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Player ID: 45376
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Regeneration : 15
Energetic immunity : 20
Trade sense : 12
Briskness : 19
Initiative : 6
Defence : 28
Attack : 68
Power : 6
Luck : 5
Volition : 0
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Imagination = 58
Darkness Principle = 31
Time Principle = 44
Principle of Enthropy = 49
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Battle stats
Won: 196 | Lost: 200
Honor: 4884
MindPower: 4
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Tales of a venturing mage


Part I: Origins

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Maybe shades give us a different name, but to humans, my name is Pherione Drakon.

I was not originally from these lands, though I have been living here for quite some time now. Distant memories tell me that I was born in a world called Drakovia. A world of magic, dragons and imperial reign. In the city where I came from, I was known as gentle and a very studied person.

It was a custom, in my world, upon attaining the age of 16, to travel to Dragon Peak in the centre of the civilised world, to see if one could bond with a dragon.
 As my elder brother and sister before me, and my younger brother after me, I travelled to the peak. My brother had befriended a vicious, chromatic, red dragon, while my sister had bonded with an ethereal dragon, perhaps one of the most interesting dragons in existance. My younger brother, who is now probably off exploring distant worlds with his red dragon Iferox, bonded with one of the most powerful dragons that will exist. Still a young dragon, but already, its breath is more powerful than any I have ever seen.

A fullgrown ethereal dragon

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But I'm wandering from the subject. I, myself bonded with a green dragon by the name of Arkandus. (It is a common belief that green dragons are forest dragons, but this is only partly true. Most green dragons live in houses and forest dragons are quite rare. I could now start talking about the problems of having a fullgrown dragon inside, but I'll content with saying that our buildings were adapted.)


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Most people who bonded with a dragon also studied magic for they are magical beasts. Some people would take on the mantle of the dragoon and others would become scholars and magicians, travelling to distant worlds. It was the latter I became, a mage of dragons.

My studies began almost instantly and after I said goodbye to my mother and my two brothers who had come to see me off, I left my home and travelled to the Dragon's Spire in the Imperial city where young drakonic mages are educated. I studied the principles of magic (which are different yet similar to those of this realm) and also learned the ways of the dragons.

As the years drew on, I ventured further and further into the outer realms of  different worlds, to close planes and outer realms. I visited known lands like Valadia, Clockton and Daba and some a little further, like the giant cityplanet of the Earth Federation (which is called Earth) or the dark realm of Hell, where an immortal rules and ancient Cthulhu dreams.


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Further and further I travelled, into unspoken and unseen lands beyond comprehension, with my faithful Arkandus by my side...


Part II: How I came to these lands

It is by breaking through those strange mirages that I finally arrived here.

Upon hearing of a strange human from the skies in a faraway land, me and my friend Arkandus travelled to find this human, for he might tell us of strange things.


To be continued...

Appendix A: Dragonians

Appendix B: Items I have

A lollypop from lepus, keeping this as a memory.

A painting of me from lepus, she made this for my birthday.

A magical encasement with inside it, a figurine of me. On the encasement is written: "Made by Lepus for my birthday"

Appendix C: Friends

Weezeljohn: For helping me escape from the maze.

Lepus: ...Well, because.

Some of my creatures
Elemental V Dark Archer III Hollow Warrior Angien Angien Egg

Just some quotes

H.P. Lovecaft

  • Here are we -- and yonder yawns the universe.
  • The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind.
  • If we knew what we are, we should do as Sir Arthur Jermyn did; and Arthur Jermyn soaked himself in oil and set fire to his clothing one night.
  • I have harnessed the shadows that stride from world to world to sow death and madness...
  • That is not dead which can eternal lie 
     And with strange aeons even death may die
  • They must know it was the rats; the slithering, scurrying rats whose scampering will never let me sleep; the daemon rats that race behind the padding in this room and beckon me down to greater horrors than I have ever known; the rats they can never hear; the rats, the rats in the walls.
  • Then the shadows began to gather; first little furtive ones under the table, and then bolder ones in the dark panelled corners.
  • The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.
  • I could not help feeling that they were evil things -- mountains of madness whose farther slopes looked out over some accursed ultimate abyss.
  • Set a pen to a dream, and the colour drains from it.
  • It was astonishing the number of useless things people found to do.
  • We love kitties, gawd bless their little whiskers, and we don't give a damn whether they or we are superior or inferior! They're confounded pretty, and that's all we know and all we need to know!


Page 414 - The Inner Sun - Others
The decor is set, and guests arrive from all over the realm. The celebration begins, and the mood is light and cheerful. Speeches are made; champagne flows freely. New friends are created and old companions laugh, dance, and talk for hours. None takes notice of the appearance of an object in the sky: large, round, luminous. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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