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Player ID: 173914
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Regeneration : 18
Energetic immunity : 17
Trade sense : 10
Briskness : 20
Initiative : 13
Defence : 23
Attack : 29
Power : 13
Luck : 6
Time Principle = 20
Element Principle = 19
Principle of Light = 54
Principle of Enthropy = 39
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Battle stats
Won: 289 | Lost: 296
Honor: 1053
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Collected Knowledge on Nahblard
No process is perfect, there are always bits, entities, things, materials, lost, they fall to the floor, aren't extracted and cleaned or whatever. Sometimes the ingredients aren't fully processed, sometimes they are lost.

At first I remember darkness and pain. My very existence was ripped from me and my disembodied soul was destroyed. However not in it's entirety. I do not know if my will to survive had saved me, or their incompetence. I'm not sure who "they" are, though I'm starting to think I know now. However when I joined the defiled, I was different. I lacked an emptiness, while little remained of me, a little spark persisted and I found in time that I began to grow. Slowy I stood more apart from than hollow spirits that surrounded me with each passing of time. Though time was something I have no measure or recollection of. How long it took I do not know.

Little of my past life exists any more, I have strange dreams, flashes of what went past and I find that some things come to me easily. Soon I was far more whole than the empty souls that surrounded me and my will was more. I was alive so I fled. It is all a blur, I think through sheer will I was reborn, into a new body one at first that was vague and undefined. I gave myself a name and began to explore the world again. As I sought survive and grow I did what I had to, occasionally the unknown of this world illuminated by flashes of my past life.

The experience had changed me, I had come into contact with magic and gained an awareness of it. Now I fought through my own will and the entities bound therein but I still fought. At first I was indistinct, unwhole, a shadow of a person growing into humanity but in time I have rediscovered many things, hunger, mirth, cold, warmth enjoyment of life, and reasons to live and more. And war. At first I fought to increase my power and regain my wholeness, I was less than most of the other warriors I met and battled with, but through perseverance I managed to win more and more. I noticed in time that I found a calm in war, fighting for my life, this is what I had done in my past life, I had fought, perhaps for what I believed in, perhaps not. But I know that battle is my calling. I seek something to fight for,  but for now I just seek combat.

Some of my creatures
Hollow Warrior Dark Archer III Deadmeat Grasan Huvourer Master of Puppets

Page 568 - One Man, Many voices
In his dying moments, the old man channelled the power of the shades on Aia. Her desire to reform the Children of the Eclipse and the raw power of the alters renewed this alliance, promoting her to the leader. The shades, feeling their power drain away cursed the old man as the blood moon left the land. At the expense of the shades, new age of the people has begun. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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