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Player ID: 89826
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Regeneration : 8
Energetic immunity : 23
Trade sense : 14
Briskness : 9
Initiative : 7
Defence : 20
Attack : 27
Power : 13
Luck : 6
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Transposition Principle = 70
Principle of Syntropy = 36
Darkness Principle = 26
Principle of Enthropy = 42
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Battle stats
Won: 140 | Lost: 124
Honor: 4116
MindPower: 4
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Oceanus - Son of a Titan
I am the titan son of the true gods Uranus and Gaia. As a child I was enamored of the water and was gifted by my parents with the ability to transform my legs into the torso of a serpent, or a fishes tail as need be. While playing in the waves of my beloved sea, I was attacked by a giant crab, in my rage at being disturbed, I discovered that my arms had taken on the form of a powerful crab\'s claws. In destroying my assailant, I learned to control this ability, and will on occasion transform my arms into those of a crab when I am doing something that has a very special meaning to me, or when my anger is severely provoked. I prefer to live in peace and balance, and prefer to step back from most conflicts, not from fear, but because I find them to be petty and not worth my time. Those who are rash or easily provoked, often become targets of disdain or are simply ignored. My friends are few, as I am prone to toy and tease with those that I come in contact with, much as a boat is tossed on the oceans waves. However, if one can overcome the surface, there is a tremendous depth, and mysteries to be discovered if one is patient. I have only suffered one true and lasting defeat in my lifetime, and that memory still haunts me to this day. To escape from the crushing thoughts of that day, I have devoted myself to discovering new lands and challenges, driving myself to become better and stronger at all times. I have discovered that sitting, watching and waiting have just as much ability to advance my abilities and learning as rushing off and testing myself physically, and as a result I am often found sitting with my chair proped against the wall of WindSpirits tavern enjoying the goings on. I watch, and plan before I act, for I truly detest failure. My surface color is as blue as the oceans that were named after me. Learning is my prime motivator. For Knowledge and Logic are the true power. I will use that which I learn to my own ends, and am not averse to using deception to acheive my goals, although to those few that I call my friends, I am loyal, even to my destruction. False friends, I never forget, and will seek every oportunity to hinder, antagonize, and destroy, through any means necessary until not even a memory of the individual remains. --------------- Chapter Two --------------- For months, I have wandered these lands, pausing here and there to consider the strange beings which wander these realms. A few I have come to respect, even less, I call friends. In my early days, I wandered down the open roads, and learned to respect the power of the shades, and even after their weakness was found, and they were driven from the lands, I will remember, and watch for their return. I have learned much, and have learned to enjoy the thrill of training my new found companions, creatures as some would call them. And while I feel some of the darkness and lust for battle that emanates so strongly from them darken my soul, I remain their master. In challenging the guardians of Loreroot, I discovered certain weaknesses in my knowledge, prompting me to pursue a new understanding of this realms powers. While persueing this enlightenment, I felt myself swept back to my first few days wandering this land, although this time, I noted several new items which drew my interest. My mind expanded with this new understanding, and within the hour of finding myself back within the confines of Marind Bell, I had defeated the last few shades still blocking my way, re entered the willows shop, and had walked into the beutiful lands of Loreroot, where I discovered several new powerful companions, whose motives were of a less dark nature. I continue to stalk the realms, feeling my knowledge, and with it, my power, increase with each day that passes. I know my origin, I will learn the rest. For I am the Ocean.
Some of my creatures
Chaos Archer Grasan Huvourer Elemental IV

The negative stances of Oceanus
I detest those who do not honor the way of the Dojo. Hogar being especially detested I have disdain for those who are unwilling to learn. I ignore those who are rash and quick to anger, for they are fools.

Page 37 - Gjinja the Chronicler
At the warm candle light Gjinja starts to write the legend of the current events ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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