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Player ID: 109894
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Regeneration : 129
Energetic immunity : 59
Trade sense : 27
Briskness : 112
Initiative : 69
Defence : 401
Attack : 534
Power : 180
Luck : 35
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Transposition Principle = 989
Principle of Light = 1010
Darkness Principle = 200
Element Principle = 156
Principle of Enthropy = 7
Reabilitated criminal. Date of release 26/03/2009.
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Battle stats
Won: 725 | Lost: 1103
Honor: 4909
MindPower: 5
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I am Parchu Son of King Bull
I am Bull Elephant

My father  (King Bull) is Elephant in spirit, My mother Queen (Ailith) Bull is Water Nymph.

My mother and father were lorerootians when i was born, That makes myself and my 2 bothers, Caru and Gwyrth also Lorerootains....Born and Bred 

Elephants represent Strengh, Fidelity, Long Memory,Patience, Wisdom, and Felicity.

The Elephant goes back to the Mythologies, As the Gods and the demons churned the oceans during 'sagar manthan'  (sagar = Sea : manthan = churning) for the elixir of life 'amrit' (nectar) that would make  them  immortal, there  surfaced  the 'navratnas ' (Nine Jewels). One of   these jewels  was the Elephant. The Elephant is, therefore absolutely precious to be preserved and protected like the way jewels are.


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Elephants represent strengh,fidelity, long memory, patience,wisdom,conjugal felicity.

There are several interesting social behaviors that have been observed in Elephants. They have been seen to help young and wounded elephants and  even bury them under branches, individual  elephants have been seen standing by the bones of dead elephants for hours and also carry bones around. Not only do these animals show compassion but also show loyalty and affection. Elephants having massive size and presence have been associated to various Myths.

Buddhist Mythology:

Sacred to Buddha, a white elephant having appeared to Queen Maya to announce the birth of a royal world-ruler. The white elephant is also the Jewel of the Law. The white elephant shows compassion, love and kindness.

Christian Mythology:

A symbol of Christ as an enemy of the serpent, trampling the serpent underfoot, chastity, benignity.

Chinese Mythology:

Strength, sagacity, prudence, energy, sovereignty.

Graeco-Roman Mythology:

An attribute of Mercury as intelligence. Pliny says the elephant is a religious animal, worshipping the sun and stars and purifying itself at the new moon, bathing in the river and invoking the heavens. In Roman art, longevity, immortality, victory over death.

Hindu Mythology:

Vehicle of the God Ganesha, the strength of sacred wisdom, prudence, kingly rank, invincible might, longevity, intelligence. The world is also supported by elephants.

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Some of my creatures
Water Daimon III BloodPact Dark Archer III Angien Sentinel II Chaos Archer Majestic Winderwild Angien Sentinel Grasan Huvourer Walking Tree

My fathers story: told by BlackThorn

* The Bard entered the Earth and Flame by one of the secret ways that few knew of and slipped in unnoticed and unseen. The place was packed but its patrons nursed their drinks and made little conversation. Their mood was dark and somber. Blackthorn smiled one of his take-life–as–it-comes smiles and thought "I have just the story."

"He was an orphan, the very product of war, so it is no wonder, that having survived his lonely and desperate childhood, he would enter into that second oldest of professions. He became a warrior." The bard stopped and drank his ale. The crowd had fallen completely silent now, on that dangerous edge the Bard has seen so many times where they could fall over into hostility, or drop right into his hands.

"When he first came to our lands he was quite young," the Bard continued after a pause that was just long enough, "and worked to refine his skills with blade and spell. He was a Bull of a man; strong of frame and mind and eager to prove himself in battle, which he did. It did not take long before he was recognized by all as a truly exceptional warrior."

The bard smiled and pulled out his lute. His hands were eager for the strings. As he played a haunting tune, he continued. "I do not say this because he is my friend, though in fact he is, but because he has a gift for battle. An instinct honed to a fine edge upon the forge of his upbringing."

Now the people in the tavern had begun to stir a little, turing their chairs to see, muttering in what seemed pleased tones when they saw the lute. 'I have them now,' thought the Bard comfortably.

"Khalazdad recognized this gift and drew him from No Man’s Land to Necrovion. Drew him into the intrigues of that dark and accursed land, drew him into the boiling conflict of war where his particular talents would be put to good use. Indeed he fought, and won, many skirmishes for the Sentinels. There the warrior became a leader. There in that hard land the man learned many hard lessons under the tutelage of its master; Khalazdad.

"But memories of his childhood began to haunt him, drive him, eat at him like a dog gnaws at a bone. He saw a war coming that would tear his adopted home apart. 'The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime' - he often says this about those dark days and little else. But this I know. He made a choice, perhaps the most difficult of his life. He chose not to fight for this land he so loved but to help all the people of the realm avoid the bloody devastations of war. In so choosing, he became more than a warrior.

"He became a champion.

"Such choices are not without consequence. And so it was that the Lion found himself cast-out from his own pride. Equally shunned by those who had once called him brother and by those he had once stood against, he made his way to Marinds Bell and spent his days training and teaching in the dojo. There he found a new path to follow; the Elephant Dance. It is said: that to whom much is given, much is also required. And so while suffering the constant barbs of persecution he continued to freely give all he could to those that applied for his help."

Now the Bard began to strum on his instrument, not accompanyment exactly but just the soothing sound of notes happening. The customers of the tavern had fallen now, fallen into his spell.

He continued:

"It was around this time that I invited him to join me in Loreroot. Nelya Setesh warmly welcomed him and for a season he stayed with the Guardians of the Root, became one of us. Here in the depths of the forest he found a happiness he had not known before. Love, marriage, children; blessings he had never dreamed he would know. Here he stayed and raised his sons with the love and support he himself had lacked. Here he found friendship freely given, and the admiration of all. Quickly he rose to be a member of the High Council of Loreroot and humbly served its people.

"The Root found fertile soil within his soul and his awareness began to grow. He saw the truth of things that had once confused him. He found the truth of his own existence and within that truth he found…… Balance.

"'Balance above all,' he said to his friend Khalazdad.

"Khalazdad looked at his former captain with something bordering on rage. 'This is the path you have chosen?' He cursed. 'Balance?'

"'It is,' said King Bull. Khalazdad had once seemed so much more intimidating, but now something had changed. It took a moment for him to see that it was not Khalazdad who had changed, but himself. He was no longer content to follow other men. He would set his own course; hold fast to his own truth. At last he had found a battle worth the fighting.

"'You will not shake me from this. I will serve Necrovion, but only by maintaining the Balance. This is the only treaty I will make and it will be the same for all the other alliances, I will fight with those who seek to keep the Balance, and decimate all those who would destroy it.' As he said this, King Bull looked directly into the eyes of his former master, they stood there the two of them locked in a wordless struggle, but it was Khalazdad that turned away first.

"Khalazdad knew, like a father knows, that there was nothing he could say or do to change what he saw in those eyes. But then he knew of another Principle; Time.

"Time had a way of eroding even a will as stubborn as King Bull’s. Khalazdad had always been a patient man.

"'So you call yourselves the Knights of Necrovion?"' he slapped his friend on the back and smiled. 'Good name; a dark name. Wish I had thought of it.'"

BlackThorn set down his lute. This tale was at its end, but the story of King Bull was far from complete. The Bard of Loreroot knew there would be many more chapters yet to come. Lifting his glass the Bard toasted his friend, "To King Bull and the Knights of Necrovion. Balance above all."

The Bard did not pay for any of his own refreshments that night, and surely the turn of his leg was noticed by the tavern girls.


Many hours later a shadow passed into the depths of the Weald. Blackthorn had slipped out of the Earth and Flame leaving its patrons with wine flowing and songs singing. His business this night was far from over. Many had heard his story and their mood had lightened. Suddenly the world was not so dark a place, if a Lion of Necrovion could return home stronger and wiser for the journey. He would champion the Balance and ensure that the realm would not fall into a war from which none would survive. He would gather together Knights from all the lands of the realm. People like himself that would put the interests of the Realm before the interests of their own lands or even themselves. The Bard's smile was lost in the darkness of the Weald, "comfort and stability coming from Necrovion. Who would have thought it Possible?"

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"Sometimes you must walk backwards  to move forward"

 The biggest  most important thing  I can tell you is that new players learn the most and get the most involved in the game by interacting with the older players, and playing a role that they can become known for.
1. Keep moving.
2. Prey on the weak when you can.
3. Set up some defensive rituals. When one gets the beat, the next one you flagged as defense comes into play, so spend some time erecting a wall of defensive rituals.
4. When doing the previous step, use creatures that are expendable, with the minumum vitality (301) and no investment of your own traits.
5. Spend time accruing enough creatures that you can keep a screen of defensive rituals around you at all times.
6. Get an elemental up to the highest level possible as soon as possible.
7. Get into Loreroot as quick as you can:
b. Think about what it means to win a fight.
c. Think about how your stats transfer to creaturesmake sense until later.
8. Remember it is a game.
9. Go to Marble Dale Park Sparring Grounds train and help otherss so you can upgrade creatures                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .    a.   Think about what it means to win a fight.
     b.   Think about how your stats transfer to creatures

Page 434 - Tales of The Cube
Everybody looks shocked at the old man that prepares to walk away. "But but ... you wanted to know about all this; you started the story.." Junior looks confused. "And, I have heard all I wanted to know." The image gets blurry, and everybody looks at each other confused, trying to remember why they stood gathered there in circle. After a while, they all split up, still trying to remember what it was. Some mumble about an old man, but none can recall what happened exactly. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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