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Jet McFin




Papa Mojo
Player ID: 99341
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Regeneration : 12
Energetic immunity : 11
Trade sense : 12
Briskness : 12
Initiative : 9
Defence : 18
Attack : 29
Luck : 8
Power : 13
Royal Guard
Time Principle = 25
Principle of Cyclicity = 39
Principle of Enthropy = 35
Transposition Principle = 50
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Battle stats
Won: 133 | Lost: 173
Honor: 321
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance
A new mage, the knowledge of time and the natural cycle of the universe fascinate him. He endeavors to learn more, and accepts advice from all who might wish to help him on the path to enlightenment, either through knowledge and pursuits of the mind, or through battle and pain. Papa: A term of endearment towards a father, or grandfather Mojo: Luck, or a magic charm It was a name given from a different place and time. Now, in this time and place, he realizes that having one\'s mojo is a very good thing. Luck is not so far removed from probability. If you can raise your probability to a certain point, is it still luck? It is also here, in my personal papers that I think we all need to take a moment to consider just how awesome Metal Bunny is. He\'s currently running a multi-part quest, containing riddles, and humor, and content. Are you running a multi-part quest? No. Well, that\'s only one thing that shows how much more awesome Metal Bunny is then many of us. Do you have Bunny in your name? How about Metal? Metal Bunny has both. That\'s twice as awesome as someone who only had Metal, or Bunny in his name. Lastly, have you had anyone write a poem to you? Metal Bunny has men and women from around the world writing poems about how awesome he is. That should just go to show, that Metal Bunny may in fact, just be a demigod who\'s taken a form to share himself with us. We should all love Metal Bunny. Height: 5\'10\" Weight: 176 lbs. Papa appears as a youngish black man. His cloths have an hourglass sigil on them, with the top portion of the hourglass being cracked. He has belt pouches filled with various herbs and other substances.He is bald, and has a necklace with the image of an Ouroboros. Wish List: Role: TimeKeeper or Watcher of the Cycles. Basically interested in and strongly aware of how time and cycles progress, able to intuit changes in such, and may have some small abilities to alter or influence it. Spells: Evolve: Add +1 age to a persons creatures, makes all casters creature lose -1 Age Devolve: Reduces 1-3 age from random creature, requires full VE of caster, which is lost after spell. Cycle of Death: All creatures in combat strike twice per round. Altered Perception of Time (Special): Acts as spell of same type except that it increases the casters regen timer to 30 mins for a period of two hours. Slow: Opponents creatures are reduced to one attack every two rounds, caster must spend 50% of max VE to cast spell.
Some of my creatures
Dark Archer III Aramor Assassin Grasan II Hollow Warrior

I hate very little. Hate is one part of the cycle of emotions. Love, turns to hate, which can turn to sadness, leaving a field for love to return to. Hate is merely a feeling in a moment of time, as ephemeral as anything else. However, there are those who have raised my ire. Some of whom include: Dojo Attackers, a work in progress Pierre the Poet cellozz supercas jun10121 darrydabby (multiple unannounced Dojo attacks) fedebasso Witiko gato90

Page 401 - The Inner Sun - Bo., Nel.
“What connection do the Pillars of Harmony have with all this?” Bootes’ smile falters for a moment as he hesitates. “… I cannot Say for sure, but together we will discover it and see it returned to this Land.” Nelya extends her hand and grasps Bootes’ and smiles. “Yes, we will solve this mystery; we will see the Moon again.” Click >here< to help. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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