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Player ID: 171984
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Regeneration : 10
Energetic immunity : 8
Trade sense : 5
Briskness : 14
Initiative : 8
Defence : 8
Attack : 16
Power : 8
Luck : 2
Transposition Principle = 59
Principle of Enthropy = 15
Darkness Principle = 25
Time Principle = 19
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Battle stats
Won: 172 | Lost: 163
Honor: 1895
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

My memory is still vague. After waking up in this strange world I feel lost and confused. Every now and then there are glimmers of my past that come to the surface. Places newly discovered that are somehow strangely familiar.

Home (Day 268, Year 4)

After running around in the deserted wasteland for several days I have finally found a place that I can call home, at least for the time being. Marind Bell is such a wonderfull place with beautiful buildings and a peaceful feeling. Somehow I feel that this place is important. That has a central place in my purpose, but the details are still outside my grasp.

The wayward prince (Day 270, Year 4)

Today I a ran into a strange man by Willow's. He kindly offered to help me find my place in this world. Feeling alone and lost I decided to give this man a chance, but something tells me that this man does not share the way of my past, whatever that past may be.

A dream (Day 276, Year 4)

Last night I had a wierd dream. I found myself in an open field. Suddenly the air in front of me started to blur, as if it was turning fluid. And in its place came a circular shape of perfect darkness. A feeling of calm confidence came over me as I moved steadily towards the dark shape, and then everything turned black. It felt so real, almost like a memory, but I can't remember it being mine.

Intuition (Day 280, Year 4)

There is something strangely familiar about this place. While I can't remember any of these places I'm sure I've been here before. Every day my feeling, of having been sent here for a purpose, grows stronger. I'm pretty sure the dark circle has something to do with it, but there are still too many pieces of the puzzle missing.

Some of my creatures
Dark Archer III Grasan II Hollow Warrior Angien

Personal pity list

Hate is a reflection of insecurities of oneself in others.

I do not hate, I pity those who are not fortunate enough to earn my respect.

Page 199 - The Shade Ballance - yrt., Wod.
After the recent dispute finally comes to an end, Yrthilian receives the detailed documents concerning Wodin's summoning and immediately begins preparations to have him summoned back to our realm once again. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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