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Player ID: 75103
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Regeneration : 7
Energetic immunity : 5
Trade sense : 4
Briskness : 4
Initiative : -4
Defence : 11
Attack : 19
Power : 6
Luck : 3
Principle of Cyclicity = 40
Time Principle = 32
Element Principle = 41
Principle of Balance = 43
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Battle stats
Won: 99 | Lost: 99
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
I Am But A Blade In The Crowd҉
32 he is number 32 the 32nd to be made there are many more like him they dress, walk and talk the same if he falls their will be more to take his place they are the assassins they will restore balance and bring peace to this land. According to legend, the master of the Order of Assassins uttered the famous phrase \"nothing is true, everything is permitted\" on his deathbed to truly under stand these words is the first step \"Safety and peace\" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Principles Cyclicity - it is all circles with in circles never ending never beginning all ways changing, once you know the patten you can predict it Time - is an illusion and can be changed by mealy changing our perceptions imagination the same occurrence viewed by a tree and a humming bird Elemental - everything is comprised from smaller parts because of this all big problems can be solved and understood if you take them apart and view the elements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I applied my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also was a chasing after wind. For in much wisdom is much grief; and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow
Some of my creatures
Hollow Warrior Aramor Assassin

hate lets see.... that bloody Broken Pattern you know the 1 some day *sob* some day

Page 455 - The Traveler
Recovering after the crash, Renavoid looks at the mess he created. His hands are full of a black liquid. Through the dust he sees a big crack in the wall, the Necrovion wall. It looks like its there for a long time, his crashed ship managed just to damage more of the allready damaged House. Curiosity makes Ren to want to go through that breach. "Ah, nice, i found it, HAHA i can enter Necrovion through here...i think..." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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