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Prince DarkMagic
Player ID: 85664
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Regeneration : 35
Energetic immunity : 54
Trade sense : 22
Briskness : 28
Initiative : 22
Defence : 160
Attack : 299
Power : 81
Luck : 18
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Principle of Balance = 149
Principle of Imagination = 139
Principle of Light = 555
Darkness Principle = 60
Principle of Syntropy = 154
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Battle stats
Won: 718 | Lost: 1059
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5
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Great Magic Visionary

              Prince DarkMagic                                                           I have no Eyes     I can not see    


                                                                                              I see thing others can only taste, hear, or smell



      Dark Magic .................... I have traveled to many Lands and I have seen many mysterious things.... Knowledge is the Key to all things.

     My mission is to gain the knowledge i seek to become the greatest Spell caster of all the lands. to be strong and respected and the most powerful warrior known. i was born with no eyes so therefore i have no sight vision....and as a baby i was left to die..but by some grace i did not. A magic caster found me and raised me he taugh me many things like how to see with my other senses smell , touch , and hearing with these senses i can see things others can not for these senses are very strong, very strong indeed. 

     when i first meet someone new to me i get a sense of smell of them and i can remember thier sent jus as other remembers from sight. but the difference is i can smell farther than one can see i can sense movement for miles and i can hear things from great distances. I can also hear different colors.....

     No one will be aware of this unless they read it inmy papers it s a secert and i will not speak it to anyone... But this Magic caster would not teach me magic. I liked his magic it was strong and powerful... He told me many times that i was not of his blood and he would never teach me his Magic, but however he did teach me how to fight and defend my self...I learned his fighting lesssons well..It made me strong and powerful and i now realize this is not the power i want.i want the power of Magic.

     I set out on my own to discover this power of Magic on my own.... although i did learned some Magic from the Magic Caster i stilll wanted the power and the Magic my adopted father had.

I have found it to be wise to help others whenever possible and with this powerful Magic which i seek i shall do just that.......Deciet is my only unseen enemy...

Some of my creatures
Animated Tree III

I hate things with no smell I hate things with no sound I hate things with no movement and most of all I HATE deciet. Even a Blind Man can see decite......


Get involed!

Page 423 - Tales of The Cube
"They tried to do what was thought as impossible: to create a cube... They thought that if they gathered the power of all 4 elements they could create a...... well, they failed." "WHAT ..what did they try to create with that cube?!" shouts Liberty. "Ah, an abomination; An error of magic: a Golem, a false being with an artificial soul." ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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