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Player ID: 106399
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 6891
Energetic immunity : 17489
Trade sense : 1478
Briskness : 1658
Initiative : 4101
Defence : 9246
Attack : 32064
Power : 3160
Luck : 885
Dowsing : 107
Experimentalism : 26
Woodcutting : 13
Herbalism : 18
Filtering : 14
Waterhandling : 13
*excavation : 127
Finesse : 28
Gardening : 7
Volition : 223
Cartography : 27
Demon Set
Sun God Armour
Enigma Set
Principle of Light = 4000
Darkness Principle = 4000
Principle of Balance = 4000
Transposition Principle = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 4000
Moving with the grace of a queen and the pride of a cat, the daughter of Khalazdad walks a line somewhere between shade and mortal. She hears secrets in the darkness, and sometimes whispers them to the worthy.
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Battle stats
Won: 11999 | Lost: 12029
Honor: 4967
MindPower: 5
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Some of my creatures
Harmony Malaikat Maut Grido BloodPact Dark Archer II Golden Faffy The Fool Azull Halloween Elu Granos Angien

A quest for those who see the world around us with a different perception

Have you heard of the Book of Principles?

It was a calm day, a day like any other, peaceful in its passing towards night, and yet it was different, for this time I was standing in front of aged gates... Gates weathered through many summers and winters yet still standing proud, setting an invisible barrier to those not worthy of lands beyond.
Ahead of a stone bridge, up a road and up a mountain, a mysterious fire dwells. The mountain, the fire, and everything about the island holds mystery; a land of stone. But one myth, a legend and rumours about principles, have drawn my attention; to discover that people believe that up there somewhere a book of all principles hides. Principles that hide secrets to our world; or at least to its better understanding. There have already been two others that travelled this path….
One of them, her whereabouts and discoveries now unknown. Her search for the book known of but further than this it is only said that she wrote her own book of principles.
The other one, a traveler that gave his body so he could become one with these principles, has discovered them but has left us without sharing the knowledge he gained.
I now stand here thinking what drove those two travelers there, adventure that could take their lives and yet reward them greatly with possible understanding of this world? The mountain looks so far away, knowledge of these principles I have but not the whole understanding of them.
Here I need your help dear traveller, help me to understand these principles and there shall also be great reward for you. Should your answers help me, I will reward you with it.
(rules at the bottom of the page)

Part I

 Imagine a cube made of paper. On each side there is something written. There is also a strange paper inside of it. On it there are seven straight lines. Representing number of days, beginning of joy and a magic number that you need. On each paper under what is written, there is barely visible a small drawing of a quill. Close your eyes and take the quill. Can you write your opinion about them and accept the challenge that is offers? Can you tell which principle(s) you see in each paper and explain why you chose them? (more than just one principle is visible in each example)

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 Personal wishlist:


~~I would like the item 'Scimitar of Destruction' currently owned by Aysun (inactive account) to be returned to me and have its name changed to 'Tainted' and with the description of 'By putting all seven shards together, Peace reforged Khalazdad's sword with Shadowseeker's guidance at Berserker's Way. It emits a vile aura and whenever used against someone, the wielder gets hurt as well.' References to this sword can be found in my hate page and here.

~~My item 'Bottle of perfume' to be edited and act as a reviving item if possible with the description 'A fragrance so charming that can guide the spirits back to their bodies.'

Own at least one of each Necrovion's rare creatures


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After a long time Shadowseeker decided that the sword should be hidden and that was mainly his own fault: He did not keep it secretive enough.

He therefore went to the place where one of Willow's apprentices worked, and asked him for his help. Grudgingly the other agreed, so they started to use strong hammers to bend the blade. Everything progressed slowly, but surely. After a full day of work the sword broke into 7 shards.  

Thinking of the aura each of them emitted, Seeker decided to coat each of them with some glass, but he was not careful with three shards, and he could still feel a bit of power emitting of them..but as it was weakened he was satisfied. Then, he pocketed his belongings and set out to hide them, keeping one of the powerful shards himself and spreading the others.  


Through forest and mointain, seashore and desert: He hid all of them well. 


But shortly, a few days after he had hid them all, DarkPriestess arrived in front of him. She knew he had the last shard, and had gathered a considerable amount herself, knowing where the last shards were.
She then asked her brother MalichiW to get those shards she was missing. Having completed the collection she went to the place where the sword was broken. 


And there she placed each of the shards together, as they were before. The result was immediately, the glassy borders melted and the sword was whole again.
But...the glass remained. 


This was the time when she remember the last advice of Shadowseeker, which he gave rather indifferent: She followed it and was amazed that the glass, which resisted to everything she tried so far, melted down like butter.  


That was the time she carefully extended her hand towards the hilt and grabbed it...and as soon as she got cut, a story was visible to her.
She saw what Shadowseeker saw during the time after the Battle at the House of Liquid Dust.


"Shadowseeker reached down and plucked Khalazdad's sword from the Earth.  Pain coursed through his hand as the handle shredded the bare skin there. 


Seeker swore and dropped the blade, but not before it told him a story... 


"An enemy is the maker and marker of a warrior.  In a place far and far from this, two warriors met on the field of battle.  The strove against each other for hours, and then for days, each growing mightier in the sight of the other. 


"Strength was taken for strength.  Neither warrior was prepared to die, only to grow greater and greater. 


"Witnessing this battle, and revolted by the glory obtained in life by the warriors, the High Priest Cattarh ordered a blade made - a blade of poison and potency.  Wrapped around the handle were barbs of lead and metal found in rocks that fell from the sky. 


"To one of the warriors he presented the blade.  He told him that to defeat his enemy, he must wield the blade against him.


"This was done.  The two rejoined in battle one day on the road to Jodpur.  The battle ended quickly, with Cattarh's champion falling in pain and madness.


"But his enemy fell, also: when it was shown that Cattarh's champion had fallen by his own hand, not by fair combat, his enemy's reputation was ruined.  He became an object of mockery, and could not find decent employment even as a caravan guard.


"The greatest victory of all went to Cattarh, who no longer had to witness such ostentatious self aggrandizment." 


Seeker picked up the sword by the blade, carefully, and sheathed it.  He was ever careful thereafter not to grasp the handle.


Many wondered where the blade went after the Black fell in battle at the House of Liquid Dust.  But Shadowseeker knew."

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I do not aim with my eye;
he who aims with his eye has forgotten the face of his father.
I aim with my hand.

I do not shoot with my hand;
he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I shoot with my mind.

I do not kill with my gun;
he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father.
I kill with my heart.


Fool deeds

  Healing and Blessing Priorities: 

Family always comes first, my adepts or worshippers in that order.
On occasions I heal massively at the Sparring Grounds if my vitality allows it.

Cless always... all he has to do is ask and he shall receive.

(Eternal gratitude to TTL for making this for me!)

Like Father, like Daughter. 

lity is a special flavor of arrogance. Only the strongest can withstand being nothing, being the servant of each man and woman. Only the strongest can offer such service and not be preyed on by the stronger.
To have a self, first you must have no self, then give yourself away. Each time you give something of you away, you receive it, becoming a person You only own what you can take and hold. You only own that which you can give away. Whatever you cannot give away owns you.

To rule over is to submit to.

Rajadharma - The Duty of Kings. It signifies the truth that when a ruler has indomitable spiritual strength, she can conquer the mundane attachment, and execute the strategies restoring the welfare of the people. Thus, it can be of great use to those who are commited to upliftment.
Now I am no longer the Queen,  just a Daughter to whom the legacy has been passed by her King and Father...

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~Day: 211, Year 8~

nadrolski (10863.5k)
lashtal (1245k)
Mercurial Spectre (1057.5k)
Eon (713k)
Azull (574k)
No one (522.5k)
Eara Meraia (492.5k)
Eagle Eye (330k)
dst (252.5k)
Draconas (231.5k)
concussion (219k)
Jolla (201k)
Ackshan Bemunah (180.5k)
Neno Veliki (157k)
Necare (155.5k)
AmberRune (146k)
tacitamuta (139.5k)
Valldore Nal (138.5k)
Aelis (138k)
*Clock Master* (117k)
Zyrxae (105k)
VorniC (89k)
Falronn (88k)
*MRAlyon* (83.5k)
redneck (80.5k)
The Witch Doctor (80.5k)
Fire Starter (57.5k)
Pothos (53.5k)
Syrian (53k)
Belfelar (42.5k)
The great pashweetie (37k)
Dragual Monarth (30k)
darkshoter (19.75k)
Dante Lionheart (18.75k)
Handy Pockets (17k)
Kyphis (16k)
*Nimrodel* (15k)
Lazarus (14k)
JadenDew (11k)
samon (8k)
ignnus (7.5k)
*Maebius* (6.5k)
Nava (6k)
phantasm (4k)
Amerak (3.75k)
Kouros (3.5k)
Panthea (3k)
Marvolo (1.5k)
Coyolxauhqui (0.25k)
Stefanut (0k)
Junior (0k)
Brulant (0k)
TTL (0k)
Fang Archbane (0k)
Windy (0k)                           

Page 528 - A Debt Repaid
The footsteps of Eon and FireStarter echo through the cavern as the two men race down to confront the man trapped on the platform. As the assassins draw close, weapons ready to strike Rhaegar down, the Seeker pulls out his sword, ready to defend himself. The assassins circle Rhaegar, FireStarter smirking and Eon expressionless. Before the two can make their move, however, their target is pulled away, leaving only empty space between them. The two men look around in confusion for a moment before FireStarter says, "Doesn't matter. There are other targets." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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