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Princess Katt
Player ID: 202952
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 64
Luck : 28
Energetic immunity : 81
Trade sense : 42
Briskness : 88
Initiative : 50
Defence : 356
Attack : 382
Power : 41
Waterhandling : 0
Finesse : 0
Experimentalism : 0
Herbalism : 0
Volition : 4
Cartography : 2
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Principle of Balance = 4000
Principle of Light = 4000
Principle of Syntropy = 1976
Principle of Imagination = 3915
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 322 | Lost: 999
Honor: 4950
MindPower: 4
You are not yet a member of any alliance

Once upon a time there was a king and queen who had a daughter.  They loved her very much and kept her sheltered from much of the world.

As the princess grew older, as it would happen, there came to be unrest in the country.  The king worried what to do if he was overthrown.  As a takeover seemed at hand, he came up with a plan to spirit the queen and the princess away until he could meet up with them later.

The time came, and the queen and the princess boarded an unmarked ship and set sail.  Only the captain of the ship was advised of the destination for security's sake.

The trip went smoothly until one day when the ship was beset by pirates.  The queen could see the pirate ship drawing closer and closer and she could hear the battle going on all around.  It seemed evident that the pirates would win, so the queen decided to do something desperate.  She told the princess that it was time to leave the ship.  The queen found an empty barrel for the princess to crawl into, then the queen flung the barrel overboard, hoping that the princess would escape without harm.  The princess did not know that the queen was not to follow.  Once overboard, the princess cried out to her mother, but the queen just called out that this was for the best.  The queen remained behind, hoping that her presence on the ship would allow the princess to get to safety.

The princess was in the barrel, being tossed about on the waves, for a very long time.  Finally, one day, a storm brewed above and tossed the barrel upon some rocks, breaking it apart.  The princess lost consciousness. 

When she awoke, she was on a sandy beach and the sun was shining.  She heard voices, and hid at first, but finally started to speak to people and found out that she had arrived to a land called Magic Duel.  She began her search for her parents and started to have many adventures.

Day 12 Year 7:  Married true love Dragual Monarch

Day 145 Year 7: Was gifted katana Flamestrike by Necromancer Mortis

Some of my creatures
Angien Full-grown Winderwild Grasan II Sharptear Rustgold Drachorn Animated Tree III Master Lorerootian Archer Elemental IV Dark Archer III Unholy Priest II

                                            There is too much hate in the world as it is.


PURPOSE:  The purpose of The Sisterhood is to gather women into a sorority of  "Sisters" for the sole purpose of having fun with role playing with other players and creating mischief where ever we may be...such as smooching willing men.

The following Sisterhood rules are not to be taken seriously.

1. You must ask to smooch the men of MD, if you wish to participate in this duty.

2. Share your weapons and other nasty toys with your Sisters when asked.

3. You must forgo all notions that you are to act like Ladies, unless in the presence of Kings or Queen Kets.

4. Always stand behind your Sisters in times of need.

5. You must accept that slurping is a Mur given right to all Sisters.

6. Understand The Snicker Game and be prepared to play it at a moments notice.

7. Pay attention to the Mood Panel for collective instruction.

8. Keep an eye out for prospective Sisters.

9. Don't be shy on ideas for The Sisterhood to accomplish.

10. Always show your respect to the Kings and Queens of each land.

11. Be available to witness the swearing in of new Champions of the Rose and give them a smooch to "seal the deal" when asked.

Active Members:

1. Mistress Windy

2. Sister SageWoman

3. Sister Mainnelle D Ashke

4. Sister Mya Celestia

5. Sister sasha lilias

6. Sister Mysteria Blue

7. Sister Nylah Raynen

8. Sister Curiose

9. Sister Keida

10. Sister Gort Hedera

11. Sister Kiley Ann

12. Sister euraana Fitdo

13. Sister Vika Noir

14. Sister Lintara

15. Sister Princess Katt

16. Sister Raine Castaway

17. Sister Nava Sin Sethrius

18. Sister Roxanne du Rouge

The Sisterhood Oath

I, (state your name), do hereby swear to do my Sisterly duty, which is to have fun, help others, and do whatever task my Mistress of The Sisterhood asks of me.  So help me MUR!

Page 254 - A Freezing Firestarter
Phrog's spirit hears the whisperings of a few of the people that are good enough to stop and try to help him. He hears one of the ideas being discussed and can't help his excitement. "Yess! Yes! That's it! That's it! Ohh, so close!" ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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