Wish List
1.All active days with Land loyalty to match
3.Tainted Angein
5. Permenant Access to The Hall of Tainted Times and the Stone of Twisted Souls

Page 343 - The Inner Sun - Noo.
No one lets himself fall backward into the soft wheat. The puppy jumps over No One and licks his face and hands. He gazes up at the blue sky above and sighs. As he watches the sky, it begins to darken. A large, pale orb appears amongst many sparkling dots. No One’s mouth goes slack at the sight and is left dumbfounded. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
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What do your eyes seek?

Some of my creatures
Angien Sentinel III Elemental V Unholy Pope Revolted Skill Vampire Master Sharptear BloodPact Dark Archer III Skill Vampire Master of Puppets Hesicasiel Bashrun

Sun God Armour
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Silver Set
Darkness Principle = 4000
Transposition Principle = 4000
Principle of Imagination = 4000
Principle of Balance = 4000
Time Principle = 4000