to all the while making it seem to them that I was spying on other guilds trying to break them up and get them disbanded for lack of loyalty to the cause they represent. Doing this I found that I had a knack for spy operations and continued until one fateful day Khalazdad found a way to increase his power albeit by entering the unimaginable and corrupt House of Liquid Dust of which it is said to have killed the last person who entered Jack Willow. He of which was said to be invincible. Through much uncovering and questioning of what and who Jack Willow was I found myself looking directly at his shop in the center of Mariand Bell. He was king of Mariand Bell after the former Leader Gabriel Wind died. This led me to delve deeper into the history as maybe I could uncover what happened to my savior Mariand herself. Along the way I uncovered many great secrets and left the beaten alliance of the Sentinels and joined the Seekers in their search for knowledge of the lands before and what had happened to them. I found out that Gabriel Wind was the first king of Mariand Bell and was in love with Marind and had a powerful ally Daniel Raven. Then something terrible and Daniel Raven was suspected of killing or kidnapping Marind Bell by Gabriel and thus the alliance was shattered into ruins and split into two factions Loreroot and Marind Bell. The Angiens had parts to play in this past as they helped fight against the shades who sought out war and was to be believed by most the reason why Marind disappeared. These powerful figures said to have once pulled Magic Duel, our great land from a box fought against the shades and with the help of this alliance between Gabriel and Daniel beat the shades back into Necrovion. About Necrovion it was once called sages field and death marrow is the same as liquid dust. With all this knowledge the way was clearer still fight along side the ever elusive angiens and keep the daylight shining rather than fight with the shades and hope that darkness would once again reign. Now having left the alliance I spied upon and joining the Seekers it allowed me to further my quest for what really happened to Marind and solve this conflict between the now known lands of Loreroot and the lands of Mariand Bell. This alliance was probably the turning point in the war of old and will be the turning point along with Golemus helping us we will be sure to battle the shades who have taken Khal once again deeper into the reigns of their power. Having allowed entrance into the house of liquid dust, the power of death marrow filling his every fiber making him not only more powerful but more under their control. Now with the help of all I continued to keep him in my watchful eye and set up spies of my own in his guild to keep me and all those against him informed of his every move. Through out this time my friends and allies have been gathering their forces to get ready for a battle with the shades themselves. Among them include the MR\'s an elite group of followers of MRD one of my most trusted allies and one I have complete faith in. I help out them in anyway I can and share my knowledge of everything with them. They have also helped me out by finding things even the great me cannot hope to get. Now branding Khal a traitor and showing all in that guild that he only wishes power for himself caused a breakdown in order and many troops to come out from under his spell thus weakening his grasp even further. Through all of this Khal has still found a way to lure those followers he needs to sacrifice into his awaiting grasp. Find out more next time as my log will always be updated with new adventures of yours truly. |
My quest has ENDED.
Winners will be rewarded as soon as i see them
Thanks everyone for participating keep watching for new quests
Being the Keeper of the Keys, I have decided to use some keys in my next quest.
In this quest i will use the help of my family, the MR's. Each MR will have a key, and you must put them all together to unlock the answer.
This quest will help players with RPC tools and player to player interaction. In this quest i will use the help of my family, the MR's.
All RPC boxes used are in MDA, Marind Bell, and No Mans Land. Loreroot and Necrovion boxes not used.
To begin, you must ask IN PM ONLY each MR you see if he is number 1. None will respond in any chat.
When you find the beginning key, that MR will give you a word. You must go to each RPC Quest box and enter that keyword until you find the one that gives you a answer.
That box will give you 3 words. 2 will be the names of 2 MR's that you will have to ask for the next keyword, only one of which will have the next key, and one will be the word you must save for your answer.
As you progress, you must ask each of the 2 MR's that the box gave you if they are the next number.
This pattern will continue until you find the last key. Once you find the last key, you must put them together to get the question you must solve and send me the answer to.
The first 5 players to give me the correct answer will receive my spell document. No wishpoints will be awarded for this quest
Currently there no one i hate more than some one who has a Question and does not ask for fear of sounding like some one uneducated
No matter what it is please message me if it is not a spoiler or a secret i will tell you how to do anything
If it is a spoiler or a secret then i will be a little cryptic as i do love riddles and puzzles
Page 243 - The Shade Ballance - Ren., Sm. |
Renavoid is scribbling on one of his documents when some loud shouts from the balcony causes his hand to jerk, smearing the ink on the page. Growling, Ren picks up a new sheet to write on. "They sure are loud...on the other hand; they sound excited, so something good must have happened." He continues his scribbling. ... |
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the could become part of it |
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