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Player ID: 165309
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Regeneration : 3
Energetic immunity : 4
Trade sense : 1
Briskness : 7
Initiative : 0
Defence : 11
Attack : 13
Power : 4
Luck : 0
Darkness Principle = 22
Principle of Balance = 33
Time Principle = 34
Loading human character...
Battle stats
Won: 117 | Lost: 97
Honor: 4965
MindPower: 3
You are not yet a member of any alliance
Memories long forgotten
The Beginning

          His name was Richard, and he lived in the far away lands of Europe, a continent of peace and wealth at the time of his birth. Living in a modest house along with his parents, Richard never knew the meaning of pain, agony or loss. Having a regular childhood, he grew up along his two elder brothers, Vise & Cruu, who usually bullied him, but not because of hatred, the reason behind it being brotherly love.

-- to be continued--

The Black List

Only those who have made my marker reach the boiling point shall have their names engraved in here, thus marking their own grave.

Heads up to whomever attacks without asking: There is no ritual for loosing, so I'll go head-on strong.
But I recommend you to ask me before attacking.

Page 22 - SmartAlekRJ's Lost Dragon
SmartAlekRJ finds a small library of books ... well its actualy that small , because the books are very small, but if they were normal size, this would be a huge library. As he opens several of them he realizes that all the books are about drakhorns, how to raise them, how to tame them, seems like its an entire tradition for these people to raise drakhorns. At some points he finds a passage that speaks of "The sacrification of drakhorns" ...this doesn't sound right ..he keeps reading. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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