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Oceane Xara
Player ID: 200027
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Regeneration : 4
Energetic immunity : 14
Trade sense : 5
Briskness : 4
Initiative : -1
Defence : 7
Attack : 19
Power : 1
Luck : 1
Volition : 0
Principle of Imagination = 2
Principle of Light = 2
Darkness Principle = 13
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Battle stats
Won: 49 | Lost: 54
Honor: 861
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance

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    I was walking, more like toddling around the cabin... I had no troubles... I was just a normal two year old. Mama wasn't looking so I wandered off to explore. Somewhere I must have taken a wrong turn because I got lost.
 I saw a dark figure in front of me. He looked down on me with sweet green eyes which matched my own. He picked me up.
"Hello there little one." he said in a sweet tone.
He looked about sixteen, black hair, charming smile. I wrapped my stubby arms around his neck. He carried me away and I fell asleep in his arms.
 I awoke in a white room. 
Everyday he would come in and decorate it with more pleasant things, fresh roses, paintings, statues.
There was a bed with the matress stuffed with feathers and the blankets made out of silk. 

On my sixteeth birthday things changed.  He walked in as usual, he was holding something in a bag but I couldn't tell what it was. He aproached me and stared into my eyes.. He looked the same as he did when I first met him, his dazzling green eyes stared into mine, we were the same hieght now which made it easier.

"Good morning sunshine" he said with a slight smile on his perfect face. 

He held out his hand and I took it. He lead me into the hallway and put his hand over my eyes. I felt his warm breath on my face as his lips touched mine. I was taken by surprise but I leaned in and kissed back. He took his hand from my eyes but they were still closed. He grabbed my arms and pulled me closer in. I thought nothing of this, but he pulled me closer still, I could feel my own heart beating faster. I opened my eyes and we were back in the room. He slowly leaned me over onto the bed. 
Thing took a turn for the worst. 
He had me pinned by my wrists down on the bed and he was pulling something from the bag. It was a knife. He slowly traced it across my stomach leaving a trail of blood which ran down and stained the sheets... Everything started to go black and the last thing I heard was.

"Your mine now." 

I opened my eyes and tried to get up. There  was searing pain and I screamed. That was my big mistake . The door flew open.
"What are you complaining about now?" he asked in an annoyed tone.
I started to breath shallowly. 
He walked over to me and brushed a gentle hand on my cheek. I closed my eyes and tryed to stay calm. He leaned over me and kissed me, running his hand over my chest. I tried to jerk away from him, he punched me in the face. I moaned in pain and tried to get up, but he seized my wrist and twisted it.
There was a sickening crack and I yelled out in agony, he twisted it more and I yelled louder. After a while he seemed satified with my pain and let go of my arm. He helped me up and pressed me against a wall forcing himself apon me



"It gets into your head, and messes with your mind.
Only if put into the right hands can it avoid crime"


The powers of the fire nymph

Purple Fire
This is the spell used to create cold flames, usually used for temporary freezing.

Fire Balls
Usually used in battles, fire balls can be conjured, to any size.

Train of Fire
Only fire kind can use this action, it is when you shoot fire out of your hands.

    My name is Oceane. I'm 16 years old. I have no family. I'm terribly afraid of knifes. I have Telepathy. I have a tatoo of a flower on my wrist. I am a Fire nymph and I have Red hair and Sparkling Green eyes. I can't feel the pain of what your doing to me, I just feel the pain of what it did to me. So Basically if you punched me in the face I woudn't feel anything, but if you cut me while I was looking I would be scarred by my memories. 

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
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Some of my creatures

I HATE KNIVES OF ALL TYPES. kay thats all.

Page 174 - The Shade Ballance - Kh. Glo. Wod.
Winds Sanctuary's peace is disrupted, as Glor Damar confronts Khalazdad. "Your light hides within Khalazdad", he taunts. "I may free the white spirit at any time I please" , and with a flourish, providing proof, he throws black powder upwards. Dancing around the settling dust, he whispers dramatically while Glor Damar watches disbelieving,. Khlazdad proclaims he's irrevocably severed from the light. "If you don't believe me, just ask Wodin", he cries as Glor Damar hurries away. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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