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amazin alex




Necromancer Mortis
Player ID: 61329
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : -191
Energetic immunity : -245
Trade sense : -177
Briskness : -135
Initiative : -103
Defence : 32
Attack : -24
Power : 53
Luck : 16
Woodcutting : 14
Filtering : 5
Volition : 28
Cartography : 14
Finesse : 5
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Element Principle = 565
Time Principle = 1143
Darkness Principle = 187
Principle of Balance = 1273
Principle of Imagination = 1244
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 78 | Lost: 64
Honor: 650
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
I am but a humble wonderer searching for knowledge
My ideal tag would be either The High Necromancer , The Shadow Mage, Shadow-lord or The Wanderer


Is attempting to atone for his mistakes.

An illusion of youth hides the age within, yet cold eyes stare out beneath his hood. This necromancer has found magic a poor substitute for friends.

His only constant possessions are his two blades, Flamestrike and Soulreaver with Soulreaver acting as a suppository for his power.

Some of my creatures
Master of Puppets Inferno Revolted Skill Vampire BloodPact Dark Archer III Majestic Winderwild Angien The Crimson Quiver Angien Sentinel Medusa Full-grown Winderwild

The Mage Academy

Hate is a pointless emotion

Cna yuo raed tihs?
Olny 58% of plepoe can.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
if yuo cna raed tihs, palce it in yuor porfiel

                                                                  The Mage Academy


NOTE: the academy is offline due to my new appointment in  guild, need someone else to take it on

Main Building situated in Gazebo of Chaos.

For any who enter the Gazebo seek the east side, and there if you have the power create a bridge of magic to cross you to the caverns of the Academy.

Subjects available:

Healing - basic

Healing - standard (must have completed basic healing)

Healing - advanced (must have completed standard Healing)

Healing - master level (must have completed Necromancy and advancd Healing)

Pyromancy for Beginers- In this class students shall learn how to mainpulate a flame. How to make it move, dance, create shapes as well as project it from one area to another and hold it by transfering it to their hand from a Primary source.

Advanced Pyromancy- In this class students shall learn to create fire without needing a primary source as well as control over them selves in every aspect and the fire.
(must have certification from Pyromancy for beginers)

Mastering Pyromancy- In this class students shall learn how to master fire, to make fire breath, to thrive. Students shall also learn how to enchant objects with the fire element as well as summon fire elemental creatures ranging from elementals to a fire demon and pheonix

Sorcery - basic (the art of illusion)

Sorcery - advanced (non-visual illusions, breaking into another's mind; {must have completed the basic sorcery course})

Shadowmancy - basic

Shadowmancy - advanced (must have completed basic, use of shadows and how to temporarily solidify)

Conjuring 101 - Basic Principles of Conjuring
This course teaches the basics on conjuring items and things into appearance.

Conjuring 101A - Advanced Principles of Conjuring - Must have completed Conjuring 101
This course deals with conjuring larger and complex items and perhaps people as well...

Consquences of Uncontrolled Magic - Must have completed the top two classes. This class deals with using Dark magic as opposed to Light Magic and the consequences of abuse of each

Basic Alchemy

As a researcher and and a magical being, I mastered alchemy.
Basic alchemy involves common knowledge to properties of an object, transformation of matter like turning bronze to silver or silver to gold; however turning something into gold takes practice and concentration and thus its the start for advanced alchemy.

Advance Alchemy

By knowing basic alchemy one should be ready for advanced alchemy. Advanced alchemy now involves creation of matter itself but this is risky and so its limited to creating simple objects like creating shards of ice from thin air, metals from ground and fast propagation of tree. This can also be applied to restoration of things broken like a shattered glass made whole again. Human restoration or Body restoration doesn't apply however as those contains more than hundred of different kind of matters.

Master Alchemy

This Alchemy will be only taught to those who deserve it as this comes with a price. This alchemy involves and applies the principle of balance and so must be learned with intensive care. Master alchemy applies risking the caster's own life energy to create another; as the old saying goes for one life created another life diminished.Nevertheless its also tricky as to when trying to destroy a life with alchemy involves sacrificial of life as well. Master alchemy is about creation and destruction using ones own life force.This kind of alchemy must be handle with caution.

Demonology - the study of demons, their habits, habitat, typical prey, strenghts and weaknesses etc (no summoning involved)


Necromancer Mortis - Headmaster, teaches all healing, necromancy, sorcery and shadowmancy courses

Windy - Teaches Conjuring 101, Conjuring 101A and Consequences of Uncontrolled Magic

Mcvities Shadow - Teaches all shadowmancy course

Gremlin - all pyromancy courses, usually in Loreroot or Paper Cabin

Redphoenix - Master of Alchemy, teaches all alchemy courses

Keida - Demonology (as a demon is viewed as more than qualified)


Please contact your appropriate teacher(s) to arrange lessons upon being accepted into the academy

Taking applications for students and teaching posts - apply by pm, include name, course(s) you wish to apply for or job/teaching post you wish to apply for, background if relevant, previous experience with magic, and (optional) reason for application

Note: to prevent potential confusion this is all completely RP

Note:the teacher's of a subject write the description, there can be multiple teachers of a single subject

Strength, without Control is nothing

Power without Knowledge is nothing

Life without Death is pointless

|For without eaches counterpart they have no place in this world

One thing i have noticed in combat and everyday life is inefficiency, for example in magical combat i have seen people use there power to make people explode, this is inefficient and too easy to block, it would be far easier to remove the air from where they which would then cause them to explode, also it would take to long to  figure out how to block it. because of this i am compiling a list of magical combat alternative which are more efficient and harder to block and get around, this list will inolve both offensive and defensive magic

This technique uses healing magics to kill. Upon making contact with your opponent you can force a layer of skin or fat etc to fill and block major arteries, this should take 5 seconds for a skilled healer to completely block the artery.

This is an alternative to a combat magic which uses a lot of magical energy, it is stated in the original paragraph, some of the more powerful mages can use magic to make things (or people) explode, fortunately it is easy to block and uses a lot of energy, however there is an alternative to this instead of making them explode cause a chain reaction which takes less enrgy to do it, the most obvious and efficient would be to remove the air from where they are. this uses little energy and the rapid change in air pressure will cause the target to explode also it is far harder to counter or see it coming

This is pretty much the method above used defensively, instead of removing all the air remove it so there is a thin bubble like vaccumn without air surrounding you, a thin layer of vaccumn nothing more, with the air inside the shield you will not be in dnager but without air a lot of magics will fizzlle out passing through it, fireballs for one, this although it uses less energy than a shield works both ways, so while your opponents magics cannot get through neither can yours unlike a normal shield. also so magics which do not travel through air as a medium will not be stopped, eg sorcery or other such magics, aslo no sound can enter or ecape the bubble because sound cannot travel through a vaccumn





Profit this month: 1sc

Page 218 - The Shade Ballance - Br.
"FINALLY!" With the Festival finally here for the first time, Braiton begins strutting his stuff, trying to obtain the recognition he needs so desperately at this time. Now maybe I'll be able to get rid of that blasted thing! ...
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