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Nicolette Marie
Player ID: 140190
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Page 547 - A Debt Repaid
Dst interjects, "So many Necros." She shrugs and waves dismissively. "What if some die?" Princ Rhaegar stands and then explains, at length, that the citizens of his land didn't stop Maebius' plan because none had the desire to do so. He even admits to some curiosity about what Necrovion's reaction would be. When he finally finishes, he sits and watches Azull. The King of Necrovion stands, but is silent for a time before speaking. "My blood, and the blood of my people, has been spilled because of your inaction. In turn, I have taken your blood, and the blood of your people." He crosses his arms and stares at Rhaegar. "Vengeance has been satisfied. I am ready to end this now." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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