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Player ID: 159611
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Regeneration : 0
Energetic immunity : 5
Trade sense : 5
Briskness : 2
Initiative : 1
Defence : 2
Attack : 5
Power : 1
Luck : 0
Darkness Principle = 11
Principle of Enthropy = 9
Element Principle = 8
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Battle stats
Won: 55 | Lost: 22
Honor: 517
MindPower: 3
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A shadow falls across the Field of Fear. The warm breeze turns cold as a dark figure rises from a rift the ground. Cloaked in black, he stretches his wings before scowling at the sun. Quickly he seeks refuge from its burning heat in the darkness of the aramory. There in the darkness he stared at his blade made from a wyvern claw. Anger burned within him.

“They will regret what they have done,” he growls. “I will make them suffer for what they have done, Father.” As he stared at the blade, Neos reflected on his life thus far. He recalled the day his father, a demon lord, told him he was only a half demon. How his father had visited the world above and saw his mother picking berries in the forest. Lustful desire burned within his demon heart as he gazed upon her beauty. The demon lord enticed her into the underworld. He then made her his bride much to the disdain of his legions.

Murmurs grew when it was discovered she was with child. The demon lord quickly silenced the rumors, but began to select a special legion to serve as bodyguards for his wife and child. Grief overwhelmed his father when she died giving birth. Neos thought about his life after his birth. The endless training to make him the ultimate demon lord, how he had to fight harder than any other, and the constant ridicule over his human blood made obvious by his mismatched eye color hardened him. He vowed down to his very soul that he would make them regret their torment.

He looked at his Kusari-kama. The black scythe blade glowed dimly in the darkness. He remembered the day his father took him to the forge. Hellfire blazed in the forge as the blacksmith worked showering sparks each time the great hammer struck. Screams echoed when the scythe was dipped into demon blood to be cooled. Finally the blacksmith sharpened and polished the scythe after attaching it to an unbreakable chain.

The massive demon blacksmith approached Neos holding out the kusari-kama. “Take this and prove you have demon blood,” his deep voice thundered. “Forging in hellfire and cooling in demon blood gives it a demonic-like spirit. Only a being with demon blood may hold this weapon. All others will be burned.”

Neos bravely took the kusari-kama. The demon lord showed a moment of pride when Neos was unharmed, before recomposing himself. “Go forth and use your new weapon, son,” he stated firmly.

Determined to prove himself, Neos trained with the kusari-kama harder than ever before. The destruction he caused with his new weapon earned it the name Chain of Chaos. This pleased his father greatly, but made some of the lesser demons loath Neos even more.

As Neos 200th birthday drew closer, rumblings in the underworld grew louder. Concerns over him becoming heir to the demon lord’s throne grew to rebellion. A legion of rebellious demons stormed the demon lord’s stronghold. Father and son fought side by side against the horde before being overwhelmed. The bodyguards never arrived.

Neos and the demon lord were dragged from the stronghold to the angry throng of demons that waited outside. They screamed and roared for blood. The leader of the rebels seized hold of Neos hair. “We shall help your son purge his human half,” growled the leader. “Starting with that wretched blue eye.” The rebel leader buried his fingers into Neos’s right eye and tore the blue eye from its socket. Neos refused to scream, but grit his teeth against the pain.

The demon lord helplessly watched the rebels torture Neos. The rebel demon leader turned to the demon lord with an evil smile, “Now to punish you for defiling our realm with that filthy human and her useless whelp.” He seized hold of the demon lord’s blade, Demon Claw, and slit the demon lord’s throat. “Be lost forever in the abyss!” roared the rebel leader as he shoved the demon lord’s body and blade over the side.

Next the rebels drug Neos to the edge of the abyss. “You shall not have as peaceful a fate as your weak father,” growled the rebel leader. The rebels shoved Neos into the abyss to fall for eternity tossing his Chain of Chaos after him.

Neos fell for several hundred feet before he caught sight of his father’s nearly lifeless body and weapon. He roared in anger causing his never before seen wings to burst from his back. Seizing hold of his Chain of Chaos, he used it to reach the Demon Claw. He thrust the blade into his father’s dying body infusing it with the soul. “I shall avenge you, Father,” Neos vowed before casting a spell and disappearing into the darkness.
Some of my creatures
Elite Lorerootian Ar Dark Archer3 LittleJ


Page 31 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
"The Book of Principles, what could be in it?...", Akasha starts enumerating the principles she learned so far.. "ok, i know..Balance...i fight well and temper my greed, i learned to lose well and to win when i want ... what else.. oh, i know Syntropy ... i regenerate my creatures and they keep improving skill ..what else..." As she tries to think of more principles she knows of, the weather starts to get worth ,seems she has to wait more before crossing the bridge. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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