Regeneration : |
28 |
Energetic immunity : |
23 |
Trade sense : |
10 |
Briskness : |
36 |
Initiative : |
19 |
Defence : |
52 |
Attack : |
99 |
Power : |
31 |
Luck : |
10 |
Principle of Cyclicity |
= 171 |
Principle of Balance |
= 93 |
Transposition Principle |
= 250 |
Element Principle |
= 105 |
Principle of Imagination |
= 69 |
She worships the Moon, harnessing it's power to allow casting spells of great magic. In this world where the sun never sets, moon is a legend with secrets that very few master. |
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In the Shadow of the Sun |
Appropriate titles: \"Moon Priestess\", \"True Heart\", \"Seeker of Night\"
Wishlist: I need access to both Golemus and Necrovian, as that is where I believe the key to unlocking the true sky may be found. I would also like the special powers of healing, and \"Tidal Pull\". By manipulation of the Moon, I would be able to affect the tides of the ocean, and other bodies of water - to enhance travel by sea, or at its most destructive, to call a Tsunami. Of course, this power would only work IF I were able to actually return night to the land.
Character descrption She worships the Moon, harnessing it\'s power to cast spells of great magic. Her great quest is to release the Moon again into this world, in equal measure with the Sun. She will do anything in her power to accomplish those ends.
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Physical Description: At first she seems harmless, slight, and bent. Her pale skin seems almost unnatural in this the land of the unrelenting sun, but as her eyes rise to meet yours you see something strangely luminescent radiating from her gaze. The bright green irises emit a cool heat, a cold radiation that reminds you of starry skies and nights in the dessert. Your mind flashes to an eternally empty tent and a blackened sky that twinkled limitlessly.
You sense that there is something more to this sleight waif of a girl. Beneath her skinny frame is a spine of unnaturally curved steel. You wonder how such a creature of the night could have arrived in this sunny plain called Marind\'s Bell. The power that seeps from her gaze and body both frighten and intrigue you. In her hair she keeps a faded flower, a token that while tattered and dull now smells sweet in the breeze. She compels you, making you fear someone, something so different from those you have met before.
She meets your eyes coolly. You can feel the prowess in her eyes, but she does not seem to be confrontational. Though she might have the power to hurt you, the desire to do so seems to be absent. Her lashes are long and black, contrasting starkly against the moonscape of her eyes. She shakes a lock of dark red hair back from her face and speaks.
\"Hello,\" she says. Her voice has the sound of secrets that ache to be shared. \"Have you ever noticed,\" she murmurs, her eyes locked on yours, \"that the sun never seems to set here? I find myself missing the moon.\"
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***** ***** ***** ***** *****
In other worlds I have been a queen on high, a goddess of my domain, and keeper of all my eyes could see. In other lives I have been a woman of great importance, and my word was law in the land. My power, my life, and my passion twined with the light of the moon to bring a great enlightenment shining down upon my people. With the power of the night sky on my side, I was a great protector to my peopleā¦ and a terrible force against those who opposed my will.
In this world I am weak. The power I once held I appreciated poorly, and only from its lacking do I see what I once had. It is my promise to rise again. Once more I shall be a Great One. Once more I shall protect the land and life of my people from the hazards that surround them, for I am One destined for greatness, and nothing shall hold back my cause. It occurs to me that there are two choices: I have always found power in the celestial; if the Moon will not guide me, then the sun will suffice. My deepest desire is to bring the light of the Moon back to this land, but come what may my kingdom shall rise here again!
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False Sky |
My Quest
I seek entry to other lands that I might find the key to unlock the heavens. I propose this quest to those that would follow me. I regret that at this time I can offer no reward but a share in the glory that may one day be mine. Let friendship here and common thought be their own rewards.
A Study of Portals
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In the lands in and surrounding Marind\'s Bell are many locked doors and gateways. Some are accessible to all, and some to none. Study of these gates, however, may show us many things of their makers, and perhaps give clues to show us the way to enter. I seek inquisitive minds and fresh thoughts to assist me. To participate, please study two portals of your own choosing and submit a theory of entry based on what you have found. You may use information learned from other players, visual clues...whatever seems appropriate.
Please submit to my playermail with the heading \"Portal Study\". The following are areas of interest, but other portals you find may be submitted: Gate of Ages, Howling Gates (Necrovion Gate), Fateless Doors, Passage of War, Champion\'s Dome.
The most interesting, innovative, and well spoken theories will earn their owners\' mention in my papers.
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* * * * * * *
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The Prison
Since I began my quest for the Moon, I have found that more than just the Moon\'s absence. I doubt indeed that these lands have a celestial dome of any kind, and believe even the ever-present sun to be nothing more than a blatant lie, a falsehood. What hovers above us is not sky, not heavens...what beats down is not the light of the sun, but the reflected heat of some insidious torch placed to keep us comfortable in our bondage. There is no sky; there is only one more wall on this prison that holds us.
Most I have met reached this land after escaping darkness beyond limit, into a cube, and back into the sunlight again. I tell you there was no escape. You and all of us have left one cube for another: a greater cube with more distraction, but still a box that holds us.
Consider this: there is no Moon. There is no night. The sun gives off much heat, but never moves from its spot in the sky. There is no weather here save drought. Only the flame perched above affects anything in this world...and its effects are detrimental in the extreme. Already our river has receded. \"Bob\", a much loved tree, once vibrant, stands parched and dying on the roadside. Though there is water here, no tidal effects have been seen...tidal effects which by nature are created by the pull of the celestial bodies we lack in this land.
I seek freedom and escape. I seek the sky. After discussing this in depth with Tarquinus and Logan Marquis, I have found one path that might lead us out of the box and into our rightful place under the heavens once again.
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Surrounding Marind\'s Bell proper are two areas that cannot be broached; it is there we believe the keys to this prison are kept. I intend to smash the gates of Necrovion and Golemus Golemicarum as well as any who might be bold enough to bar my way. Within lies the key to freedom and the sky itself, and none will hold me from this goal. Many will be needed to complete this task, though few may survive to see the fruits of it borne.
For those interested in this quest, please let me know. I think there is much to be learned and more to be gained. If our fight is successful, a new world of light and dark will be released to everyone.
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Page 509 - Seeds Of The East |
"Ok, so you attack that big thing.. over there, while Handy and I try to grab a piece of that floating stone over there." Lifeline stares in amazement at Liberty "Hold on, you mean, you want me to attack the big shade cloud over there? You must be joking?" Lib sighs "No..I am not, just DO IT, I know you have ways to do it. And, trust me, it's for a good cause , and you get to use that powerful army you told me about!" Lifeline pauses for one second and thinks. ... |
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the could become part of it |
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