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Player ID: 75537
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Regeneration : 9
Energetic immunity : 5
Trade sense : 1
Briskness : 11
Initiative : 7
Defence : 17
Attack : 24
Luck : 2
Power : 7
Element Principle = 66
Principle of Light = 37
Principle of Enthropy = 37
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Battle stats
Won: 176 | Lost: 170
Honor: 1699
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

In the dark past of another planet my ancestors were created by an unholy race to serve as slaves and worriors. They had to endure a brutal treatmant and a life full of fear to be killed when they become useless due to injuries or sickness. As time passed they learned to survive by useing the force of their souls to accelerate the naturel strenght of their bodies. The masters saw the changes of my ancestors and reserched the new abillities to use them for their owen goods. They had to aknowlage that they coud not use that power and were afraid that when the race they had created learned magic to be overthrowen by them because the combination of the soul force and magic would go over their owen power. Out of fear they began to slaughter their on creation and chased everyone who survived. Only a small part could cross the border to another nation where they were save for the moment. In the new nation they rebuiled their tribe and learned from the friendly inhabitants.
Many centuries have past and and the former slaves gave them selfes the name Dracon. Under the protection of their new ally the tribe grow stronger and stronger and devalopt many new powers by combining magic with their soul force. As for it some of them began to use the power of the elemants and forming contracts with the spiritlords. But only the best were able to transform into the beasts that resamble their souls and use their unique abillities.
The great achivments of the Dracon spread envey under the allies and caused them to be exiled. Only having the chance to survive by leaving the planet the most powerfull sacrafied themselves to create a portal to another dimansion. But the portal was unstable and only my mother and i were able to come through while the other were lost into space. On the new planat my mother raised me to be a strong fighter by teaching me the ways of cntroling my body, mind, and soul to survive in our new environment. As time passes i got educated in fighting, soul force, magic and other things that she thought to be usefull to the last of our race because she felt that her end was near. After she died i fall into a state of madness and destroyed what crossed my way on my search for a new reason to live. Only an old sage that was sent to kill me was able to lift my madness. He took me in and showed me the way of a sage to give me a new reason to live. I studied many years to master the way of the sage and was sent away as i reached a certain level where only the world could teach me how to be a sage.

Some of my creatures
Elemental V Aramor Assassin Hollow Warrior

Page 189 - The Shade Ballance - Kh. Sh.
"Oh you great one! ..thank you for teaching me this amazing magic!". Khalhazdad stares amazed at the dark fog rizing from necrovions gates. With a shy step he passes throu the fog and exits on the other side of the world. "That could be a very good thing...or a bad one..depends." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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