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Mysteria Blue! That's what they call me, but it's not my true name. I have not heard my real name for oh, about 100 years. I cannot remember my true name, but do remember why I can't remember it. I am the guardian, and wielder of the Staff Syndria. It is an intricately carved staff made the rare white oak, from which comes the Sapphire Blue Flame. What kind of power comes from the staff you ask. Well, that is all part of the mystery. I have been asked not to reveal the true power of the staff, but I can tell you that at times it will show the truth of a matter. A power it does have is to render me invisible when I wish it.
I have some skill with herbs, and healing. I am very skilled at healing animals, and if I find someone in dire need of healing I can try using Trueleaf. Trueleaf is an herb that will heal and revive a being. If the fates decree that that being should be healed and/or live. It will heal in a manner fitting to the being depending on whether the being is of light, or darkness.
I have two new magic abilities that i have discovered. One is a bird form that I have. Flying is freedom. The other is to use magic paints that I have invented using rare special plants and earths. When I paint an image on a scroll, I have the ability to bring that image to life. It can be wondrous.
I am a half Human, half Elven woman. My father was a Human by the name of Romanious. My mother was an Elf by the name of Elarie. I am of average build and height. I've been told that I can move very quickly, and quietly if needed. I don't think I look much like an Elf. If my parents had last names, I cannot remember them. My mother was an attractive blond haired, green-eyed weather mage. She had to learn to control her emotions because if she didn't she could cause rain, or snow storms, if she became angry. Once I dropped her spell book into the fire, and a page was half-burned. She became so angry with me it took a month for us to dig ourselves out of the snowstorm she created.
My father was dark haired with blue eyes. He was a boat builder, and a gentle man. We would take walks in the wood and sit in our shady spot by the river. Animals and birds would come up to him, and allow themselves to be touched by him. I take after him in looks, and manner. I consider myself to be a warm, kind person, and at times am quiet. Although I enjoy social times and interactions with others, there are times when I am quiet and reflective; even in the presence of company. The results of my choices have led me to try to consider well my actions, although I have times when I make mistakes, terrible mistakes. I have that sorrow, you know.
My home was a world that was beautiful. It was a very peaceful society. We learned to use magic as children, and were taught to be very careful and were taught to use it for beneficent purposes. Although, even beneficent purposes can go awry. I had learned to love life. My world had birds that would change colors to suit their moods, and animals that could speak to you when they chose to. Well, that is they would speak to me. I loved spending my time with the animals and birds. They taught me their magic secrets, and I was their friend.
As a child I was very curious, and as an adult I grew more so. Sigh. I loved to explore the forests, the lakes, and the mountains of my world. I always wanted to know their secrets. I roamed many places in the world, and as I did my magic power grew...
My memory has come back, and with it so much pain. How did I know what little green berries would do to me and those I loved.
I found them one day in the forest of my home, the berries. I was foolish enough to eat some one day when I was hungry. I mistook them for an innocent variety of of food berries. These berries are a dangerous, hallucinogenic drug that altered my world some much that my people banished me. I liked the feelings of being relaxed, and forgetfulness at times that the berries would give me. The problem was I needed more and more of them to get the same effect.
As I came to live in Loreroot I met and fell in love with my husband, Gremlin. we are very happy and are expecting twins next summer. Here are pictures of our beautiful house and garden.

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The Synod's current members (as of Day 5 Year 5)
Higher Synod 1. Aeoshattr, Lord of Treachery and Arcane; Current leader of the Synod2. Lady Renata, Mistress of Seduction and Desire3. Mya Celestia, Empath of the Guardians4. Flamewarrior, Harbinger of Nature 5. Dante Falcon, Aspiring Scholar 6. Shemhazaj, Wanderer and Seeker of Redemption7. Adam Icepheonix , Guardian of Tranquility8. Gremlin, Guardian Angel9. Sharazad, Seeker of Lore and Legends10. Mysteria Blue, Truthkeeper11. Darrydabby, (role not decided yet) 12. - on hold- 13.Lower Circle:(currently, not recruiting)
Seal of the Synod
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
The Synod's current members (as of Day 5 Year 5)
Higher Synod 1. Aeoshattr, Lord of Treachery and Arcane; Current leader of the Synod2. Lady Renata, Mistress of Seduction and Desire3. Mya Celestia, Empath of the Guardians4. Flamewarrior, Harbinger of Nature 5. Dante Falcon, Aspiring Scholar 6. Shemhazaj, Wanderer and Seeker of Redemption7. Adam Icepheonix , Guardian of Tranquility8. Gremlin, Guardian Angel9. Sharazad, Seeker of Lore and Legends10. Mysteria Blue, Truthkeeper11. Darrydabby, (role not decided yet) 12. - on hold- 13.Lower Circle:(currently, not recruiting)
Seal of the Synod
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
The Synod's current members (as of Day 5 Year 5)
Higher Synod 1. Aeoshattr, Lord of Treachery and Arcane; Current leader of the Synod2. Lady Renata, Mistress of Seduction and Desire3. Mya Celestia, Empath of the Guardians4. Flamewarrior, Harbinger of Nature 5. Dante Falcon, Aspiring Scholar 6. Shemhazaj, Wanderer and Seeker of Redemption7. Adam Icepheonix , Guardian of Tranquility8. Gremlin, Guardian Angel9. Sharazad, Seeker of Lore and Legends10. Mysteria Blue, Truthkeeper11. Darrydabby, (role not decided yet) 12. - on hold- 13.Lower Circle:(currently, not recruiting)
Seal of the Synod
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
The Synod's current members (as of Day 5 Year 5)
Higher Synod 1. Aeoshattr, Lord of Treachery and Arcane; Current leader of the Synod2. Lady Renata, Mistress of Seduction and Desire3. Mya Celestia, Empath of the Guardians4. Flamewarrior, Harbinger of Nature 5. Dante Falcon, Aspiring Scholar 6. Shemhazaj, Wanderer and Seeker of Redemption7. Adam Icepheonix , Guardian of Tranquility8. Gremlin, Guardian Angel9. Sharazad, Seeker of Lore and Legends10. Mysteria Blue, Truthkeeper11. Darrydabby, (role not decided yet) 12. - on hold- 13.Lower Circle:(currently, not recruiting)
Seal of the Synod
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
The Synod's current members (as of Day 5 Year 5)
Higher Synod 1. Aeoshattr, Lord of Treachery and Arcane; Current leader of the Synod2. Lady Renata, Mistress of Seduction and Desire3. Mya Celestia, Empath of the Guardians4. Flamewarrior, Harbinger of Nature 5. Dante Falcon, Aspiring Scholar 6. Shemhazaj, Wanderer and Seeker of Redemption7. Adam Icepheonix , Guardian of Tranquility8. Gremlin, Guardian Angel9. Sharazad, Seeker of Lore and Legends10. Mysteria Blue, Truthkeeper11. Darrydabby, (role not decided yet) 12. - on hold- 13.Lower Circle:(currently, not recruiting)
Seal of the Synod
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
The Synod's current members (as of Day 5 Year 5)
Higher Synod 1. Aeoshattr, Lord of Treachery and Arcane; Current leader of the Synod2. Lady Renata, Mistress of Seduction and Desire3. Mya Celestia, Empath of the Guardians4. Flamewarrior, Harbinger of Nature 5. Dante Falcon, Aspiring Scholar 6. Shemhazaj, Wanderer and Seeker of Redemption7. Adam Icepheonix , Guardian of Tranquility8. Gremlin, Guardian Angel9. Sharazad, Seeker of Lore and Legends10. Mysteria Blue, Truthkeeper11. Darrydabby, (role not decided yet) 12. - on hold- 13.Lower Circle:(currently, not recruiting)
Seal of the Synod
(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).
The Synod's current members (as of Day 5 Year 5)
Higher Synod 1. Aeoshattr, Lord of Treachery and Arcane; Current leader of the Synod2. Lady Renata, Mistress of Seduction and Desire3. Mya Celestia, Empath of the Guardians4. Flamewarrior, Harbinger of Nature 5. Dante Falcon, Aspiring Scholar 6. Shemhazaj, Wanderer and Seeker of Redemption7. Adam Icepheonix , Guardian of Tranquility8. Gremlin, Guardian Angel9. Sharazad, Seeker of Lore and Legends10. Mysteria Blue, Truthkeeper11. Darrydabby, (role not decided yet) 12. - on hold- 13.Lower Circle:(currently, not recruiting)
Seal of the Synod
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The Synod
About us:
We are what we are. Simple yet difficult. When one joins us, nothing changes for them. Almost nothing. They are forced to learn how to share their minds, their very essence with others. Yes, it may be painful for others, but united we stay strong. We shall be a faction, should Lord Mur help us.
The synod is composed of the 13 members of the higher synod, all equal among them. The leader’s only other attribute is the ability to speak for the entire synod. The lower circle is composed of apprentices, those that have just joined and are learning most. The scholars (one for 3 apprentices), the right hands of the higher synod. They teach and supervise apprentices. The judges (one for 5 scholars, at least 3), those that decide whether an apprentice is worthy of graduating or not. And last, but not least, pilgrims: they are apprentices sent on their pilgrimage. There re also outcasts: pilgrims that failed their exams or other banished members.
Our rituals:
1. First and most important is bonding. In this process, two different persons become one, for a brief moment. Since all synod members share minds, the two that bond are also one with the synod, enabling our faction to grow. This is how we ‘initiate’ new members.
2. Second is how we elect the Leader: L’ana R’tath. The Leader has to be member of the higher synod (staff, when we will become a faction). The higher synod members propose one of them for leadership. If the others agree, then he/she is elected leader. If not, another proposition is made. If the higher synod cannot reach an agreement, a member of the lower synod is proposed and all members can vote.
3. A leader cannot be normally replaced, but if all other higher synod members believe he/she is not doing their job right anymore, then we turn to our third ritual: Ra’Ka’ali. As I said if all other members agree the leader is no longer fit of his/ her position, he will be replaced immediately. If however, only a few doubt his/her leadership, then we shall turn to our fourth ritual.
4. Sha’Ra’thum is the fourth ritual in which the current leader competes with the contestants of his leadership. Further details cannot be revealed to nobody else but members of the Higher Synod.
5. Assimilation is a common process in which one of us literally converts a material object into energy, sharing all the information it contains with other members.
6. Pilgrimage: is the rite of passage for each of our apprentices. During the pilgrimage, they must learn to survive without the aid of the synod and return to us with something worth our attention.
Higher Synod 1. Aeoshattr, Lord of Treachery and Arcane; Current leader of the Synod2. Lady Renata, Mistress of Seduction and Desire3. Mya Celestia, Empath of the Guardians4. available to others~5. Aero, Puppet Master6. Shemhazaj, Wanderer and Seeker of Redemption7. Adam Icepheonix , Guardian of Tranquility8. Gremlin, Guardian Angel9. Sharazad (role not decided yet)10. Mysteria Blue, Truthkeeper11.12.13.Lower Circle:(currently, not recruiting) (Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).