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Orbinatus Numedorus
Player ID: 225958
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 49
Energetic immunity : 63
Trade sense : 22
Briskness : 55
Initiative : 17
Defence : 123
Attack : 272
Power : 105
Luck : 32
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Transposition Principle = 966
Principle of Enthropy = 434
Darkness Principle = 24
Principle of Light = 272
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 725 | Lost: 1061
Honor: 4779
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
A puppet is staring at you as you are trying to define what it is and what is its story....



Isn't that what a puppet is supposed to tell?

Well at the moment, the puppet, which is still staring at you, is actually nothing else than a piece of wood, with human features, skin, clothes, man like, hair, etc.... and clothes! The awkward bits are probably the silk smooth strings connected to each extremity of ORBi's hands / feet and head, that go beyond the sight into the clouds above our heads.

These strings seem alive, as they do not always follow the direction of the wind.

These strings are more than strings, as they control the puppet hooked to them.

Who is controlling these strings?

Some of my creatures
Angien Day Dreamer Skill Vampire Full-grown Winderwild Imperial Aramor Assassin Unholy Priest II Hollow Warrior Rustgold Drachorn BloodPact Dark Archer II

ORBi loves


ORBi hates

Because ORBi believes it is human...... in the body of a puppet!

Respect him and he ll respect you, love him and he ll love you. Be Roxanne and he ll be your doormat... uh? did he say that!? ah yes he did!

Page 452 - The Traveler
"Space ships and all sorts of ridiculous devices, what has become of my land!" Several heads appear from the dark fog that the Shade turned into "Sentinels! guard the gate, no humans are allowed to pass!" (all characters were moved out of Necrovion) ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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