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Player ID: 211523
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Regeneration : 80
Energetic immunity : 119
Trade sense : 51
Briskness : 114
Initiative : 65
Defence : 301
Attack : 379
Power : 58
Luck : 33
Herbalism : 2
Woodcutting : 2
Filtering : 2
Finesse : 0
*excavation : 0
Volition : 5
Mining : 0
Waterhandling : 0
Silver Set
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Time Principle = 4000
Darkness Principle = 47
Principle of Balance = 4000
Element Principle = 2508
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Battle stats
Won: 946 | Lost: 1297
Honor: 3663
MindPower: 5
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Pothos is a normal man on the surface, Six foot even, with waist long black hair that is normaly tied into a single braid down along his back, ending just below his waist.
His Clear blue eyes are active, taking in much, but show no emotion, no matter what he is feeling or showing.
On his right hand, marked as a silvery scar, is a rune. It's meaning is known only to few.

The best way to find him is to ask him.
Little is known about where he came from, where he plans to go, or what he plans to do.

All evidence says he is a simple man who walks around with a bag that always has room for an extra item, but yet is always full of scarves which he passes out as he pleases.

Common things that he can do are reshaping any object he touches as he pleases, inability to fall, capability to avoid any attack he sees, and an ability to create pockets of darkness. More subtle things he does are most often missed.

He commonly carries  his bag, which has the distinction of being his own, personal bag from which only he can draw his items. The bag contains a large quantity of scarves/scarf material, a loom, a chain mail scarf of seemingly six feet, but if looked at in from any other view, gives flickers of a much larger length (actual length cannot be seen by anyone, not even pothos), a bullwhip, a flask of unknown liquid that causes him to breath smoke, bone chopsticks, a large gold key embossed with the #6 for his room at Windy's pub and a black ring on his right hand made of an unidentifiable material.

Pothos is the Only supplier of scarves with pockets. Any one who claims that they attained one from someone else, or says that they came up with it, are liars, or where conned.

The scarves have the approval of Mya Celesta, Awiiya, SageWoman, Gort Hedera and Windy.
These can and will be changed acording to getting further aproval, or getting asked to remove a name.

Some of my creatures
Trinsic Horace Liftiel Walking Tree Lucy Master of Puppets Water Daimon III Helvenic Master Sharptear Imperial Aramor Assassin BloodPact Dark Archer III Markiel

Pothos's cook book and list o scarf things
Shadow Tea

Shadow tea is not a particular type of tea, it is infact, a class of teas, all made in the same basic way. In this, I shall list what is needed to make a single teabag of it.

3 small peices of cloth, cheese cloth would be best, but in a pinch the loincloth of a grassan can be used.
4 tea leaves
2 unidetified herbs
2 toxic plants

Combine the herbs and plants in a mortar, grind them with the pestle until you acheive a fine grain. Lay this out to dry in a dark room, it is important that from the time that the herbs are ground, to the time that they are made into tea, that they never come in direct contact with sunlight. During the drying process all light should be avoided, with exception of light to work by and such light should be kept to the barest minimum.

Once the herbs have dried seperate it into three equal amounts, which should be tied up in the cloth to form small bags. These are your teabags.

Sun tea can be made from the same process, but must be kept in sunlight as much as possible, never being in darkness till they are dried.

Grey tea is made by getting an exact ballence of light to dark maintained from start to finish.

- It would be a great failing not to warn that these teas will be strongly affiliated with a principle matching the method of it's creation. Care should be taken in the imbibing of these, for there is danger for the drinker should they not have an understanding of the principle affiliated with what they drink.

Shadow Tea promotes subtler thoughts, allows for a more fluid tongue, and may lesson others awareness of the imbibers presence.

Sun Tea promotes bolder thoughts, allows for a more blunt tongue, and may increase others awareness of the imbibers presence.

Grey Tea Promotes evener thoughts, allows for a more clear tongue, and will not effect others awareness of the imbibers presence.


Pothos's mixture of smoke breathing.

4 freshly hatched elementals
1 remains, must be fresh.
1 aramour
1 barren soul
1 water being

Must be made at fenths press.
Run the water being through the press to clean it, do not collect this.

Feed the first fire elemental into the press, followed by the aramour,
this will heat the aramour, and allow the essence to strengthen your
lungs when drinking the mixture.
After this, you should slowly feed in two more of the elementals,
followed by the fresh remains. Make sure that it is less than a day old,
and try to remove as much of the armor as possible.
Feed in the last of the elementals, then follow it with the Barren soul,
who's essence will heal your body any damage done by the smoke.

Older and stronger aramours are to be ballenced with stronger elementals,
otherwise the strengthening effect could cuase lasting breathing problems.

Older Barrens, up to and including hollows are never a bad thing,
the healing will only be augmented, and spread to other parts of the body.


Pothos's rare scarf materials.

Silk gathered in his wanderings.
solidified smoke
solidified but not frozen water
more to come.


Pothos's Scarf of Winds Pleasure

3 Birds, of respectable age
1 newly hatched bird.
1 Fire Elemental
1 Water Being
1 loom of good quality.

Sacrafice both the Fire Elemental and
the Water Being at the same time, so that
Their elements cancel each other out
leaving their true essence behind.

Pluck all three Aged birds, try to
preserve the feathers in as good
of condition as possible.
Pluck the newly hatched bird, make
sure to place the feathers into a small
soft bag so that they do not get blown away.

String the loom with the essence of the
fire elemental and the water being.
Then begin making the scarf, place the flight
feathers at the two ends of the scarves, and
as you grow closer to the center, begin using
smaller feathers, with the down from the newly
hatched bird at the center. Be careful to use all of
the small feathers, as you will need to do the process
 in reverse as you draw further away from the center.

If done properly the end result should be a light,
flexable, and warm scarf of whatever color feathers
 you used.

-in progress-

-excerpt from his journals-

It's been about a half year since I first awoke in this land, and I still do not remember exactly where I came from, or just exactly who my past self was.
Energy flows freely in the form of magic in this land, matter bends easily, but it all seems.. segmented. I chose  few to to work with, types of energy with wide ranges of aplications.
I cannot escape the feeling though, that I am.. limited in some new way.

I have met many people who are amusing, some more than others, and thers I seem to have an inate emotion about. Some hate, others atraction, in one case, I found myself compelled to harvest certain bones from a younger indevidual, and used them in the creation of a bow.

Being a journal, I will admit puzzelment at this, Not knowing exactly how I created the bow, how to do it again, nor why I did it in the first place, given that I have made my name in the making and giving away of scarves, the creation of which seems to remind me of past pursuits.

On the topic of scarves, I am also not sure why I make them. I know How I make them, Somehow I remeber crystal clear the methods, the different uses for materials, and with these new energies I can manipulate, I have begun new designs, with material none have used before, sand, water, air itself and even smoke so far have been fashioned into scarves.. But enough about that. I shall end my writings today.

- another excerpt-

I began Experimenting with my scarves a while ago, beyond new materiel. I had a sucess. The chainmail scarf, seemingly short, but that is only an illusion that not even I can see through. I have yet to find a true end to it, always it streches out, though perhaps it's weight has something to tell? The shorter it is, the heavier it becomes.. Though I learned this by accident. It always feels only a couple pounds to me, but once layed apon the table, it fell through, it's weight so extream that it punched a perfect hole in it's shape.

it's length is not the only thing. By accident I have bound it to my own mind, my subconcius to be exact. I can controll it with thought, But it will at times move on  it's own, normaly in protection of me. The upside of this is that it has become a perfect conduit of my natural energy, and when charged, can fend off almost everything, plus I can change it's shape to my will, But the downside has been that I cannot leave it far from me, It will simply follow me, attacking anyone or anything between us. Another downside is that, the more I use it, the more.. I feel my mind sliping. Growing tired.. Sleeping recovers it, but I worry of what my limits could be, and what might happen if I push them.

That is all for now.
note: Look over the experiment notes tomorrow, perhaps I can find a way recreate this effect
Amendum: Having looked over the process I figured out a way to bind something to a person, as well as how to set things to react to certain stimuli

-Final entry-
This will be the last page in you, because I no longer need you to record my thoughts. Thanks to the.. exploration. Of my mind by a person, my past memories have returned to me.. mostly. They are trigered by things it seems, by other memories, or just by words and phrases. It could be that they have all returned but like a normal memory, need something to poke at them to have me remeber again.

It doesn't matter however.. I know enough. I cannot return to who.. No.. I cannot return to what I was, so I shall remain what I am. A false persona made out of the jealousy of another. This is fine though.. But my plans are changing, and I no longer need evidence of my sanity.. or insanity, I realy cannot tell.

One last thing, if this ever falls into the hands of another. Never think the man of scarves to be a simple man. Even the humble have their secrets.

Page 74 - SmartAlekRJ's Lost Dragon
As the masacration continues, SmartAlekrj looks terrified at the horrible show. Several hours pass untill the tiny people completly desintegrate the massive beast, and as nothing happend moments ago, they resume their daily rutine. A small group comes to clean the remaining bones that form a huge scheletton where not long ago a mighty dragon stood. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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