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Player ID: 44875
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Regeneration : 0
Energetic immunity : 2
Trade sense : 4
Briskness : 5
Initiative : -3
Defence : 2
Attack : 4
Power : 0
Luck : 1
Principle of Syntropy = 16
Principle of Cyclicity = 18
Transposition Principle = 18
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Battle stats
Won: 23 | Lost: 21
Honor: 4998
MindPower: 3
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I am, I exist.  But who is this 'I' who is writing this?  Who are you who are reading this?

These comments are Morton's "Comments on self".  Therefore, it follows that I am Morton.  I am a character in a world which is a game world within another world.  But, though it is Morton who writes this, there is a sense in which there is some one else who writes this, some one for whom I am just a fictional character which this other character is playing in a game.  The one who plays me has given me the name 'Morton', but I do not know the name of the one who plays me - I only know it is not 'Morton'.

I know I exist.  I cannot doubt it.  I may be fictional to this other character, the one who plays me, but I am not fictional to myself.  Indeed the question I must ask is, How do I know that this other character exists?  How do I know that I am fictional to some other characters (I call them players), characters whom I have not seen in all my travels round this world, nor can I ever see, since this whole world that I live in is fictional to them? 

It is true that I am no good at solving quests.  I have not solved any so far.  So I cannot claim to have explored more than a small part of this world.  But while feeling frustrated, I noticed that everyone has a space within called "Comments on self".  And so, having explored almost all other avenues open to me, I have come here to fill the space "Comments on self" within me.  And I find that by reflecting on myself I open up a far bigger world than I could ever do by solving these quests set by others.

I know roughly what the players look like, because I see rough representations of their kind when I am in combat.  These likenesses help the players to feel at home playing us, but these representations are their likenesses, not ours.  Low level characters like myself just look like our names as we go about the world.  Some pretend to look like something else in their "Comments on self" but their supposed pictures of themselves are pure fantasy.  Perhaps these pictures are what they will look like when they become higher level characters.  Certainly higher level characters tend to appear as little pictures of similar kinds of creatures.  But I don't suppose I will ever find out if this is true, so I must be content with my name 'Morton'.

Some of my creatures

I hate quests, because I'm no good at them.

 I hate psycho-babble, the attempt to put characters into pigeonholes which the characters themselves do not contribute to the formation of.  I know that I have been assigned numbers as measures of various psycho-babble attributes, and these numbers clearly have certain implications for what sort of character I am, how I live and move in this world.  But I seriously question whether these numbers have anything like the meaning that the creator of this world intends them to have, since I have no part to play in creating that meaning even as I manifest it.

Page 384 - The Inner Sun - Bo., MRD
MRD grunts in disbelief at Bootes’ counter. “Have You had enough?“ There is a soft sigh before MRD replies, “Very clever…” With a quick movement, he laughs and smiles, “not nearly clever enough, though.” Bootes’ eyes widen in surprise. He ponders deeply before his next move, replying with his own grin. “Is This clever Enough for You?” ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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