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Player ID: 25382
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 67
Energetic immunity : 172
Trade sense : 66
Initiative : 61
Defence : 342
Briskness : 116
Attack : 726
Power : 153
Luck : 30
Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Darkness Principle = 363
Time Principle = 925
Element Principle = 743
Principle of Enthropy = 590
Principle of Syntropy = 1271
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 3312 | Lost: 3366
Honor: 3378
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
I\'m brazilian... My real name is Ronan My team is Corinthians I have a girfriend called Elisandra I like to kill you :)
Some of my creatures
Imperial Aramor Assa Elemental V Day Dreamer Knator War Master Master Lorerootian A Elite Knator Majestic Winderwild Water Daimon III Angien Egg

I have best skills than yours :)

Page 581 - The Hunt for Red Presents
The elves, tiny men, and various small creatures named similarly are little known among the folk of MagicDuel, however one thing that should be known is that they are fiercely loyal. They are especially fond of those who they work with, work being a key part of their lives. One such person was the Pickle Meister, and the elves, upon hearing of their sad departure from the world began their usual mourning routine, drinking morning til night in their memory... As you might imagine, this was not entirely useful for those attempting to determine where the presents went.

After slowly returning to the land of sobriety the archive Elf came back to find their small office missing with newly formed sierras of white and brown. Upon careful inspection this turned out to be a papery concoction of missives sent from Loreroot. After deciding that resolving the situation with Drachorn fire may cause too much ancillary damage, the elf decided to read one. In the letter chosen for its closeness to the bottom of the pile, and within easy reach, the Queen of Loreroot requested an audience and expressed concern at the lack of replies to previous messages. This would have to be solved thought the elf, and a big’un would be needed to move the rest of these letters. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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